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Episode 3.04

by Susan Dworski
Directed by
Hollingsworth Morse


Joanna Cameron (Andrea Thomas/Isis)
Dran Hamilton (Sister Mary Catherine)
Carol Ann Williams (Kate)
Susan Madigan (Laura)
Darwin Joston (Jasper)
Bill Dearth (McSween?)

Kate and Laura, are on the beach with a metal detector looking for lost treasure while Billy and Mentor, relaxing nearby, receive a visitor, Sister Mary Catherine. Sister Mary is in a wheelchair and concerned with trying to keep track of all the girls she brought out to the beach. She explains she is a friend of Andrea Thomas, hence Tut's presence. Borrowing Mentor's binoculars, she locates Kate and Laura. Mentor lets Sister Mary keep his binoculars for the day and she leaves them to go watch over the girls.

Getting a reaction on their metal detector, Kate and Laura dig up a metal box buried in the sand. Opening it, they find hundreds of thousands of dollars. Identifying the money as stolen in a recent bank robbery, they first want to turn it in to the police but Kate convinces her friend that they should give it to Sister Mary Catherine so she can have surgery and maybe walk again. The girls stuff the money into their knapsack and re-bury the empty box, rationalizing that it is acceptable to use the stolen money for a worthy cause.
Back at the RV, Billy gets a call from the Elders. Zeus speaks, saying that the best intentions and good deeds never work out when involved with lies.

On their way back to the rest of the group, the two teenagers watch as two men dig up the box, finding it empty. The men also notice the two girls, and their metal detector chase them.

The girls decide to ditch the money along the way, hiding it under some rocks. Then they take a rubber raft and head out into the water. The robbers break off the chase and let the girls go, assuming the sharks will take care of them. Sister Mary looks out at the ocean with the binoculars, sees Kate and Laura in the raft and then a shark. Frantic, she finds Mentor and Billy and warns them. Mentor goes to notify the lifeguards while Billy, slipping away, transforms into Captain Marvel. Flying into the ocean, he scares the shark away and brings the girls safely back to shore.

Returning safely to their area, the girls promise Sister May they'll stay put, but they sneak away and go back to get the money. Waiting for Kate and Laura by the rocks, the robbers ambush the girls and take them hostage. When Mentor comes looking for the teenagers, he is taken hostage, too. The robbers force them all into a car and drive off.

When Billy returns to the RV and finds Mentor gone, he sees Sister Mary, who tells him Mentor went looking for the girls down at the beach. Billy then finds Mentor's abandoned binoculars and he decides to send Tut him back to fetch his mistress, Isis.

Arriving at their hideout, the thieves herd everyone inside. Mentor, walking behind everyone else, leaves his bandana on a fence post.

Tut returns to Andrea's classroom and alerts her to trouble. Transforming into Isis, she heads to the beach. Using her ability to see into the recent past, she sees the robbers in their car and where they went. Billy transforms into Captain Marvel and he and Isis follow the trail. They find Mentor's bandana, which leads them to the hideout. With a spell, Isis causes the smoke from the chimney to back up into the house, forcing everyone out. The girls are the first to emerge. The robbers then appear with Mentor as hostage but Isis saves him with a spell, causing the wind to lift him safely up and out of the thugs' reach.

The two men flee into a cave. Isis loosens the earth and Captain Marvel pulls it out from under the men, reeling them back in. Relieving them of the stolen money, Marvel holds them for the police and Isis, her job done, bids everyone farewell and departs.

Back with Sister Mary's group at the beach, Kate and Laura come to a full understanding of the wrongness of their actions. They've seen that covering up bad things with good things doesn't make them right.

Synopsis written by Bobby G. Reid, Jr.