An Ocean On Fire (aka Higher Power)

(World Power Hydroelectric Plant - Off the coast of Australia)
(Dr. Wolenczak's office)
Dr. Wolenczak: Most breakthroughs, events history books define as progress, don't arrive with the crashing sounds of brass horns and drum rolls. Real breakthroughs, the ones that last like fiber optics and the paper clip, sneak up on the page from the back of the book. Let's remember, it took mankind a hundred thousand years just to make a simple drinking cup. A hundred millennia just to drink out of a cup instead of clasped hands. So you see, goodness takes time and sacrifice. I mean, the world power project has taken fifteen years, and it's cost me my marriage, well, I don't know my son as well as I should; but I have to believe it's all been for a higher good. I mean, think of it. We're gonna turn on the lights of the world forever, and for everyone, and for free. The first world and the third world coming together to share the benefits of this, this technology.

(A Bar)
Calvin Shelley: When's the last time you had a day off?
Bridger: I don't know, today.
Calvin: I'm serious.
Bridger: So am I. I take a day off at the end of every sea tour whether I need it or not. You're seven for twelve, I'm nine for eleven. I make this one stand up, you owe me another three hundred bucks.
Calvin: Double or nothin?
Bridger: Oh, can't do that, Shelley. I'd be worried about your retirement.
Calvin: You wanna recommend some of them.
Bridger: Recommend who?
Calvin: Your crew. Some of them are leaving, right.
Bridger: You can't have my crew.
Calvin: Why not?
Bridger: Because they're the best and you've got nothing to offer them.
(throws hands up, leaving salt shaker standing and walks off)
Calvin: What about sunshine? Thirteen months on a sub would make anyone put in for duty on a carrier.
Bridger: I'm not gonna argue with you. It's our day off.
Calvin: When the whole world gets a day off it doesn't feel like one.
Bridger: Come on, it's monumental. It's a world wide effort. Pretend it's armistice day.
Calvin: It's a power plant. People everywhere are getting electricity for free. Just another something for nothing.
Bridger: You're such a romantic.
Calvin: What I am is out three hundred. Care to let me try and get it back?
Bridger: You wanna be out six hundred?
Calvin: What I want is Commander Ford. How's about we play for him?
Bridger: He doesn't do aircraft carriers.
Calvin: Than you won't mind me playing for the right to try to persuade him otherwise.
Bridger: Play what?
Calvin: Volleyball.

(World Power Hydroelectric Plant - Command Center)
Rosenthal: One hour and counting.
Dr. Wolenczak: Engage the turbines please.

Jordan: We have a compromise at the six hundred mile relay.
Dr. Wolenczak: That's expected. Mr. Rosenthal, would you advance the maintenance schedule.
Rosenthal: But we're showing an increase reading in the thermo -
Dr. Wolenczak: That's fine, that's fine. Just carry on.

(A Beach Somewhere)
Krieg: (to girl with stereo) Hi. Ya know, I wrote that tune.
Ford: Guy's busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.
Shan: It's a variation on the scatter technique.
Ortiz: The what?
Shan: The scatter technique. It was invented by a guy I used to work with back in Vancouver. He used to go up to one girl after another, sometimes as many as fifteen a night. Ask if they wanted to go home with him.
O'Neill: Did it work?
Shan: Well, he used to get slapped a lot, but he used to take them home a lot too.
Crocker: The scatter technique, huh. Guess I'm gonna have to learn that one.
Ortiz: Come on, Crocker. You got it made. Finish the tour, got that gig running security up at Tucker Enterprises. You and the little lady are gonna get that condo in Oxnard.
Ford: Hey, Lucas, you enjoying this?
Lucas: (seriously) Tons.
Ford: You gotta be pretty proud of him.
Lucas: Proud of who?
Ford: Your dad. I mean, he's the reason for the holiday. This is the biggest event of the twenty-first century.
Lucas: Well if I ever see him, I'll tell him you're impressed.

(Beach Volleyball Court)
Calvin: The name of the game is volleyball, gentlemen. seaQuest DSV against the real navy. The winners, against the losers.
Krieg: How 'bout I bet on those guys and give you points?
Shan: How many?
Krieg: Ten.
Shan: Not enough.
Calvin: The object of the game is to get the ball over the net more times than the opponent. Think your guys can handle that Bridger?
Bridger: Just don't spend my money yet Shelley. (to Lucas) You playing?
Lucas: No.
Bridger: Why not?
Lucas: Because I'm angry.
Bridger: What are you angry at, your old man?
Lucas: No, I'm not angry at him.
Bridger: I'd be angry at him.
Lucas: Give me the ball.
Ford: Captain, what are we playing for?
Bridger: Pride, Commander, just pride.
Ford: (doubtful) OK.
(The game begins)

Bridger: (misses ball and lands by Westphalen) What are you laughing at?
Westphalen: You. I think you look cute.
Bridger: I'm not cute. I'm four points behind.
Westphalen: Well just don't get hurt. We've waited a long time to say goodbye.
Bridger: I'm still working on hello. (Westphalen smiles)

(Even Later)
(seaQuest has won the volleyball game. Bridger is collecting his money from Calvin.)
Bridger: One, two, three. Guess you're gonna have to find another commander. (everyone claps)

(World Power Hydroelectric Plant - Command Center)
Jordan: We're on line in Moscow, Jerusalem, Athens, Tucson, Glasgow…
Rosenthal: Yes!
Jordan: Sydney, Tokyo, Beijing…
Rosenthal: We did it!
Jordan: Nairobi, Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Brisbane.

(Dr. Wolenczak's Office)
Jordan: We have another compromise, southern quadrant. We're showing a second degree surface failure.
Rosenthal: I think we should shut it down.
Dr. Wolenczak: This is a hundred billion dollar project Mr. Rosenthal. We don't shut it down, we fix it.

(seaQuest DSV - Bridge)
Bridger: I hope all your time aboard seaQuest has been productive and insightful. Thirteen months - we've logged over two hundred thousand sea miles, participated in seventeen rescue operations, completed over three years of underwater research. Congratulations. I just hope your memories of this tour are as warm as mine. Many of you know this boat has been a dream of mine. I'd like to thank all of you for making this dream come true. Some of us will be going on to the next tour, and others are moving on to newer opportunities, but I'd like to wish all of you great success. Thank you, and good luck.
Crocker: Ten hut. (all salute)
Bridger: Mr. Shan, make way for home port.
Shan: Aye, aye, Captain.
Crocker: Dismissed.
Westphalen: Nice speech, Captain.
Bridger: Short ones always are. Have you seen Lucas?
Westphalen: No, I was surprised he wasn't here for the goodbye.
Bridger: All this hoopla about his father, he's taking it pretty hard.
Westphalen: His father may be a great man, but he's a strong boy.
Bridger: The great man hasn't been seen for a year. I better check.
Westphalen: Still on for dinner tonight?
Bridger: (looks around) Absolutely. (walks off)
Westphalen: 'Bout time.

Krieg: Captain, the three of us chipped in. We wanted to give you this.
O'Neill: It's a little something to say thanks. Krieg picked it out.
Ortiz: At a shop in Singapore.
Krieg: Wrapped it myself.
Bridger: Did you? (looks at package and shakes it) You know, someone once sent me a Stripper-gram. I think I spent about half and hour running around my room trying to get a nude geisha girl back in the box. Thanks, I think I'll pass. (hands it back and walks down the hall)
Krieg: How'd he know what it was?
O'Neill: 'Cause it was you idea, Ben.
Ortiz: Probably just started in the sewer and worked his way up from there.

(Lucas's Room)
Dr. Wolenczak: (on screen) Hello, Lucas. It's, it's good to see you again. I apologize that once again I can't be spending the holidays with you, but I spoke with your mother, and she assures me you're doing well and that you're growing up. (sighs) Anyway, I, I can't wait until this project is finished so we can spend some time together.
Lucas: Yeah, right. (rewinds tape and plays it again)
Dr. Wolenczak: (on screen) Hello, Lucas. It's, it's good to see you again. I apologize -
(Lucas pauses tape)
Lucas: (three knocks) Come in.
Bridger: (entering) You missed my goodbye speech.
Lucas: Oh, I'm sorry, I had other stuff to do.
Bridger: (looks at screen) You don't want to go back, do you?
Lucas: Would you? Look at what you've done for me. And now everyone's saying goodbye and giving you presents and stuff. It's like a bad birthday party. Don't worry, I didn't get you anything.
Bridger: Oh, that's all right. You don't have to do that. There'll be another tour, you don't have to leave seaQuest.
Lucas: Oh, yeah, yeah. I know. But now that he's done, you know, still famous for saving the world, he's gonna want to show me off, parade me around like one of his projects.
Dr. Wolenczak: (on screen) Once again, I, I can't be spending the holidays with you, but I spoke to your mother, and she assures me that you're doing well and -
Lucas: (pauses message) That was my Christmas present. But it's the thought that counts, right.
Bridger: Do you want me to call him?
Lucas: No, no, that's all right. But if you do, tell him I said hi.

(World Power Hydroelectric Plant - Command Center)
Jordan: Dr. Wolenczak, you have a call.
Dr. Wolenczak: Not now.
Jordan: It's Captain Bridger from the seaQuest.
Dr. Wolenczak: Ask him if my son's all right.
Jordan: (turns toward screen) Is his son all right?
Nathan Bridger: (on screen) Well, yes.
Jordan: (turns back to Dr. Wolenczak) He's fine.
Dr. Wolenczak: Tell him thanks, but I can't speak to him right now.
Jordan: (turns back to screen) He can't talk to you right now.
Nathan Bridger: (on screen) It's quite important.
Jordan: (turns back to Dr. Wolenczak) He says it's important.
Dr. Wolenczak: Not now!
Jordan (turns back to screen) He'll call you back.

(seaQuest DSV - Bridger's Room)
Bridger: (disgusted) What a dad. (three knocks on door) Come in. (Westphalen enters) Hm, you look gorgeous.
Westphalen: (laughs) Thank you. Oh, Santa came early this year I see.
Bridger: The crew, they're all giving me goodbye presents.
Westphalen: I know. This is lovely.
Bridger: I think I would be very jealous if anyone else saw you looking like this. May I kiss you, Doctor?
Westphalen: Of course, Captain. (they kiss)

(Ford's Room)
Ford: I know it's a lot of money, but we didn't get into this for the money.
Krieg: I did.
Ford: Honey?
Hitchcock: Please.
Ford: So, Ben, how'd you figure there was money in this?
Krieg: I guess I should have read the seaQuest career opportunities brochure. They offered you a lot of money?
Ford: Well, yeah, but I don't see myself on the bridge of a supertanker.
Krieg: I see myself there.
Hitchcock: You need discipline to run a ship, Ben.
Krieg: I am disciplined.
Ford: So, Katie?
Hitchcock: Hmm?
Ford: What are you gonna do?
Hitchcock: I've been approached for a Captain's position on a supertanker too.
Ford: No way, which one?
Hitchcock: The H.R. Clinton, registered out of Delaware.
Ford: That's the one I was asked to captain.
Hitchcock: Maybe they thought you'd say no.
Ford: I haven't said no.
Hitchcock: But you could afford to. I don't know how to turn down four hundred thousand dollars a year.
Ford: Four hundred thousand dollars.
Hitchcock: Yeah.
Ford: They offered you four hundred thousand dollars.
Hitchcock: Yes.
Ford: They only offered me three.
Krieg: Maybe they're willing to pay more for a woman. Women make better captains.
Ford: That is purely subjective.
Hitchcock: It's a statistical fact. All things being equal, women make better captains of non-combat vessels. A woman at the helm has a calming effect on the crew.
Ford: Well, Ben, there's another reason you won't captain a ship.
Krieg: Don't write me off so quickly. I could be a woman.

(Bridger's Room)
(While Bridger and Westphalen are making out the Hologram screen pops on and Bridger's wife starts talking to them.)
Carol Bridger: (hologram) Hello darling. I've missed you terribly.
Westphalen: Who's that?
Bridger: (shocked) My wife.
Carol: Sorry I can't be with you, but, you'll be fine.
Westphalen: (shocked) Your wife!
Carol: Just, keep me in your heart.
Westphalen: Can she see us?
Nathan Bridger: (sheepishly) I hope not.
Lucas Wolenczak: (on screen, proudly) How'd you like my goodbye gift, Captain? I've programmed a way to make your wife talk.
Nathan Bridger: (angrily) Dammit, Lucas! How dare you invade my privacy!?
Lucas Wolenczak: (confused) I was just, oh, I get it now, Captain. I'm sorry about your privacy.

(World Power Hydroelectric Plant - Command Center)
Jordan: We've got thirty miles of raw projects coming off the mound.
Dr. Wolenczak: Take the northern quadrant off line.
Jordan: We've got control seizures.
Dr. Wolenczak: Shut it down.
Jordan: I can't.

(seaQuest DSV - Lucas's Room)
Lucas: (four knocks) Come in.
Westphalen: Can we talk?
Lucas: Talk.
Westphalen: To your face. (Lucas twirls around to face her) Your present to Captain Bridger couldn't have been more thoughtful, it just came at an inauspicious time.
Lucas: You don't owe me an explanation.
Westphalen: I think I owe myself one. Do you mind listening?
Lucas: No.
Westphalen: Nathan and I have become very close over the last year, and when a bond is established between two adults, intimacy (?) and I don't mean sex, is something adults need in a relationship.
Lucas: That's your way of saying I'm not adult enough to understand what you're talking about.
Westphalen: No.
Lucas: I understand, and I'm glad that you and the Captain can share whatever it is you were sharing. I'm sorry my present ruined it for you.
Westphalen: Then why is it I feel you're angry with us?
Lucas: (angrily) Because intimacy, and I don't mean sex, is important to me too. But adults always put their needs in terms that make mine seem unimportant. Your search for science is more important than my needs; seaQuest exploration of the deep is more important than my needs; my father's pursuit of an empire that serves mankind is more important than my needs. Wait in line Lucas, stand over there Lucas, take a number Lucas. We'll get to you.
Westphalen: Look, however important your father's work may be, you're absolutely right that you should come first.
Lucas: Tell him that.
Westphalen: I'd very much like to.
Lucas: Oh yeah, good luck getting through. (he twirls around back to the screen and resumes his game; Westphalen leaves)

(Mess Hall)(Crocker is sitting by himself when Bridger walks up.)
Crocker: Hey, Cap. How you doin??
Bridger: I've been better, thanks. I, uh, wanted to come down here and say goodbye to you personally. You know I never really thanked you for delaying your retirement to come aboard this boat.
Crocker: It was a chance to serve one more tour with you.
Bridger: It meant a lot to me. (gives Crocker a gift)
Crocker: I don't know what to say.
Bridger: No, no, no, come on, open it. (Crocker does) Guess you're anxious to get home, huh, see Helen.
Crocker: It's been an emotional time. (looks at gift, a watch)
Bridger: That's the that watch Hyman Rickover wore the day they launched the Nautilus.
Crocker: I can't accept this. This is too precious.
Bridger: Oh, sure you can, I want you to have it.
Crocker: Aw, hell. (hands machine to Bridger)
Helen Crocker: (on screen) This is very hard, but I've fallen in love with someone else. And I realized that the best part of our marriage was how much time you weren't here. I'm sorry, but you always loved the sea more than you loved me.
(Crocker goes to throw the machine, Bridger stops him)
Bridger: Wait.
Crocker: She's right, ya know. We only got along from a distance. Wha… what am I going to do now? I mean, one part of my life is over with, and the other part just up and disappeared on me.

Ford: Is there a problem, Mr. O'Neill?
O'Neill: I'm getting a confirmed uplink from every satellite we're assigned to, but nothing's coming back.
Lucas: I'm shut out of the Internet. I'm not getting anything back either.
Hitchcock: Did you run diagnostics?
O'Neill: Three times. I tried emergency bands, private sector transponders, and commercial broadcasts. Nothin's comin' back. It's like the globe's been unplugged.
Lucas: That's exactly what it's like.
Hitchcock: The globe doesn't unplug. Have you tried Satcom?
O'Neill: Sac-Com, Norpac First Strike, even Conal-Rad.
Ford: Try the E-band. Stand by for UEO Sig-Cor E-band test.
Computer: Identity confirmed. United Earth Oceans Signal Core emergency band engaged.
