The Soka Gakkai International (SGI) is a worldwide association of over 76 constituent organisations with membership in 181 countries and territories. In the service of its members and of society at large. SGI centres its activities on developing the positive human potentialities for individual happiness and for global peace and prosperity.
Rooted in the life-affirming philosophy of Nichiren Daishonin, members of SGI share a profound commitment to the value of peace, culture and education. Although the scope and nature of activities conducted in each country differ according to the culture and characteristics of that society, they all grow from the shared understanding of the inseparable linkages that exist between happiness and the peace and prosperity of their respective societies.
One person follows another in leading a life of joy and victory. (Photo by Daisaku Ikeda, Aichi, October 1991)
Y.A.B. Dato Seri Dr.Mahathir menyambut kedatangan Encik Ikeda semasa Encik Ikeda memasuki bilik Perdana Menteri.
Pada 30 November 2000, Presiden Soka Gakkai Internasional (SGI), Encik Daisaku Ikeda, mengunjungi Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Y.A.B. Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, di Putrajaya. Encik Ikeda berada di Malaysia selama enam hari, iaitu dari 27 November hingga 2 Disember 2000.
Pertemuan ini ialah pertemuan kali kedua di antara Encik Ikeda dan Y.A.B. Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. Pertemuan pertama mereka ialah pada bulan Februari 1988.
Perbincangan mereka merangkumi topik-topik seperti komunikasi dengan golongan belia, prinsip kepemimpinan, dan manfaat yang diperoleh daripada pembacaan buku sejarah.
Perbincangan antara Y.A.B. Dato Seri Dr.Mahathir dengan Encik Ikeda merangkumi pelbagai topik.
SGI President, Mr. Daisaku Ikeda with secretary-General Jiang Zenin on China-Japan friendship.
SGI President, Mr. Daisaku Ikeda with wife
Master and disciple - Mr. Daisaku Ikeda with Mr. Josei Toda.
SGI President, Mr. Daisaku Ikeda in his younger year.