
(Arctic Ocean, under the Mackenzie Shelf)
(seaQuest DSV - Bridge)
Bridger: Any news from our launch team?
O'Neill: No, sir, they've been out of contact since they've entered the ice prison.
Phillips: Why would anyone build a prison up here in the middle of no where? Thousand miles of frozen desert in every direction.
Bridger: Exactly. It's where escape attempts become suicide missions.
Ortiz: Captain, Doctor Westphalen has some preliminary data she thinks you might be interested in.
Bridger: Thank you, Mr. Ortiz, I better go down and see what we've got. Ladies, gentlemen.
O'Neill: What kind of low life would you have to be to get locked up on the top of the world.
Phillips: Low, very low.

(Approaching Kersch Ice Prison docking port)
Hitchcock: Commander, we're approaching the bottom of the glacier.
Ford: Watch out for those ice spurs, Katie, if any of the glacier sheers off, we're history. Can you believe they keep this whole place open for one prisoner?
Hitchcock: So why won't they tell us who it is?
Ford: I don't know.
Hitchcock: OK, we're docked and locked.
Ford: Did you contact the Captain?
Hitchcock: We lost our transponder, we got cut off. This whole place is coming down.
Ford: Things get too bad you take off, understood.
Hitchcock: Look, you get 'em in, I'll get us out. OK, pressure equalized, ready, go.
Rubin Zellar: Thank God, you came.
Ford: Woah, woah.
Zellar: Please give me a hand.
Ford: Who are you?
Zellar: My name's Griggs, I'm the warden.
Ford: Hold on, I can't let you on until I know who you are.
Zellar: I told you, my name is Griggs, I'm the warden here.
Ford: What the hell is going on?
Zellar: The power station is on fire, the reserve tanks are blowing next to the main housing unit, if that goes the whole place will fall. We have to get out of here, now.
Ford: Where are the others?
Zellar: They're all dead, except for him. Please, we have to go before this place buries us all.
Ford: Let's get the hell out of here.
Hitchcock: What is this?
Zellar: Death on ice.
Ford: Let's go.
Hitchcock: All right, all right. What do you mean "death on ice"?
Zellar: I mean, you don't want to thaw it out.

(seaQuest DSV - Hallway)
(Krieg looks around, sees no one, pushes three big boxes down the hall, is stopped by Lucas's foot.)
Lucas: Hiya, Ben, what's in the box? Plutonium?
Krieg: Get out of the way.
Lucas: Oh, not till you tell me what's in the box.
Krieg: You wanna know what's in the box, I'll show you what's in the box. (opens top box) Only the answer to all my problems.
Lucas: Oh, and that would be? (Krieg holds up a shirt) Underwear.
Krieg: You're so young. Not underwear, self heating thermal long johns. And I own two hundred and fifty pair.
Lucas: Well, congratulations.
Krieg: You don't get it, do you? What's worse than being stuck at the bottom of the arctic?
Lucas: What?
Krieg: Nothing. The answer is there's nothing worse. It's cold, it's wet, it's dark. I purchased these baby's for twenty-five bucks a pair, I figure I can get at least twice that from the local outposts.
Lucas: Now wait.
Krieg: Out of my way.
Lucas: So you're gonna take advantage of people.
Krieg: You know, you have an incredibly warped sense of reality. It's basic economics, supply and demand. Now if you'll step aside I can go check my inventory.
Lucas: This is a big mistake, Ben, this is bad karma.
Krieg: Yeah, well after I'm finished I'll purchase some of the good stuff.

(Sea Deck)
Bridger: These are the latest figures?
Westphalen: Hot off the presses.
Bridger: Well the water's risen a foot and a half since the last measurement.
Westphalen: That's in two years.
Bridger: What else can we do?
Westphalen: Quite a lot I think. We could - (comlink buzzes)
Bridger: Excuse me. (goes over to comlink) Bridger.
Crocker: (on comlink) Captain, Commander Ford has just returned from the ice prison.
Bridger: I'll be right there. (walks past Westphalen) I'll catch up with you later, I wanna hear what you think. (leaves)

(Launch Bay) Ford: Get him locked down as soon as you can. And be careful, those tanks are pressurized. Captain.Bridger: I thought you were going to stay in contact.
Ford: Well, we tried, but our transponder got crushed when we entered the ice prison.
Bridger: A little more than a Sunday drive, huh.
Hitchcock: Yeah, well, it's not one I'd like to have made on a regular basis.
Bridger: I don't blame you. What the hell is this?
Zellar: TS-6000 support chamber, it's the top of the line in cryogenic transport.
Ford: Captain Bridger, Warden Griggs.
Bridger: Warden. (goes to shake his hand)
Zellar: Oh, I'm sorry, it's uh, frost bite, many years ago.
Bridger: I see. Where's the rest of your people?
Zellar: I'm afraid that there aren't any. My two assistants died when the power plant exploded. This is our only prisoner.
Bridger: He have a name?
Zellar: Zellar, Doctor Rubin Zellar.
Bridger: (surprised) Zellar? The bio-warfare criminal.
Zellar: That's right. I believe the Doctor has degrees in biochemistry engineering as well as nuclear physics and laser technology.
Bridger: He was your only prisoner?
Zellar: Well, Zellar is more than an inmate, he's a living case study. I'm a criminal psychologist.
Bridger: Well I'd heard he'd been captured, but I … I'm not thrilled about having him aboard.
Zellar: I don't blame you, Captain, but I assure you, that he's of no danger as long as he remains in the chamber. I don't mean to seem ungrateful, but I wonder if I couldn't trouble you for some dry clothing, I'm soaked to the bone.
Bridger: Oh, of course, I'm sorry. Commander Ford will help you.
Ford: My pleasure.
Zellar: Thanks.
Bridger: See that our friend here gets hung up to dry too. (leaves)
Ford: Warden. (follows Zellar out)

(Mess Hall)
Phillips: You shoulda seen his face. (contorts his face)
O'Neill: So he looks like you.
Phillips: Oh, very funny. Anyway, they took him down to sea deck.
O'Neill: Was he alone?
Phillips: No, there was some other guy, I think he was a warden or something.
O'Neill: Are you sure it was the Doctor Zellar?
Phillips: Who else would they drag around in a cryo-chamber?
Westphalen: Did you say Zellar?
Phillips: Yes ma'am, he's down on sea deck.
O'Neill: But I wouldn't worry. According to Phillips, he's an icicle. Right?
Phillips: Right. (makes face again, Westphalen walks away)

(Sea Deck)
(Westphalen is looking at man in cryo-chamber, Hitchcock walks up.)
Hitchcock: Scary looking, isn't it? It's a sick world when we're forced to invent something like this. Doc, are you OK?
Westphalen: He's not what I'd imagined.
Hitchcock: He's responsible for thousands of deaths, most of them by toxic poisoning. I can't imagine a worse way to die. I remember in uh, survival training they showed us this film on the effects a gas bomb could have on a human being, you couldn't imagine the pain and agony -
Westphalen: I see, um, … I really must get back to my work. Do excuse me. (leaves)
Hitchcock: What did I say?

Bridger: Commander, we can take advantage of all those currents.
Ford: If we hug the coastline we should gain half a day.
Zellar: Well, Captain, how do I look?
Bridger: I'm no fashion critic, but I'd say you look, uh, fine.
Zellar: Well it's been quite a while since I had new clothes, I'm very pleased. It's remarkable.
Ford: I think the warden needs a little touch of civilization.
Zellar: Oh, yes, a hot meal, some wine, perhaps a game of chess. Do you play, Captain?
Bridger: I'm afraid not, poker's my game.
Zellar: Of course.
Bridger: I can, however, offer you a tour of the seaQuest.
Zellar: I'd like that very much.
Westphalen: I'd be happy to show the warden around.

Zellar: And you say this entire section is devoted to science.
Westphalen: Plus the decks above and below. Currently we're charting water tables in relation to global warming.
Zellar: It must be quite stimulating to have such resources at your disposal.
Westphalen: We're very excited about the possibilities. What's he like?
Zellar: Excuse me.
Westphalen: Zellar, you must have got to know him very well.
Zellar: Well, he's a private man, almost shy. Why do you ask?
Westphalen: I'm a scientist, my work is fueled by curiosity. How long were you alone with him?
Zellar: They pulled the support staff about a year ago. There were several guards until the fire, but for the best part of a year it's been mostly Zellar and myself.
Westphalen: That is a long time to be confined with a mad man.
Zellar: Too long I'm afraid. In the end I became obsessed with unlocking the mystery of his mind.
Westphalen: I don't believe that's possible. I mean, the mind is too complex, too filled with contradictions, especially a mind like Zellar's.
Zellar: I don't know, I think in many ways he's just like you and I.
Westphalen: Well I think that's about everything. The rest is engine rooms and crew quarters.
Zellar: What's in there?
Westphalen: Oh, that's missile control, that's off limits, of course.
Zellar: Of course.
Westphalen: Did I overhear you telling Captain Bridger that you play chess?
Zellar: Yes, do you play?
Westphalen: A mild compulsion, would you care for a game?
Zellar: Yes.
Westphalen: My quarters in, um, (looks at watch) let's say an hour?
Zellar: Yes, an hour should be fine.
Westphalen: I do hope you don't mind my interrogating you. I don't get too many opportunities to converse with someone who's … had your experience.
Zellar: Not at all, I only hope you find the man as interesting as the scientist.
Westphalen: Well, until later than. (leaves)
Zellar: (walking past crewman outside missile control room) Hello.

(Sea Deck)
(Williams enters, sits down to eat her lunch, hears dripping sound, goes over to check cryo-chamber.)
Williams: Oh my God. (goes over to comlink)
Ford: (on comlink) Ford here.
Williams: Commander, this is Williams down on sea deck. Sir, I think you better get down here right away.

(Bering Strait - entering Pacific Ocean)
(Sea Deck - Later)
Bridger: You're sure, I mean there's no mistake.
Ford: The DNA match came back positive. This is definitely Warden Griggs.
Bridger: That means Zellar's loose on the boat. How did he pass the ID?
Ford: I'll show you. (holds up hand of body)
Bridger: (astonished) He cut off his fingertips.
Ford: That's no all. While I was checking the body I found this, (reveals cavity) a surgical cavity cut into his chest.

(Westphalen's Room)
(Westphalen and Zellar are playing chess.)
Westphalen: My point is that we've studied enough psychopathic criminals to know that, short of lobotomies, they're incurable. Indeed, the answer is to isolate them for life.
Zellar: (moves chess piece) Check. Isn't that like giving up because the challenge is too great?
Westphalen: I don't consider mass genocide a game.
Zellar: Oh, but it is, it's the ultimate game, at least to the perpetrator. Zellar's mind, no matter how depraved holds the key to unlocking his condition., perhaps an understanding of all aberrant behavior. I'm sorry, I tend to lose a bit of myself when it comes to my work. I sometimes forget there are other pleasures in life, other indulgences.
(The door opens and Bridger and a group of guards enter.)
Westphalen: What the - Captain, what is happening here?
Bridger: (holds up Zellar's hand) Nice touch, Doctor.
Zellar: I'm nothing if not creative.
Bridger: Get him out of here.
Zellar: (being forced out of the room) I'm afraid we'll have to finish our game later. It's a shame, it was going so well, Doctor.
Bridger: (hugs Westphalen) Easy, easy.

Ford: That'll be all, Chief.
Crocker: Aye, sir. (leaves)
Zellar: I hope Doctor Westphalen wasn't too upset by my abrupt departure.
Ford: She'll get over it. Why'd you do it?
Zellar: Come now, you're a military man, isn't it the duty of every good soldier to attempt escape?
Ford: But you knew we'd figure it out.
Zellar: Actually, I'm surprised it took you as long as it did. I have a terrible habit of overestimating my opponents.
Ford: Just answer the question, Doctor.
Zellar: It's simple. I wanted to play the game.
Ford: The game?
Zellar: You really know nothing about me, do you?
Ford: What's to know? Your file's been sealed, there's no history, no, no pictures, nothin'.
Zellar: Yes, well, that's the price one in my chosen field pays for success. When the wars ended in twenty ten, there was a ground swell of idealism. I became an embarrassment to the very governments that had hired me. To purge their guilt, they decided it was in their collective interests that I disappear. So, they burned my file and put me on ice.
Ford: That's a very touching story, Doctor, but the fact is, you murdered people.
Zellar: Takes all kinds. But tell the Captain this: he'll know as much or as little about me as I decide. (Ford leaves)

(Lucas's Room)
Lucas: (playing video game) Hah, hah! I got you, bag of bones.
Bridger: (entering) Hey, I thought you and I talked about this.
Lucas: About what?
Bridger: About tapping into a billion dollar computer to play these games.
Lucas: Hey, come on, I was bored.
Bridger: (picks up chocolate) You know this stuff makes you hyper?
Lucas: I'm a kid. It's my job to be hyper. (screen goes blank) Hey!
Bridger: Relax, relax, I've got a new game for you. (puts name 'Zellar, Rubin' into computer, gets back 'Classified')
Lucas: What do you want me to do with that?
Bridger: Open it.
Lucas: Captain, this is a UEO Level One sealed file. Opening it would be illegal.
Bridger: Why do you think I came to you?
Lucas: Good point. (tries to open file) This thing is wrapped tighter than Krieg's wallet. It's gonna take me some time to pop the lock.
Bridger: Work fast.
Ford: (seriously, in doorway) Captain.

(Med Bay)
Levin: He's got a contusion on the back of his head. Apparently he was swabbed with some sort of venom laced fungus. I'm not certain what it is, I'm analyzing it now. He seems to be coming out of it.
Crocker: He was discovered by his relief during the watch change at the machine shop. There was also some equipment taken, a power box generator, some optic lenses.
Bridger: You're gonna be all right kid. (to Crocker) I want every crewman accounted for.
Crocker: I've already done that, Cap. There's, uh, one missing.
Bridger: Get me Commander Ford.
Crocker: Aye, sir.

Zellar: Ah, Captain, not much of a conversationalist, are we. If it makes you feel any better, the venom will wear off in a month or two. (Ford attempts to strangle Zellar)
Bridger: (restraining Ford) Hold it. You heard me, hey, come on, get out, get out. (Ford leaves) Still missing a crewman, you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
Zellar: (innocently) Who, me?
Bridger: (takes handcuffs off Zellar) Now get up.
Zellar: You have to ask nice.

(Sea Deck)
Zellar: (as he's slammed into the ground) Oww.
Bridger: If he so much as blinks …
Crocker: Don't worry, Cap, he's mine.
Bridger: You ready?
Hitchcock: Yes.
Zellar: Excuse me, Lieutenant, could I trouble you for a wipe? (points to mouth) No?
Bridger: It's all right, Commander.
Hitchcock: Yes, sir. (leaves)
Bridger: Get him in here.
Crocker: My pleasure.
Zellar: You disappoint me, Captain. I'd thought you surely more inventive.
Bridger: Caught me on a bad day.
Zellar: Yes, well, before you freeze dry me, there's something you should know. During my free time, I took the liberty of hiding a toxin on board your vessel. I assume that you found the cavity in Warden Griggs's chest, I realize that was a bit unorthodox, but it was the only way I could safely support the toxin. It's encased in ice and at current temperatures, probably melting. If it's released, well, we'll have a whole new meaning to the term ghost ship.
Bridger: What do you want?
Zellar: Your word. I take you to the toxin and you promise not to stick me in the deep freeze. Do we have a deal? (Bridger thinks, nods) Oh, what about these?
Bridger: Don't push your luck. Move it.
Zellar: (grabs remote, laser beams appear) I wouldn't fire that, Chief. The cross of energy fields could be hazardous to your health. (takes off handcuffs) Oh, you might want these. (lays handcuffs down on side of moon pool, leaves)
Crocker: This explains why he hit the machine shop. You got any suggestions about what we do now?
Bridger: Nothing. (Darwin swims over) He knows. Yes, Darwin. (Darwin splashes box) That a boy, Darwin. Do it again. (Darwin splashes box again, laser beams disappear) Thank you.
Crocker: That's the damnedest thing I ever saw.
Bridger: Contact Commander Ford immediately.
Crocker: Captain, I just found our missing crewman.
Bridger: (into comlink) Trauma team to sea deck on the double.
