With every ending comes a new beginning
Disclaimer: They belong to Joss and a bunch of other people. You gotta love how specific I'm being.
Distribution. You know the routine. If you don't, then ask.
Notes: I'm really depressed right now. Damnit, 90210 was on the air for half my life, and I'm really gonna miss it. And, yes, I am perfectly aware of how much of a dork this makes me. I accepted this about 6 years ago.
"It's hard to believe that's over, isn't it?" Willow asked as she climbed down the basement steps.
"Yeah, it is." Switching off the ten o'clock news, Xander stretched and flopped backwards onto his bed, patting the empty space next to him.
Willow kicked off her sneakers and sank down onto the bed tiredly. "So, I'm not going to ask if you cried, cause I know you did."
"Yeah well, I know you did too. And hey, I'll have you know that I didn't cry. Men don't cry, thank you very much."
"Uh huh. My point exactly. You're not a tough man, you're Xand-"
"Thanks a lot, Willow" Xander broke in bitterly. "I thought that you didn't still think of me as a pushover wimp."
"Wait a minute, Mister Harris. I *never* thought of you that way. Had you bothered to let me finish my thought, I was saying that you're not a toughman, you're Xander. And that's a million times better, cause Xanders' care about other people, and they have feelings."
"Oh. That'll teach me to learn to listen to the entire thought before I jump in all helter skelter. Thank you for saying that Wills. It means a lot to me."
"Any time Xander. That's what friends do for each other, you know. They say the nicely mushy things and are supportive even during times of denial."
"I still didn't cry. I just got a little misty eyed at the end. Wills, if I ask you something, will you please tell me the truth?" Xander asked as he stared up at the ceiling.
"Of course. Ask away."
"Will the Scooby gang still be together in six years?" Xander asked in a small voice.
"God, I hope so. but I'm not sure. People move away, they...die. Things change. But I do know one thing. No matter what, all of us will be together forever in my heart and in my memories. I can't ever forget anything or anyone. We're..." Willow drifted off.
"Family, Willow. We're family. Everyone, especially us. Remember, it's womb to-"
"Tomb" Willow finished up with a smile. "That's us all right."
"All year long I've felt discombobulated, you know?"
"Yeah, I do. And, wow, massive kudos for the usage of the large, polysyllabic word."
"I've been studying. I'm applying to UC Sunnydale this summer."
"I'm so proud of you Xander. You can do it, I have every faith in the world in you."
"I...don't want to end up like my father, Wills. I can't." Xander whispered as a lone tear trickled down his cheek.
"You won't" Willow said as she pulled Xander into her arms. "You are not him. You are so much better, and stronger, and smarter, and kind and loving than he could ever dream of being. You are going to make something out of your life, Alexander Harris. You have already accomplished so much, that even if you don't move on to an institution of higher learning you have done something. Am I making any sense?"
"You are to me Wills."
"Hell, you've played an instrumental role in saving the world on several occasions. You are an incredible person, Xand. I am so proud of you for just being you. I thank whatever gods there are every day that you dumped sand in my hair at the playground all those years ago, cause ever since then I've had you as my best friend. I love you so much." Willow said, tears falling down her face into Xander's hair.
"I love you too, and I think I'm even more thankful to have you as my friend. You taught me what it was like to love, and be loved unconditionally, and for that fact I will never be able to forget you as long as I live. You and me are forever, kiddo, and we might as well realize it."
"Wow. This conversation sure has changed from it's original course, hasn't it?"
"I think I forgot what we we're talking about, to tell you the truth." Xander admitted with a chuckle.
"The end of 90210, I think."
"Oh yeah. It was pretty cool. It's still hard to believe that it's all over."
"I know. Thank goodness for syndica-" Willow yawned, interrupting her thought.
"Tired?" Xander asked.
"Yeah, kinda. It's been a long, well, year."
"You're telling me. Hey, I've got an idea. Want to have a sleepover for old times sake?"
"I'm not sure, Xander. I'd love to, but what you'd your girlfriend have to say about it?"
"What would your girlfriend say about it too, Miss Rosenberg?" Xander shot back.
"Touche. Eh, what the heck. We're having a sleepover. And remind me to tell you about Tara in the morning, all right? Methinks some things should be cleared up."
"Alrightey then." Xander rolled over to switch the light off. "Night Wills."
"Night, Xander."
The End