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Episode 1.04

by Jim Ryan and Bill Danch
Directed by
Arthur H. Nadel


Christopher Stafford Nelson (Gary)
Christina Hart (Holly)
Derrel Maury (Mark)

Billy and Mentor are riding along when the Elders call. They tell Billy that he will meet a young lady who he will have to teach about running away from responsibility.

Soon enough, a stranded motorist named Holly flags them down for help. Billy and Mentor try to push her car out of the ditch, and Billy expresses frustration to Mentor that it would be a lot easier if he could just become Captain Marvel and push the car right out. Mentor reminds him that he shouldn't use his powers just for the sake of convenience and should only become Captain Marvel when it's absolutely necessary. They finally get the car to a point where Holly can just drive out as they push. She drives off in a hurry without even a 'thank you', much to Billy's and Mentor's bewilderment.

In her rush, Holly left her handbag behind. Billy accidentally drops the contents of the bag and discovers a plastic bag of dope. He decides to deliver the handbag to Holly on his motorcycle, and try to find out what's going on.

Meanwhile, Holly's brother Gary and his friend Mark are waiting for her to bring the drugs to them so they, in turn, can make a delivery for a pusher named Brok. When Billy catches up to Holly at her home and learns of the whole deal, she decides that she wants no part of it and wants Gary to get out of it, too, but is afraid to say anything. Mentor arrives and the three agree that Holly should notify the police and turn over the drugs as evidence against Brok, but, they also agree that they need to talk to Gary and Mark, too.

Billy and Holly meet the boys at Gary's place and Holly tries to convince Gary of the right thing to do. Mark, however, disagrees and even accuses Billy of being a rival drug pusher who wants a piece of the action. Soon, Brok phones and is getting impatient. Mark forces Billy to hand the drugs over and he and Gary take off. What they don't know is that Billy really gave them a bag of white powder. He gives the real stuff to Holly and tells her to call the police while he goes after Gary and Mark. However, Holly gets nervous and pours the drugs down a sink drain instead of holding them.

Billy tries to pursue Gary and Mark on the motorcycle, but is held up by an oncoming truck. Sensing he will never catch them in time, Billy becomes Captain Marvel.

Gary sees Marvel in pursuit and tries to get Mark to stop, but Mark refuses and the two struggle over the steering wheel. Mark loses control of the car and swerves off the road and comes to a stop over a ledge. As the car teeters, Captain Marvel arrives and pushes the car back to the road. Mentor, Holly, and the police then turn up and Gary agrees to talk, but Holly admits that there is no evidence because she poured it down the drain. Mentor and Captain Marvel agree that while it's a good thing Gary is confessing, Brok can't be convicted without any evidence and is still a looming presence. They both agree it might be a good idea to stay in the area awhile...

Synopsis written by Phil Williamson.