To Be or Not To Be (Cont.)

(Sea Deck)
Crewman: Ten hut. (Bridger and Noyce enter)
Bridger: This was supposed to be the missile prep room.
Noyce: It was, we pulled them out after the treaty was signed. As you were.
Bridger: And the forward weapons room?
Noyce: I'm not going to lie to you, Nathan. This is still a military vessel. Not everyone was satisfied with the terms of the treaty, there are still pockets of resistance.
Bridger: Why all the science?
Noyce: The world hangs in there and this thing works out, it can eventually become a full time research vessel.
Bridger: Why me?
Noyce: We need a cool head. Someone who hasn't been sitting with their finger on the trigger. Besides, you understand these science guys. You speak their language.
Bridger: That's good. I told you back at the island, I am not interested.
Noyce: Nathan, just listen to me, just listen - (they are sprayed with water)
Bridger: Hey, very funny.
Noyce: Hey, you thought of it.
Bridger: Thought of what?
Noyce: A sub that could carry a navy trained dolphin on board.
Bridger: Those tubes I saw?
Noyce: Yeah. Bridger's folly.
Bridger: You mean he has access to the entire ship?
Noyce: Just the way you designed it.
Bridger: (to dolphin) Hey boy, come here, come on, come on, come here. (looks at dolphin) Darwin! This is my dolphin!
Noyce: Well, I thought you'd enjoy having him on board.
Bridger: Well you thought wrong. You know, you talk peace, but you act military. You took him for your own objective, that's not acceptable. Now you're after me, also not acceptable. (to Darwin) Easy fella, we'll have you outta here in no time.
Darwin: Darwin play.
Bridger: What?
Darwin: Darwin play here.
Bridger: Who wants to play?
Noyce: I think he wants to play.
Darwin: Smooth rocks.
Noyce: He means the sides of the tank.
Bridger: I know what he means. This is some kind of game, huh.
Lucas Wolenczak: Oh, it's no game. Cutting edge technology. You see, sensors in the tank pick up the sighs, clicks, and whistles, the ship's computer then interprets it, translates it, pumps it back into these speakers, unless it fritzes out on you or something.
Bridger: Who are you?
Lucas: Who are you?
Noyce: Lucas Wolenczak, Nathan Bridger. Lucas designed the system that allows Darwin to speak.
Bridger: You're kidding.
Lucas: You sound surprised, Captain. Or maybe just a little jealous.
Bridger: Jealous?
Lucas: Well I heard you were working on a similar system and gave up. Switched to hand signals or something.
Bridger: So.
Lucas: Nothing.
Bridger: He can understand me?
Lucas: Don't ask me. Ask him.
Bridger: All right, I will. Darwin, how did we meet?
Darwin: Darwin hurt, island, help.
Noyce: Well?
Bridger: I found him floating in a lagoon. He was cut up by a fisherman's net. Wait a minute, Darwin, what's the color of my favorite bathing suit?
Darwin: No suit, skin.
Bridger: He's right. I don't wear a suit.
Lucas: Thank you for painting that picture for us. Listen, I hate to break up this little seminar, but I've gotta go. Or should I say … (makes signs with his hands and leaves)
Noyce: Impressive, isn't he?
Bridger: I could think of a few other words to describe him. What's he doing here?
Noyce: He lives here.
Bridger: How so?
Noyce: His father's in charge of our largest corporate endowment. Well he pulled a few strings and got Lucas assigned to the seaQuest. Apparently there was a bit of a disciplinary problem and the father figured what better place to put him than on a submarine.
Bridger: So you're not only a peacekeeper, now you're a baby-sitter.
Noyce: Oh, Nathan, the kid's a genius. I mean, this thing with the dolphin is only the tip of the iceberg. He needs discipline, he needs guidance…
Bridger: He needs a haircut.
Noyce: Ah, Commander, Jonathan. This is the boat's XO, Commander Jonathan Ford.
Ford: Sir.
Bridger: Commander.
Noyce: Now if you two will excuse me, I have to take care of something.
Bridger: Why don't I go with you?
Noyce: No, no, it's just some paper work. I'm sure the Commander can entertain you while I'm gone.
Ford: Be an honor to show the Captain around.
Noyce: Seeing you here like this somehow makes the boat feel complete. (leaves)
Ford: The Admiral seems pleased to have you aboard.
Bridger: Temporary condition. Soon as this little show is over, I'm on the first jet out of here.
Ford: Sir.
Bridger: So, how many years have you been assigned to the seaQuest, Commander?
Ford: Three years. I was part of a hand picked team brought in to get her activated. Must be satisfying for you to see you vision realized.
Bridger: Yeah, I guess it is. But of course I suppose there've been hundreds of changes made since then.
Ford: At least.
Bridger: Ah, fallitic limestone. Traces of pink quartzite. It's very pretty. (He tosses the rock at Ford and walks over to hyperbaric chamber) What? Wait a minute. What is this?
Ford: Sir?
Bridger: This boat is moving. What the hell is going on?
Ford: I don't know, sir. (takes out PAL, punches some buttons)
O'Neill: (on PAL) Bridge.Ford: (into PAL) This is Commander Ford, who gave the order to shove off?
O'Neill: (on PAL) Admiral Noyce did, sir.
Bridger: He set me up. I want this boat stopped right now.
Ford: I'm afraid that's impossible, sir. Once we break port, we're committed to the channel. This isn't exactly a row boat.
Bridger: I know what this is, Commander, I designed the damn thing.
Ford: If the Captain would like, I can arrange to have a launch craft shuttle you back to Pearl once we hit open water.
Bridger: The Captain would like.
Ford: Yes, sir.
Bridger: Never trust the military.

(Bridger's Room)
Bridger: (enters, looks at uniform on bed) Military. (throws uniform into adjacent bathroom, looks at paper of desk, pushes a button on remote)
Professor Martinson: Hello, Nathan. Welcome back.
Bridger: Wait a minute, the Navy refused to install this program. How'd you get here?
Professor Martinson: Young Mr. Wolenczak. He brought me on line several weeks ago. He's really quite remarkable.
Bridger: So I've observed. Wolenczak. What's your mission?
Professor Martinson: I'm a hologram, here to provide a sounding board in times of moral or ethical conflict.
Bridger: Very good.
Professor Martinson: Lucas has given me a wide range of source material to draw from. You can also change my image, by placing a photograph in the imaging port of the computer main unit.
Bridger: Really. What's the current depth of this ship?
Professor Martinson: One hundred meters.
Bridger: What's the speed?
Professor Martinson: Twenty knots.
Bridger: What's the meaning of life?
Professor Martinson: Be more specific. (Bridger laughs)

(Delta 4 Pirate Submarine)
Maxwell: Captain, the seaQuest has just passed the harbor marker and is headed for open water.
Stark: Lock course and rig for silent running.
Maxwell: Course lock. Activate silent running.
Stark: Weapons systems?
Sensor Chief: Armed and ready.
Maxwell: Shall we proceed?
Stark: By all means, Mr. Maxwell. By all means.

(seaQuest DSV - Ward Room)
Bridger: (angrily) Thirty-five years (slams door) that's how long we've known each other. And now, you treat me like a stranger. No, worse than a stranger. And I wanna tell you that I think it stinks.
Noyce: (on screen) Nathan, I'm not gonna sit here and deny the fact that I might have misled you.
Bridger: Misled? How 'bout why? Just tell me, why you did it.
Noyce: (on screen) Because if I hadn't, you might have died on that island.
Bridger: What are you talking about?
Noyce: (on screen) I'm talking about regrets, I'm talking about running away from yourself. Now look at us, Nathan, we're not kids anymore. How much time do you think we have left to make a difference?
Bridger: Oh, please.
Noyce: (on screen) Now that's the truth. You have too much left to offer, too much left you can share, than to spend the rest of your life hiding in the jungle.
Bridger: That's your opinion, and it doesn't justify kidnapping.
Noyce: (on screen) Nathan, you're not a prisoner. I told Commander Ford to make a launch available for you any time you wanted to leave.
Bridger: Right, very big of you.
Noyce: (on screen) I'm sorry. My methods may be flawed, but my intentions were the best.
Bridger: Intentions, the road to hell is paved (screen goes blank) with good intentions.

(Kauai Channel - Depth 2100 feet)
Ortiz: (over loudspeaker) Current depth, six hundred fifty meters; speed, thirty-five knots; course, two niner zero, and holding steady.
Ford: I just received this message for you, it's from Admiral Noyce.
Bridger: (gives Ford a leaf) Rhabarbarum.
Ford: What?
Bridger: Rhubarb. (reads paper) The Admiral's wondering if while I'm aboard I might take a look at the main drive propulsion units. Seems there's some glitches in the aqua return jets.
Ford: This mean the Captain won't be returning to the mainland as scheduled?
Bridger: Can't wait to get me off this boat, can you?
Ford: No, sir.
Bridger: All right, Commander. I assure you, I understand. I'm not here to snake your command.
Ford: Snake, sir?
Bridger: Well, are you telling me you don't deserve the command?
Ford: No sir, I'm not saying that at all. But the fact is that those decisions are out of my control.
Bridger: I suppose they are. But whatever the Admiral has in mind, it's not going to work, 'cause I'm not interested in the job.
Ford: Sir, does that mean the Captain is ready to leave the seaQuest?
Bridger: Well, I'm here, might as well look around. What the hell.
Kristin Westphalen: (walking up to Ford) Commander Ford, let's get something clear, shall we. My people will not be treated as so much cargo. We are scientists, we are not mindless military drones.
Ford: Your point, Doctor?
Westphalen: Your people have occupied areas clearly marked as science research labs. I want them removed immediately.
Ford: May I remind you, that you are aboard a military vessel.
Westphalen: This is a research and exploration vessel. Besides, we outnumber you one hundred twenty-four to eighty-eight.
Ford: That sounds like a threat, Doctor.
Westphalen: At least you have a grasp for the obvious. (Bridger laughs)
Ford: Now you understand this…
Westphalen: Don't you point your finger at me. (notices Bridger laughing) You find this amusing?
Bridger: Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.
Westphalen: And what are you, some kind of stowaway?
Bridger: Something like that. The name's Bridger.
Westphalen: (surprised) Nathan Bridger?
Bridger: (looks at his badge) Last time I looked.
Westphalen: I know your work. Topography, thermal range variances. I tried to contact you once. They said you were … unreachable. I'm sorry, Kristin Westphalen, medical doctor, physical oceanographer, and head of the science team aboard this ship. (shakes hands with Bridger)
Bridger: Doctor.
Westphalen: Well, I'm late for a staff meeting, um, it's nice meeting you. (to Ford) I'm not finished with this, Commander, not by a long shot. (walks off)
Bridger: She seems very committed.
Ford: She ought to be committed.

(Launch Bay)
Krieg: (to crewman with box) Hey, be careful with that. Make believe it's your mother's. (to another crewman) What have you got in the box?
Ensign: Movie discs, sir.
Krieg: Movie discs, open it up. (looks through selection) These are family films.
Ensign: Yes, sir.
Krieg: I thought I told you to spice things up a little, This is a submarine. Can you say that?
Ensign: (unsure) Submarine.
Krieg: Good. This is not a monastery. Forget it, I'll pull something from my personal library. Get it in. (notices Bridger and stops someone and hands him the clipboard) Take over. (walks over to Bridger) You're Nathan Bridger, aren't you?
Bridger: Yes, I am. Have we met?
Krieg: Oh, no, no, no, not really. I mean, not directly. Uh, I knew your son.
Bridger: Robert?
Krieg: Yeah, we went through the Academy together. He was my friend. Forgive me, sir. My name is Krieg, Lieutenant Benjamin Krieg.
Bridger: Lieutenant.
Krieg: Pleasure, sir. Sir, I thought that you were retired. I didn't know that you were back on active duty.
Bridger: I'm not. The Admiral is just giving me a little tour. I'll be leaving soon.
Krieg: I see. Gee, it's kind of funny, isn't it?
Bridger: What's funny?
Krieg: Well, we only just met and yet it feels like I already know you, I guess because Bobby, Robert, used to talk about you so much.
Bridger: Anything good?
Krieg: Occasionally.
Bridger: I do remember him talking about a Ben. Are you the Ben that painted the Army mule yellow at Homecoming?
Krieg: No … pink. So, if you need anything, I'm your friendly Supply and Morale Officer.
Bridger: Supply and Morale?
Krieg: See, it's very important the crew has activities to keep their minds off the isolation, because…
Hitchcock: Mr. Krieg, I assume we're stocked and loaded.
Krieg: Absolutely, Lieutenant Commander. Just finishing up here.
Hitchcock: Good, because I've got a schedule to keep. Captain. (walks away)
Krieg: Thank you. What a sweetheart.
Bridger: The Lieutenant Commander is a sweetheart?
Krieg: Oh, well, sir, we were sort of, uh, married.
Bridger: Really.
Krieg: Only for a year. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Actually, I think she's sorta still hung up on me.
Bridger: It's been nice talking to you. (turns to leave)
Krieg: Robert used to say that a son would be lucky to have a father like you.
Bridger: Thank you.

(Delta 4 Pirate Submarine)
Maxwell: We're approaching the Gedric Power Station, Captain.
Stark: Good. Resident personnel?
Maxwell: Fifty-nine workers, families, one hundred twenty-seven men, women, and children.
Stark: Excellent. Fire one and two.

Part Two