Games (continued)

Bridger: (walking with Ford and Crocker) I want all department heads in the ward room in fifteen minutes. Chief, I want a deck by deck search immediately.
Crocker: Aye, sir.
Bridger: Prefer to take him alive but don't take any risks.
Crocker: I understand, Cap.
(Crocker goes down hall, Bridger goes down hall in other direction)
Ford; Where you going?
Bridger: (turns around) I have to take care of something. (continues)

(Hallway - Later)
Crocker: (walking down the hall with some others) Alan, take D-Deck. Dylan, you come with me. (points to door) Check the manifold room.

(Ward Room)
Ford: Now, Zellar says the toxin is encased in ice.
Hitchcock: I don't get it. Our security check may have a glitch, but I know he didn't have it on him when we picked him up.
Bridger: (entering) Wasn't on him. It was on Griggs. He planted it in his chest. I hope you're feeling up to this, Doctor.
Westphalen: I'm fine, thank you.
Bridger: Zellar must have removed it after his little tour.
Hitchcock: How do we know there really is a toxin?
Westphalen: Given the nature of this particular beast, I don't think we have any choice but to believe there is.
Bridger: She's right. There's no Russian roulette with this guy.
Hitchcock: So what do we do?
Bridger: We freeze the seaQuest.
Hitchcock: What?
Bridger: It's the only way we can guarantee that the toxin won't be released accidentally.
Hitchcock: I'm not sure how long we can keep life support systems operating under those conditions.
Bridger: If the toxin's loose, there's no guarantee that we'll even need life support. (knock on door) Come.
Krieg: (entering) Yes, sir, you wanted to see me. (sees others) Oh. (turns to leave)
Bridger: Lieutenant.
Krieg: (turns back to Bridger) Sir.
Bridger: I've heard that you've gone into the garment business.
Krieg: (hesitantly and cautiously) Yes, sir, I have actually recently ventured into the retail clothing arena, on a small scale.
Bridger: I think it's time for you to have a going out of business sale.
Krieg: Sir?
Bridger: I want you to distribute that underwear to the crew immediately, understood?
Krieg: Sir. And, sir, who would I send that bill to?
Bridger: Bill?
Krieg: Well, considering our relationship, you'll receive the customary five percent discount.
Bridger: Lieutenant, do I have to remind you that there's a penalty for black-marketing aboard this boat?
Krieg: Certainly not, sir. I hope you consider my wares a gift.
Bridger: Dismissed. (to others) Let's get started.
Hitchcock: Yes, sir. (all go to leave)
Bridger: (stopping Ford) Commander, can you stick around for a moment please? (takes out chart) I think you and I have to consider a worst-case scenario.
Ford: Begging the Captain's pardon, but from where I'm standing, the worst case is we're dead
Bridger: I'm thinking of a larger picture. What happens if the toxin leaks out into the Arctic currents?
Ford: Well these waters feed out into the Pacific plane. Thousands of people could die.
Bridger: That's right. That's why we've got to go here. (points to chart)
Ford: Dreo fault?
Bridger: It's the only place that's deep enough to protect the whole area in case we have to abandon the ship.
Ford: Scuttle seaQuest?
Bridger: If we have to.
Ford: Well what about the crew?
Bridger: Well, we can off load them and their launches on this ridge, and then, if necessary, blow off the top of this fault, bury the boat.
Ford: You serious about this?
Bridger: Plot the course.
Ford: Then what?
Bridger: Then we find Zellar. (leaves)

(Hallway outside Ward Room)
(Westphalen is waiting as Bridger exits Ward Room.)
Westphalen: Nathan, he's a game player. You're playing into his game.
Bridger: No, no, I don't think so. We're playing ahead of his game. (leaves)

(Lucas's Room)
Lucas: This is all I could come up with.
Bridger: A deleted file?
Lucas: No pictures, no bio data, nothin'.
Bridger: I don't understand. How can they classify a deleted file?
Lucas: That's what I wanted to know, so I ran a multi cross systems global search and dump.
Bridger: Well that sounds painful. What the hell is that?
Lucas: The cross reference came up dry. So I triangulated, searching data fields related to what we know about Zellar.
Bridger: And?
Lucas: Nothing. Wiped clean. The only thing I could find was a piece of testimony used in Zellar's UN trial.
Bridger: Well, show me.
Computer: What follows are classified photos. Island A dash two four seven, Indian Ocean. Five hundred members of a multinational geological research team were exterminated. Due to the unknown origin of the toxin, removal of bodies was not possible. No government has confirmed involvement, however biowarfare specialist Doctor Rubin Zellar has claimed responsibility. Doctor Zellar was tried by a joint assembly of the United Nations and sentenced to life imprisonment. This is the last known photograph of the expedition team before their death. All members of the team, led by Doctor James R. Westphalen, were killed.
(Lucas turns his head to see blood in Darwin's tube.)
Lucas: Captain, they killed him. (gets up to leave)
Bridger: (stops Lucas) Wait, where are you going?
Lucas: What do you mean, where am I going? I'm going to find Darwin.
Bridger: No, no, no, you stay on the bridge.
Lucas: But -
Bridger: No buts. You're going to stay safe until I find this madman. Is that understood? Is that understood?
Lucas: Yes, sir.
Bridger: Good.

Ford: You don't think he'd kill a dolphin, do you?
Bridger: As opposed to what? Five hundred human beings?

(Sea Deck)
Bridger: (entering, goes over to moon pool) Where else could he be? Come on, my friend.
Ford: I don't see him.
Bridger: (pounds side of moon pool) Come on. You know this sound. (points) There he is. (Darwin swims over) What are you trying to do? You trying to scare us?
Zellar: (on screen) Now, this is very touching. I had no idea you were an animal lover, Captain.
Bridger: What do you want now?
Zellar: (on screen) Nothing very complicated, I just want to send a message to UEO Command.
Bridger: So send it. You've obviously tapped into our communications.
Zellar: (on screen) I had something a little more … personal in mind. But I need your help. I want you and your first officer to report to the missile control room alone and unarmed. You have exactly one minute. (screen fuzzes out)

(Missile Control Room)
(Bridger and Ford enter, see crewman on floor.)
Zellar: He'll stop shaking in a moment. (looks at watch) Seconds to spare. Amazing what a little motivation can do. You have only yourself to blame, Captain.
Bridger: What do you want now?
Zellar: Ah, a bottom line man. I like that. Take out your launch keys. I believe you carry them on chains around your necks.
Ford: You can't be serious.
Zellar: What about you, Captain? Do you believe I'm serious? (Bridger thinks, takes out key)
Ford: The keys are DNA coded, we're the only ones who can use them.
Zellar: And so you will.
Bridger: You went to all this trouble just to destroy UEO Command?
Zellar: Oh, I'm going to do more than that. I'm going to demolish the whole charade of the new peace. When will people understand there's a balance that must be maintained? Light and dark; good and evil; life and death. Without one, there can't be two. They feed off each other. They exist only in relation to themselves. Like you and I, Captain. Your launch keys.
Bridger: Take it out, Commander.
Ford: Captain.
Bridger: That's an order.
Ford: (takes key out) You realize you'll be held responsible for this.

Phillips: Commander, I think you better take a look at this.
Hitchcock: (walking over) What is it?
Phillips: We've just initiated a missile firing sequence.
Lucas: Zellar, he's in the missile control room.
Hitchcock: Override the system. Shut down the entire missile bay if you have to.
Phillips: Override isn't responding.
Lucas: Let me try.
(Unsure, Phillips looks at Hitchcock.)
Hitchcock: Let him try.
Phillips: Go.
Lucas: (tries) Can't break the line. He musta bypassed the bridge controls. I can't stop it.

(Missile Control Room)
Zellar: Activate launch sequence on tubes one, three, five, and seven. Prepare to activate launch keys. Turn on my mark.

Phillips: Commander, I've got fire in the hole.
Hitchcock: Where?
Phillips: Tubes one, three, five, seven. We're in a launch countdown.
Hitchcock: I don't believe this. Mr. O'Neill, any luck contacting the missile control room?
O'Neill: No response.
Hitchcock: What the hell is going on down there?

(Missile Control Room)
Zellar: Eight … seven … six … five … four … three … two … mark. (Ford and Bridger turn keys)

Phillips: I've got four birds away.
Hitchcock: Oh my God. Mr. Ortiz.
Ortiz: Sir.
Hitchcock: Target path.
Ortiz: Tracking.
Hitchcock: Mr. Ortiz.
Ortiz: They're locked and headed toward … Pearl Harbor.

(Missile Control Room)
Zellar: It'll be all over soon.
Bridger: All right, you got what you wanted, now give me the toxin.
Zellar: I don't think so.
Bridger: You gave me your word.
Zellar: I lied. (throws vial, Ford misses catching it, Zellar laughs) Oh, I wish I had a picture of your faces. Priceless, priceless. Relax gentlemen, it's a simple fungus. The worst it can do is give you a rash. Well don't feel too guilty, Captain, you had to believe me, I factored that into the equation.
Bridger: I thought you might. That's why I did some factoring of my own.
Zellar: What's that supposed to mean?
Bridger: At first I couldn't figure out what it is you wanted. What was the one thing this boat offered you? Then it hit me - power. That's why when you started this little game, the first thing we did was to disarm all the warheads.
Zellar: You're lying.
Bridger: No, I'm not. I laid a fail-safe override on the flight clocks of all the missiles. In fact, they ought to be going into the dink just about now.
Ford: UEO has cruisers standing by to retrieve the missiles. Oh, I should notify the bridge.
Bridger: Yeah.
Zellar: I'll kill you.
Westphalen: (in doorway, holding gun) I don't think so.
Bridger: Kristin.
Westphalen: No, he deserves to die.
Bridger: That may be, but that's not for us to decide. Why don't you give me that thing. (reaches for gun)
Westphalen: Don't. (points gun at him, then back to Zellar) How could you? You don't even remember, do you? Innocent people die and you don't even remember doing it.
Zellar: I've killed a lot of people. You can't expect me to remember every one.
Westphalen: Try Doctor James Westphalen. He was in charge of the A two forty seven research team.
Zellar: How unfortunate for him.
Bridger: Listen to him, he's messing with your head. That's his game, that's what he does. Now why don't you just put the weapon down.
Westphalen: I have to finish this.
Zellar: Than finish it. Go ahead, shoot me, shoot me.
Westphalen: I don't think so. That would be too easy. I have another idea. (pulls vial out from pocket) You're not the only biochemist aboard. I want you to know what the others felt, what my brother felt.
Zellar: Captain.
Westphalen: Don't ask him, ask me. Well, do you want to live, or do you want to die? Hmm? Answer me.
Zellar: (sheepishly) I want to live.
Westphalen: Well I don't think so. (flings contents of vial into Zellar's face)
Zellar: Ahhhh!
Westphalen: Checkmate. (hands gun to Ford, leaves)
Bridger: Put him on ice, Commander.
Zellar: No, you promised, you gave me your word.
Bridger: I lied.

(Launch Bay)
Ford: They're expecting Zellar at Pearl. They plan to move him to a facility in the Sahara.
Bridger: As long as he's not aboard my boat. (sees Krieg and Lucas arguing) Is there a problem here?
Krieg: Oh, sir, actually there is. It seems Mr. Wolenczak, here, is refusing to follow your orders.
Lucas: Hey, I wasn't the one trying to rip off innocent people.
Krieg: You call it a rip off, I call it free enterprise.
Bridger: I call it a draw.
Ford: I believe the Captain's orders were for the two of you to hand wash and deliver these to the local outposts.
Lucas: Captain, I don't see why I'm here. I wasn't the one ripping off people.
Bridger: Let me try and explain it to you. There are two kinds of people in this world who make me crazy: those who take advantage of people, and those who watch and then turn 'em in. You two have a nice day. (walks off, Ford follows)
Krieg: Well, I hope you learned an important lesson here today. Maybe next time you'll think twice before you open your big mouth - (turns back to Lucas, who throws a towel at him)

(Sea Deck)
Crocker: All right, bring her forward. All right, a little farther. All right, bring her forward, let's go. All right, hold it there. All right, Riley, Matheson, I want you over here. All right, let's secure it, get it ready for transfer…
Westphalen: (as Bridger walks over) I wanted to see this thing through to the end. I thought I owed the others that much.
Bridger: He would have been proud of you, your brother. Although for a second or two there I thought maybe you were gonna kill him.
Westphalen: Me, too.
Bridger: I'm, uh, just about to go off duty, I was wondering if maybe we could have a game of chess.
Westphalen: I don't think I'll ever play the game again.
Bridger: Right, well, just thought I'd ask. (turns to go)
Westphalen: Captain, is, um, poker a difficult game to learn?
Bridger: Not if you have the right teacher. (both leave)