Singleton Family Web Page
About Our Family
- Robyn--I am a stay at home mom of two great kids, Melinda and John. My husband Gregg and I have been happily married for 10 years. We have a mutal respect and understanding for each other and enjoy being with each other as well as with our children. In my free time I volunteer once a week at the kids school, as well as volunteering for All Children's Hospital Guild. I have been volunteering for the guild for almost 6 years now. All Children's is such a wonderful hospital that has been there for our son many times, and has a special place within my heart. I enjoy reading, cooking, baking, and finding time to have coffee with a good friend.
- Gregg--A little about Gregg he is a partner in a terrific engineering firm in Pasco County. Gregg likes to golf and tries to at least once a week, as well as being an avid sports fan. His favorite football teams are the Tampa Bay Bucs and the Florida Gators. Notice the Gator colors of this web site. This year we even have season tickets to the Gator's games and are very excited about going. Gregg also volunteers in his spare time for the Rotary. This year was a busy year for him, in fact he won the Rotarian of the year award this year for his group. We are very proud of him.
- Melinda-Melinda is a bright talent child who will be entering gifted 4th grade this year. Last year in gifted she made straight A's in two of the four quarters. We are very proud of her. She loves to dance, cheer, and do crafts. Melinda is an avid reader, and loves to spend quiet time doing just that. Her favorite time of day though is family time where we take an hour in the evening and either play a computer game, or watch game shows together on TV. She is very good at these games shows.
- John--John is the master manipulator in the family who is entering a special education 2nd grade this year. He is an adorable little boy who will melt your heart with his smile, and energize you with his personality. He just learned to swim this summer and doing great at it. We are so proud of him. His favorite things are his gameboy and nintendo.
- Blaire--She is our newest addition to the family she is a 6 year old lab/mix that we adopted from the SPCA in January. She is a really sweet gentle dog, who needed some loving.
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