The Last Lap of Luxury (cont.)

Secretary Dre: Are you saying that this gum is some kind of a clue?
Bridger: Lucas put it there, now it's gone. It's a different table, it's a different room.
Secretary Dre: Are you crazy? I can't announce that to the world. Nathan, the press is lurking outside the door like jackals. They wanna see the leadership. I have to tell the world community that no matter what tragedy has occurred here, reasonable people are still in control.
Bridger: We're moving too fast.
Secretary Dre: Fast is all we have. I'm not gonna sit on my hands while the UEO goes to hell in a handbasket.
Bridger: But no matter what you tell them it's just throwing oil on the fire.
Noyce: Why do you have to say anything? Can't you buy us some time?
Secretary Dre: All right. All right, I'll do my best to stall. There's a press conference scheduled in less than two hours. I'll give you that time, but if you don't have this thing figured out by then, I'm gonna have to speak to them. (leaves)
Bridger: We shouldn't be worrying about the press, we should be worrying about what caused this. Something that Secretary Dre doesn't seem to be interested in.

(Real Conference Room)
(Lucas is sitting off to the side trying to make a compass. The other heads are arguing amongst themselves.)
President Chi: Fine words and a proud appearance are seldom associated with true virtue.
Lucas: Confucius said that.
President Chi: It seems appropriate now, doesn't it?
Lucas: Guys like that are not happy unless they're arguing about something.
President Chi: You making a compass?
Lucas: Yeah, I need to know which way is east.
President Chi: Why?
Lucas: The seaQuest is to the east. I'm gonna send 'em a signal.
President Chi: You think the seaQuest will hear us?
Lucas: They should. (drops paper clip in water) Yeah. I need a power source. Vid-link is the only one in the room.
President Chi: Be my guest.

(seaQuest DSV - Ward Room)
Bridger: (on screen) Kristin, is there any geological explanation for that explosion?
Westphalen: No, there's zero evidence of a natural disturbance. Whatever it was was probably generated from within the hotel. But WSKRS have sent back sonar indicating a substantial subsurface manmade tunnel.
Bridger: (on screen) I'll bet that's not in the original blueprints. Chief, send out Darwin, tell him to "listen to the mountain." Use just those words, "listen to the mountain."
Crocker: "Listen to the mountain," aye, Cap. (leaves)
Bridger: (on screen) Listen, we've got a time problem here. These people are holding a press conference in two hours. Mr. O'Neill.
O'Neill: Yes, sir.
Bridger: (on screen) I want you to be very good and very quick at computer imaging.
O'Neill: I understand, sir. (leaves)

(Mondial Resort - Lamm's Office)
Lamm: The vid-link's down.
Richard: It was fine an hour ago.
Lamm: They're trying to communicate with the outside world.
Richard: Can they do that?
Lamm: They're middle aged, second-tier bureaucrats, they haven't opened a door for themselves in a decade.

(Real Conference Room)
Lucas: (puts tape in Walkman) Let's rock. (pushes play)

(seaQuest DSV - Bridge)
O'Neill: Got him. There's another confederation president. That's everybody except Lucas.
Ford: There. Good. I'm gonna open the uplink to the satellite. Uplink is five seconds away, O'Neill, let's go.
O'Neill: I'm not ready yet.
Ford: We don't have a choice.

(Mondial Resort - Fake Conference Room)
Secretary Dre: (enters) Nathan, I can't vamp any longer, I have to talk to the press.
Bridger: I think we can buy some more time.
Secretary Dre: There's no more time to buy.
Bridger: But in moments we might be able to buy hours.
Secretary Dre: I'd like that as much as you.
Admiral Noyce: Please…
Secretary Dre: Billy, as of this moment, the UEO is under martial law.
Ford: (on screen) Sir, ready.
Bridger: Do it, Commander.
Secretary Dre: What's going on?
Bridger: (screen changes to show Lucas giving confederation heads a tour of the seaQuest) The world leaders aren't missing, they're aboard the seaQuest, taking time out from their deliberations to, uh, tour the flagship.
Secretary Dre: (incredulously) Well how the hell did they get there?
Bridger: Computer imaging, and it's a direct satellite link to EarthCast News.
Secretary Dre: You've put me in an untenable position, Nathan.
Bridger: How's that?
Secretary Dre: (thinks) Of course, you're right. You're right, this buys us lots of time, doesn't it? It's ingenious, good job Nathan.
Bridger: Distress where there should be relief. Billy, I think she may be a traitor.

Bridger: Got to be Dre leaking all this, the press conference, all of it. She tells them the world leaders are missing, and then institutes new policy.
Noyce: But who's policy?
Bridger: Hers … or her cronies'. This guy, Lamm, a multibillionaire, made all his money profiteering before the peace. I think he wants those days back.
Hitchcock: Excuse me, how does Dre fit into all this?
Bridger: That you have to ask the Admiral.
Noyce: I … I suppose she's a political dinosaur, a leftover from when the world was run by money launderers, lobbyists. If she is involved, she's been involved for a long time. Lamm built this resort to hold the summit. This grand opening, the disappearing room, everything.
Bridger: Grand opening my foot. She appears to be the calm one and rewrites the constitution. Bill, you've always know she was a politician.
Noyce: If we prove this, the UEO'll impeach her. You think they're still alive?
Bridger: I hope so.
Noyce: But why would she want Lucas?
Bridger: Well with Lucas she's got leverage over the seaQuest.

(Lamm's Office)
Secretary Dre: We have to purge the leadership. They should wash up on shore. They've got to be seen dead, not marching around on the seaQuest. We've got to go public with the leadership vacuum that will shake the UEO to it's core.
Lamm: We're prepared for that option. Dial up the schematic.

(Real Conference Room)
(Lucas and the head's are all sitting around when water suddenly begins pouring into the room from pipes in the ceiling.)

(seaQuest DSV - Bridge)
Ford: Captain, we've been canvassing a maximum scan in all directions. Life-forms of HL norms have all been negative.
Bridger: (on screen) Can you get any closer to the resort?
Ford: Not until we make a complete sweep. The entire area has been heavily mined. Metallically activated hydrogen tonnage. It would take us days.
Bridger: (on screen) Have Crocker bring over some security immediately. (screen goes blank)

(Sea Launch)
Crocker: (into speaker) ETA five minutes, Captain.

(seaQuest DSV - Sea Deck)
(Westphalen is working when Darwin shows up in the Moon Pool.)
Darwin: Lucas music.

Westphalen: Nathan, Darwin came back. He said "Lucas music." That's all, "Lucas music."
Bridger: (on screen) Hmm. (thinks) Put all sonar on sound scan, and program our WSKRS to the IN frequency.
Ford: What are we listening for, sir?
Bridger: (on screen) Rock and roll, Commander.

(Mondial Resort - Lamm's Office)
Secretary Dre: Announce an emergency press conference immediately. When returning from the seaQuest, the launch sank. The leaders of the confederations were tragically lost at sea. (leaves)

(seaQuest DSV - Bridge)
O'Neill: I've got something.
Ford: What is it?
O'Neill: Uh, Jimi Hendrix's opening riff to "Electric Ladyland."
Ford: Give me an exact sound trail.
O'Neill: Aye, sir.

(Mondial Resort - Fake Conference Room.)
Ford: (on screen) We found them, sir.
Bridger: Where are they?
Ford: (on screen) Right underneath you. The room's been dropped down a shaft and replaced with an identical one. That's the one you're in.
Bridger: How do I get there?
Ford: Well, if we can get to it, through the ventilation system will be the only way. But it's an undersea complex so it's very intricate.
Bridger: What do I have to do?
Ford: (on screen) You'll need a compass and some climbing gear. Take the main ventilation duct from where you are and go due west, then south to a T in the unit, then right, and I think you'll be at the top of the roof.
Bridger: Thanks. Get me some climbing gear.
Crocker: Aye, Cap.

(Press Conference)
Lamm: I'm afraid we have some tragic news.

(Fake Conference Room)
Bridger: (to Crocker) All right, you keep an eye on Mr. Lamm. And if I don't get back, promise me that that Woodstock buddy of pal is going to spend her old age in prison.
Noyce: I will, Nathan.
Crocker: Be careful, Cap.

(Press Conference)
Secretary Dre: This unfortunate accident occurred while the leaders were returning from a UEO tour of the seaQuest. An explosion, apparently caused by a subsurface hydrogen mine, sank the launch. (Bridger climbs through ventilation ducts and down a chute) Therefore, in accordance with the UEO Constitution and my power as General Secretary, I am instituting emergency measures to insure world stability. The original UEO…
Crocker: Where's the Captain?
Noyce: I don't know. Maybe he didn't make it.

(Underneath Mondial Resort, above the conference room)
(Bridger climbs down out of ventilation ducts, onto ceiling of room.)
Head #5: Somebody! Help! Please!
Bridger: Lucas! Lucas, are you there?
Lucas: (inside room) Captain, it's me!
Bridger: Are you all right?
Lucas: No, the whole room is fillin' up with water!
Bridger: Hang on! (takes out tool) Stand back now. (cuts through ceiling) Well, these people are going to be singing your song for a long time, Lucas. (throws rope down)
Lucas: (to leader) Go on up.

(Press Conference)
Secretary Dre: In a world of potential crises, we must be prepared to protect ourselves and our allies to stand united against tyranny and invasion.
(Security stops Lamm and Maxwell from leaving)
Secretary Dre: Our constitution allows us to take certain steps when hostile regions pose global threat. I now feel justified in declaring martial law.
Noyce: I don't think so, Andrea.
Secretary Dre: It's within my powers, Bill.
Noyce: No it isn't. This is treason, Andrea.
Secretary Dre: Don't be ridiculous. What are you talking about?
Noyce: No, it is not.
Secretary Dre: You're way out of line, Bill.
Bridger: (coming over) No he's not, and these people will back him up. They're a little wet, but they're alive.
Noyce: Secretary Dre, you're under arrest. (walks away)
Reporter #3: What are the charges?
Reporter #4: What are the charges?
Bridger: Let's just say, she disappointed him. (walks away)
(Crocker takes Dre by the arm and follows Bridger.)

(seaQuest DSV - Ward Room)
General: (on screen) I'm sorry, this is going to cut into your golf time, but the President said it's an order.
Noyce: But I don't wanna be head of the UEO.
General: (on screen) They voted you in in an emergency session. You're the acting head of the UEO until the scheduled elections in October.
Noyce: But it's a civilian position, I'm a military man. (on screen, General shrugs, screen goes blank)
Bridger: Well, at least I won't have to salute you anymore.
Noyce: You haven't saluted me in twenty years.
Bridger: Now, now, now, I'm just trying to ease your pain, Mr. Secretary. (hears music) Come on, you may even like some of this new rock and roll.
Noyce: What ever happened to the Dave Clark Five? You remember Dave? Tall guy, dark hair, looked like one of the Beatles, but he wasn't ...