Knight of Shadows (cont.)

Bridger: (on PAL) Chief?
Crocker: (into PAL) Aye, Cap.
Bridger: (on PAL) You still have the diary?
Crocker: (into PAL) Uh, yes, sir.
Bridger: (two decks below, into PAL) Read me May thirteenth, 1913.
Crocker: (into PAL) May thirteenth, 1913, (Westphalen joins in) Today my beloved Robert passed away. He contracted pneumonia while trying to fix the engine. (Westphalen stands up) We’re on the move now, Cap.
Bridger: (on PAL) Where?
Westphalen: Captain Wideman calls it (Crocker joins in) a tragic circumstance.
Bridger: (two decks below, into PAL) Where are you going? (leaves room) Crocker?
Crocker: (following Westphalen) Doctor, don’t do this.
Westphalen: I’d like to call it tragic, but more (Crocker joins in) honestly murder. I am trapped alone with him now. I have nothing in my heart but venom. (looks at door, faints)
Bridger: (running through halls, into PAL) Where are you, Crocker?
Crocker: (into PAL) We’re outside the Captain’s door … and it’s bleeding.

(Hallway Outside Captain’s Stateroom)
Hitchcock: (coming up with Bridger) My God, what is that?
Levin: It’s the door to the spirit’s Earth bound sanctuary. It’s where it feels safe.
Hitchcock: Who’s spirit?
Bridger: The Captain.
Hitchcock: It’s bleeding.
Levin: Not really, it’s just manifesting our subconscious fears, trying to keep us at bay.
Crocker: I’ll tell you what it is. It’s a cheap parlor trick by some desperate spook and I’ve had just about enough. (goes to open door, pulls back) Now that, that’s a much better trick.
Hitchcock: Doctor? What is going on?
Lucas: I’ve read Lillian’s diary.
Bridger: The Captain was in love with Lillian.
Lucas: But she was in love with Robert Fitzgerald, the engineer. This drove the Captain crazy. On the day they were supposed to be married, the ship sank. Listen to this. (reading from diary) As God is my witness —
Westphalen: I believe the Captain has sunk the ship. (Bridger helps Westphalen up)
Bridger: We need to get in this room. (tries handle, pulls back, tries again, same result)
Crocker: (looks at Lucas) Lucas.
Bridger: I think it’s safe for you, Lucas. We need the ship’s log. (Lucas opens door, enters, as Bridger goes to follow, flames shoot up, Lucas screams) Lucas.
Crocker: Lucas. (door closes)
Bridger: Lucas. (in room, Lucas looks around, Wideman appears)
Crocker: Lucas.
Bridger: Lucas.
Hitchcock: (Westphalen turns to go) Captain.
Bridger: Kristin, Lillian.
Westphalen: I hear the music. (disappears down hall)
Bridger: Go with her. (to Crocker) You, too, go with her. (Crocker runs off) Lucas.

(Captain’s Stateroom)
Lucas: Captain.
Bridger: (outside room) Are you all right? Are you all right?
Lucas: Yeah.
Bridger: (outside room) Is the log book there?
Lucas: (looks on desk) Yes.
Bridger: (outside room) Can you get it?
Lucas: (looks at Wideman, who looks down) Yes.
Wideman: Tell him to go to the ball room, it’s what he’s looking for.
Lucas: Captain, go to the ball room.
Bridger: (outside room) You all right?
Lucas: (fire dies down) Yes, I’m fine.
Bridger: (outside room) OK. (leaves)
Wideman: (Lucas turns to go) I didn’t know there were stowaways. I didn’t want to hurt anyone.
Lucas: What about Lillian and Robert? You kept them here, didn’t you? You didn’t let them leave.
Wideman: I love her.
Lucas: But she doesn’t love you. Where is Robert? Why isn’t he here?
Wideman: Robert died without guilt; his spirit was free to cross over to the other side. I doomed myself to this crypt.
Lucas: Why are you making Lillian stay?
Wideman: Her own guilt holds her here.
Lucas: Why is she guilty?
Wideman: I don’t know.
Lucas: There’s no way for you to get out of this place?
Wideman: I need to be forgiven.
Lucas: Have you asked her?

(Ball Room)
Bridger: (enters, sees body and Westphalen dancing, walks over to body) Lillian. (turns around, goes over to Westphalen) Lillian, why are you still here?
Westphalen: I can’t leave. The pain is too great.
Bridger: In your diary you said “There is nothing in my heart but venom.” Is that what keeps you here?
Westphalen: He’s what keeps me here. (points, Bridger turns to see Wideman and Wolenczak entering, Westphalen faints into Bridger’s arm)
Wideman: (walks over to body, takes off hat) I never wanted it to be this way, to keep you here. I release you, go to Robert. (puts hand on body) Can you forgive me?
Lillian: (spirit sits up) I forgive you.
Wideman: Thank you.
Lillian: (light appears) Robert. (hugs Fitzgerald) Robert. (turn to Wideman, beckon for him, Wideman joins Fitzgerald and Strathairn)
Westphalen: Oh, oh.
Bridger: You all right?
Westphalen: Oh, uh, I don’t know. (confused) What? (seriously) Nathan, your badge.
Bridger: All right, back to the launch. Inhalers. (all put in inhalers, go toward door)
Lucas: I found the Captain’s log. (hands it to Bridger)

(seaQuest DSV - Bridger’s Room, Present Time)
Bridger: (reading from log book from George) Lillian has died and I am alone. All I have left is my confession. I flooded the George to discredit Robert Fitzgerald, ship’s engineer, so the woman who loved him would see him as a fraud. I flooded the George to cause Lord Deegan to suffer for ordering me to preside over their wedding though he knew how much I loved her. I meant the ship to sink alone, but Robert could not leave without trying to save the ship, and Lillian could not leave without Robert. For him who finds this book and finds our bones, know that I, Captain Phineas Wideman, am solely responsible for the deaths of Lillian Strathairn, Robert Fitzgerald, and the three poor souls who stowed away out of Lisbon. No horror is unimaginable to the man who knows not love. I am going to the engine room. (turns off hologram) Good night, sweetheart.