seaWest (2)

(seaQuest DSV - Bridger’s Room)
Bridger: So, I either return the Sutters, or Cobb does whatever he wants with Commander Ford.
Professor Martinson: You believe he might kill him?
Bridger: Yes, I do.
Professor Martinson: What do you propose to do? What is it, Nathan? You’ve exceeded a comfortable response time.
Bridger: That’s because I’m not comfortable, I’m angry. Cobb doesn’t care what damage he does. He’s got the whole town cowled into getting what he wants.
Professor Martinson: Is that what makes you angry? His values differ from your own.
Bridger: No, that’s what makes me angry. What makes me angry is he wants a fight, and I wanna give him one.
Professor Martinson: There’s no shame in fighting for a cause, providing it’s just.
Bridger: But I want to hurt him badly and that makes me no better than him.
Professor Martinson: Can Frank Cobb match the firepower of seaQuest?
Bridger: No.
Professor Martinson: Than where does his power come from?
Bridger: The town.
Professor Martinson: And why do they support him? Why do they give him the power?

(Sea Launch)
Krieg: Captain, we’re on Broken Ridge approach. Docking bay is open.
Bridger: Thank you. Ease up, Lenny, it’s gonna be all right.
Lenny: Commander Ford risked his life for my family, Captain, he doesn’t even know us. I can’t ease up, not until this is over. Not ‘till we have Cobb and Mr. Ford is safe. I owe him that.
Bridger: I can’t guarantee that.
Lenny: Joan and Gibby are safe, that’s all the guarantee we need.
Bridger: (launch enters docking bay) Chief, no weapons.
Crocker: Captain, the odds aren’t exactly in our favor out there.
Bridger: Guns aren’t going to change that. Leave ‘em. (leaves, others follow, Gibby comes out of hatch)

(Broken Ridge Mining Facility)
Cobb: (Bridger and group enters, Cobb and group enters) I’m sorry to put you in this position, Captain.
Bridger: Where’s my Commander?
Duke: (Cobb nods at Duke) Go get him.
Cobb: Officer, eh? Can’t say I’m surprised. Tell me something, did you like me, just a little?
Hitchcock: How’s your head?
Cobb: (men bring Ford in, throw him on floor, Cobb pulls out gun) Well, this is all very embarrassing. I mean, you brought back Lenny in such good shape.
Bridger: We want him now.
Cobb: First, I get Lenny.
Bridger: And then what?
Cobb: And then, well you leave and we all get back down to business as usual.
Bridger: No more business as usual. In fact, from now on in Broken Ridge there’s going to be no more business at all, period.
Cobb: Broken Ridge has no ties with the UEO, like it or not. You have no authorization to control what we do down here.
Bridger: That’s right. So you can dig all the gold you want out of this place, but what are you going to with it when you’ve got it?
Buck: Sell it and get rich, mate. (all agree)
Bridger: Who you gonna sell it to? I’ve contacted the mineral dealers at Melbourne. They tell me that they’re responsible for a hundred percent of the gold purchased in this part of the world; yours included.
Cobb: This is a free enterprise zone the UEO isn’t authorized with.
Bridger: Unlike Mr. Cobb, the people I spoke to are very happy with the UEO. A new peace and our presence here has been very good for business.
Cobb: This is blackmail.
Bridger: No, not blackmail, a boycott. Very simple, you have no one to sell your gold to. No one’s gonna get rich.
(Gibby creeps up behind Ford with a gun in his hand.)
Gibby: (to Ford) Mister.
(Ford turns his head and sees Gibby with the gun.)
Bridger: Not with Mr. Cobb around.
Gibby: (handing Ford the gun) Here.
Cobb: Nah, don’t listen to him, he’s lying.
Lenny: It’s the truth, and you know it.
Cobb: Well then, the Captain will just have to find someone else to buy our gold. Right, Captain?
Bridger: Wrong. (Cobb cocks gun)
Ford: (fires two shots) This time I wasn’t aiming; next time I will be.
(Crocker goes for his gun, and Cobb runs off.)
Lenny: Cobb. (runs after Cobb)
Bridger: Can he get out of here?
Hitchcock: There’s a transport docked at one of the mine shafts.
Bridger: Let’s go. (runs after them)

(Mine Shaft)
Lenny: (Cobb runs into Sutter) I know these shafts better than you. I’ve spent more time in them.
Cobb: You’ve won, Lenny, Broken Ridge is yours. I just want out, that’s all.
Lenny: No, it’s not that easy. Not after what you put my family through.
Cobb: I’ve beat you more than once, you let me pass or I’ll do it again. (tries to run past, Lenny stops him)
Lenny: Not this time. This time I’m fightin’ back. (they fight)
Cobb: (hits Lenny on head with stone, grabs pick) All right, Lenny, where do you want it? You choose. (Bridger stops Cobb) This is my fight, Captain.
Bridger: Yes, and you want it to be a fair one, don’t you? (Cobb lets go of pick, continues fighting)
Lenny: (starts winning) My father’s dead because of you. (looks at Gibby) No more, no more. (gets up, Crocker and Krieg take Cobb away, Bridger follows)

(seaQuest DSV – Sea Deck)
Lucas: (Banjo and Darwin playing with ball, Lucas enters with Gibby) Banjo. (whistles) There you are. We’ve been looking all over for you.
Gibby: Woah.
Lucas: Yeah, his name is Darwin. If you like, I’ll bet he’ll talk to you.
Gibby: He can’t talk.
Lucas: Yeah, sure he can.
Gibby: Can not.
Lucas: Can to.
Gibby: Can not.
Darwin: Yes, Darwin talk.
Joan: (enters with Hitchcock, Bridger, Lenny, and Ford) I’m not sure he’s gonna want to go home.
Hitchcock: Yeah, sure he will.
Bridger: It’ll be a different place without Cobb. I think he knows it.
Lenny: Bye.
Hitchcock: (shaking hands) Good bye. (hugs Joan) Take care of that little boy of yours.
Bridger: It’s your town again, take care of it.
Lenny: I really don’t know how to thank you.
Bridger: It’s our job, Lenny.
Lenny: Well, I guess we better go.
Joan: Gibby, come on.
Gibby: Oh, do I have to? Darwin was just going to tell me how he holds his breath so long.
Lenny: Well, tell him to hurry. Kids, they have such imaginations at that age.

Season One Transcripts