Treasures of the Mind (cont.)

(seaQuest DSV - Savannah's Room)
Dimitri: (entering) You cannot go to Bridger.
Savannah You knew the Libyan would leave the tent. Why did you lie, papa?
Dimitri: I won't be around forever, Savannah.
Savannah: Don't give me a life lesson now, answer my question.
Dimitri: I'm trying to. When your mother and I fled the old Soviet Union before you were born, circumstances forced us into desperate acts. I have reached such a point in my life again.
Savannah: Why did -
Dimitri: It is for your own good I do not tell you.
Savannah: Bridger will know you lied to him. He has a strong psi factor, I've seen him use it.
Dimitri: But he doesn't know he has it, so it doesn't exist. Forget about the conference, concentrate on what we were really sent here to do. You've got to get inside Captain Bridger's mind, and you've got to do it tonight.

(Bridger's Room)
(Bridger is asleep as Savannah tries to read his mind. He suddenly wakes up.)

(Savannah's Room)
Bridger: (bursting into room) I saw you in my sleep. What are you doing in my head?

(Ward Room)
Bridger: You know your ability can scare the hell out of people, and used this way, it's a, it's a violation of human dignity.
Dimitri: Sometimes it is as you describe.
Bridger: You can't grouse around a person's soul.
Dimitri: This morality didn't disturb you yesterday at the conference.
Bridger: Yes it did, but I let myself believe it was a means to an end.
Dimitri: As it is.
Bridger: No, it isn't, it's an intrusion.
Dimitri: You think I haven't been wrestling a lifetime with the virtue of what I do. It's only an intrusion if you know we're there. Without your strong psi factor, Savannah would have come and gone without you being aware. The others had no idea.
Bridger: The representatives at the conference.
Dimitri: And the officers on your ship. Your submarine has a leak much more dangerous than the kind that lets water in.
Bridger: So Noyce sent you, to find out who's giving away our location.
Dimitri: My authorization comes from much higher than Admiral Noyce.
Bridger: Oh, so who is it? Who's the leak?
Dimitri: Your crew checks out clean. We'll have to do another scan.
Bridger: Oh no you won't, you'll be off my boat within an hour.
Dimitri: What about the conference?
Bridger: You killed that off yesterday.
Dimitri: I gave you the best information I had, Captain.
Bridger: Savannah, tell your father that I know that he knows that I know he's lying.

(Sea Deck)
Savannah: I wanted to apologize.
Bridger: In a bathing suit?
Savannah: UEO jet helicopter comes for us in a few hours, I was hoping I could see the Library before then. (pauses) I'm embarrassed to say that I was just following orders, but they told us it was important we find that leak.
Bridger: I don't doubt your motives.
Savannah: I debated the morality of it with myself so many times I know all the arguments by heart.
Bridger: But you go right on doing it.
Savannah: One morning a few years ago, they woke me up and took me to a plane in my nightgown. A man had kidnapped a young boy in Wyoming. When he went to pick up the ransom, he was critically wounded in a shoot out with the police. He went into a coma. His mind was so tortured, it hurt to come into contact with him, but the police said that without my help, that little boy would have died, chained to a bed in a remote mountain cabin. I know it's a violation to enter someone's thoughts, but I have to weigh the good against the evil, and make choices.
Bridger: If you still like, I'll take you to the Library.

(Library of Alexandria)
Hassan: (studying figurine, looks up to see Savannah and Bridger) Do you know who this is?
Bridger: No, I don't.
Hassan: Gelon, ruler of Siracusa. This sculpture proves that Doctor Anna McCann was absolutely right - the riaci bronzes did come from Sicily, possibly headed for Rome.
Bridger: Rome?
Hassan: Yes.
Bridger: I draw the line at negotiating with the Pope.
Hassan: This single building will clear up so many mysteries. History, art, religion; it's a treasure trove time capsule. Beyond priceless.
Bridger: We're doing everything we can to preserve it, Doctor.
Hassan: Thank you. (Bridger and Savannah walk over to Lucas)
Lucas: The cork stoppers rotted away if there wasn't enough pine pitch to protect them. Take a look at this, it's in Greek. (pulls a scroll out of urn) Doctor Hassan says this may actually be Homer's handwriting.
Bridger: The Iliad or the Odyssey?
Lucas: It's a first edition.
Bridger: Really.
Hitchcock: (walking over) Captain, I checked the other rooms, the structure's basically sound. We can pump them dry whenever you like.
Bridger: If they let us, Commander. If they let us.
Hitchcock: Hey Lucas. (walks off)

(seaQuest DSV - Bridge)
Ortiz: Ahh! Oh.
Ford: Mr. Ortiz?
Ortiz: The French and Israeli ships just collided overhead sir.
Ford: I suggest you turn your volume down.
Ortiz: I was trying to pick up a sound in the water.
Ford: What kind of sound?
Ortiz: I think divers.
Ford: Well, let's just hope they're treasure hunters. (thinks for a second) Turn your volume back up, Mr. Ortiz, find them.
Ortiz: Aye, sir.

(Library of Alexandria)
Bridger: Having you inside my head was intriguing, but -
Savannah: In all the years I've been doing this, you're the first person that ever knew. That deserves to be explored.
Bridger: I think I'd rather not be explored. I have enough trouble processing what I'm thinking.
Savannah: I'm not joking. You could come back with us, the UEO has an amazing research facility.
Bridger: And what would I do there?
Savannah: Learn how to isolate the functions of your brain.
Bridger: You know what happens if I overanalyze this statue? I get to see that it's made of earth molecules, water molecules, dyes, but then I don't get to see that it's something really quite beautiful in itself. Something to be appreciated for more than the sum of it's parts.
Savannah: I know. Can't say I didn't try.
Bridger: Thanks, I don't think nature intended me to be analyzed into little bits.
Savannah: Before I go, will you do me a favor?
Bridger: Sure.
Savannah: Will you open yourself to me? Don't listen, … let it happen, … good. Incredible, isn't it?
Bridger: Hard to describe.
Savannah: What?
Bridger: That's extraordinary.
Savannah: The feeling?
Bridger: Yes.
Savannah: That's what it's like. What was the feeling?

Bridger: Danger. (hears drilling noise and water begins pouring in) Lucas, where's everyone else?Lucas: They all left!
Bridger: (pulls PAL out of pocket) Commander?
Ford: (on bridge of seaQuest) We see you, Captain. The Libyans slipped a diving team through security. Chief Crocker caught them drilling a hole for a dynamite charge, they were going to blast their way in.
Bridger: (into PAL) They punched a hole in our air pocket.
Ford: (on bridge of seaQuest) Do you need assistance?
Bridger: (into PAL) No, but we've got to plug up this hole, it's going to destroy everything down here.
Ortiz: (on bridge of seaQuest) Commander, the Libyan ship has launched an attack on seaQuest, depth charge, sir.
Bridger: Depth char - Lucas, take cover.

(seaQuest DSV - Bridge)
Ford: Darwin, stay in the boat. Seal outer doors, brace for collision. (depth charge explodes) Plot target solution on the Libyan. Mr. O'Neill?
O'Neill: No response, sir, they're ignoring us.
Ford: Captain?
Bridger: (at Library, into PAL) We're OK, Commander, take care of business.
Ortiz: Another depth charge on the way.
Hitchcock: Firing solution confirmed.
O'Neill: Speeders accounted for, sir.
Ortiz: Two seconds. (depth charge explodes)
Ford: Flood tube one, firing solution on screen. Fire one.
Ortiz: Found target, five seconds. (torpedo bounces off of surface ship)
Ford: Mr. O'Neill, please translate: Libyan surface vessel, please be advised, the next one will be armed.
(O'Neill repeats in Libyan)
Ortiz: They're on their way, sir, retreating from the area.

(Ward Room)
(Bridger has called Admiral Noyce. His wife answers the phone, they are both in bed and were apparently asleep.)
Janet Noyce: (on screen, in bed) Hello, Nathan.
Bridger: Oh, hello, Janet, I'm sorry. (Noyce rolls over)
Noyce: (on screen) I'm awake.
Bridger: Time to get up, Bill, you're going to have a big day.
Noyce: (on screen) What time is it?
Bridger: I want everyone back at the conference, including the Libyans.
Noyce: (on screen) All right, I'll get my people to twist some arms. We found the leak.
Bridger: Not on my command.
Noyce: (on screen) Yes, and no. Doctor Westphalen, she's been sending a continuous stream of information back to her research university. It's all UEO sanctioned on a secure sat-link.
Bridger: So, what's going on?
Noyce: (on screen) Someone at the university's been selling your location to a military magazine. So much for security clearance. Now, Nathan, we wouldn't have gotten here so fast if Dimitri and his group hadn't cleared your people first.
Bridger: On behalf of my crew, I accept your apology.
Noyce: (on screen) I'll get back to you when the conference is set. (screen goes blank)
Dimitri: I thought you'd be pleased that your staff is exonerated.
Bridger: I am, but I don't feel any better about how it was done. Now, I'm not going to go to this conference without knowing everything. That's why your departure has been delayed. I want the truth.
Savannah: Papa.
Dimitri: Captain, I want you to know that Savannah could not predict my sabotage. She cannot read my mind unless I allow her to. I lied to you about the Libyan, I knew he would leave the table.
Louis: We goaded them, but we never thought they'd do anything to threaten your lives. We were just -
Bridger: Ruining the peace. Why?
Dimitri: I'm embarrassed to say it was selfish reasons. I came to America for freedom, but there has not been a single day when they have not demanded my help. It's been nearly thirty years.
Louis: If the UEO thinks we're no longer reliable, maybe they won't call us again.
Bridger: Oh, now let me see if I understand this. You destroyed an entire conference to ensure your retirement.
Dimitri: How else can I say no?
Bridger: No. No is a powerful word.
Dimitri: They come to the door anyway.
Bridger: But they always knock, don't they? I mean, the UEO is not a fascist regime. Freedom is a muscle, you have to exercise it. Turn and face them.
Dimitri: What can I say to you, the older we get, the harder it is to know so much about so many things. I am like the old ox that needs pasture, I cannot pull the wagon another day.
Savannah: Papa, why didn't you tell me?
Dimitri: Because you still believe. I see the look in your eyes and I remember what it is like to wake up knowing you can help someone. I could not take that away from you, I'm sorry.
Louis: We just want to sit on a beach where there are no other people, and read a book. Having a gift shouldn't make us slaves to society.
Bridger: Why scuttle the whole conference? Why didn't you come to me for help?
Dimitri: You are the Captain of the UEO's flagship. I don't have to read your mind to know what your reaction would be.
Bridger: My mind doesn't make those decisions, my heart does.
Dimitri: You would do that for us?
Bridger: Pick a country, I'll make sure you disappear. Now, about the Library...

(Secure Compound, Alexandria, Egypt, Conference)
Hassan: Don't make it harder. Please, take a seat.
Libyan: No.
Bridger: Doctor Hassan, what's the hold-up?
Hassan: The Libyans refuse to sit. It's their way of not playing ball.
Bridger: Will the Libyan delegation please take their seats?
Libyan: We're not staying long, Captain, give us what we want or we're gone.
Bridger: This is a Phoenician amphora, dated one thousand BC; there's a scroll inside which I think represents the problem we face today. Thirty centuries ago the Phoenicians colonized cities all over the Mediterranean; Carthage in Tunisia, Palermo in Italy, Cadiz in Spain, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan. I assume all of you would like this scroll for your library or museum. So what do you do with it? Do we litigate for decades? Split the spoils, thus ruining the Library for future generations? Or perhaps go to war, killing hundreds of innocent people, for a piece of pottery? (picks up amphora and smashes it on table) Go ahead, help yourself, plenty for everyone. (angrily) The Library at Alexandria is under UEO jurisdiction, and in this tent, I am the UEO. Mr. Crocker.
Crocker: (stands up) Yes, sir.
Bridger: Alert Commander Ford, ready torpedo tubes.
Crocker: (into PAL) Commander Ford, ready torpedo tubes.
Bridger: I would rather return the Library to what it was than sacrifice one human life. (picks up plate) Libyan, first century AD. Would you pass this down please. (gives plate to person next to him and the plate is subsequently passed along the table to the Libyan standing at the end) Your country, Mr. Kaakos. An excellent work of art. Look at the pictograph, I'm told it is of your people having a peace ceremony. When you're through, will you please pass it back; or if you prefer, smash it yourself. (Libyan goes to seat and sits down) Now, let us begin to discuss how this archaeological miracle can benefit all mankind.

(seaQuest DSV - Launch Bay)
Dimitri: It is not often that I misjudge a man so completely, Captain. Will this cause trouble with your superiors?
Bridger: Of course. I hope you find the peace you're looking for, Dimitri, and thank you for your efforts on our behalf.
Dimitri: My pleasure. (gets into launch)
Bridger: Ah, your beauty will dazzle the Spanish coast.
Savannah: Thank you.
Bridger: Thank you, but don't make a practice of running away, I speak from experience.
Savannah: Papa says a month will be enough, it'll show the UEO we're serious. He thinks they'll let us have more control over our lives rather than to risk losing us.
Bridger: I think he's right.
Savannah: Maybe some day I can help you explore your psychic potential.
Bridger: Maybe, but after everything we've been through, I don't know if there's anything left.
Savannah: Oh, there is, Captain, believe me, there is. (kisses Bridger and enters launch)