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Episode 1.01

by Len Janson and Chuck Menville
Directed by
Hollingsworth Morse


Kerry MacLane (Chuck)
Barry Miller (Mike)
Ty Henderson (Kyle)
Lee Joe Casey (Rich)

Three youths - Mike, Kyle, and Rich - try to persuade a fourth friend, Chuck, to join them for a joyride in a stolen car. Chuck is hesitant to join them, for he knows it's the wrong thing to do. When Billy and Mentor's motor home approaches them, the boys speed off in the car, leaving Chuck in the road. The Winnebago nearly strikes Chuck, who runs away on foot.

Mentor and Billy speak with one another and are able to put the entire story together: the car is stolen, underage boys are driving it and Chuck is a friend of the young culprits. Remembering something the Elders told him, Billy decides to look for Chuck and try to help him.

Later, Chuck finds his trouble-making friends at a fast food place. They call him a "chicken" and tell him he's not their friend anymore. Chuck swears to them that the next time they steal a car he'll join them, so the foursome pedal away on their bikes to find one. The boys stop at a store along the way and tease Chuck for wanting to lock-up his bike while they're inside, so, in an effort to win their approval, he leaves it unlocked. The bike is gone by the time they exit the store and when Chuck tells the others he's going to look for it, they pedal away, leaving him behind.

Billy and Mentor, having searched for Chuck all day, finally spot him as he's looking for his missing bike. The boy tells them that his friends have a persuasive influence on his behavior, even if it goes against his better judgment. Chuck's words remind Billy of what the Elders told him, and he tells Chuck he must speak for himself and do what's right. After helping Chuck look for his bike for awhile, Mentor and Billy part ways with the youngster.

As chance would have it, they drop Chuck off in a parking lot where the three joyriders are about to steal another car. This time the lad tries to stand up to them and tell them stealing cars is wrong, but they throw him into the car against his will. Billy and Mentor haven't gone far and see what transpired. Billy then turns into Captain Marvel and chases the boys from the skies.

The boys know Marvel is following them, so they attempt to evade him by driving into a junkyard and abandoning the vehicle. They go hide in an old van while Marvel searches through the junkyard for them. As the boys start to realize what trouble they're in, the van is picked up by a large crane and is on its way to be demolished: with the four boys inside! Marvel hears their cries and fights the giant crane for possession of the vehicle. Marvel wins the "tug of war" with the crane and he lets the boys out. Chuck is praised, even by his troublemaking friends, for championing the right action.

Don't follow the crowd and be persuaded into doing something dumb just because people call you names. Follow your own instinct for what's right and what's wrong, and stand up for yourself.

Synopsis written by Mark C. Daniels