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AW's Lorna Devon

Another World's Lorna Devon

Portrayers: Alicia Coppola, April 29 1991 - January 14, 1994.
Robin Christopher, February 16, 1994 - February 7, 1997.

Birthplace: Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Illinois.

Birthday: April 4/5, 1966

Introduction Scenes: (Alicia Coppola) Sassy's, to Matthew Cory. (Robin Christopher) Felicia's apartment, to Felicia Gallant (Linda Dano), "Hi, mom."


Lorna Devon came to Bay City to enlist up-and-coming music star Dean Frame.

Carl Hutchins discovered Lorna when she was about 13 years old and roaming the streets on her own. He took her under his wing and made her his protege. Carl never forced himself upon her sexually. Instead he waited until Lorna herself chose to come to him sexually.
When Carl returned to Bay City in 1991, he brought Lorna with him. He planted her in D & M Productions in order to set up Matthew Cory and place him under his debt. This plan never came to fruition.
When she was younger, Lorna posed nude for photos, which Carl would hold over her head in later years whenever she went out of line.
Carl and Lorna stopped being lovers in mid-1991. From then on they led mostly separate lives and very rarely acknowledged that the other even existed.

Lorna is a public relations wizard and while working closely at D & M Productions with Matthew Cory, he and Lorna became attracted to each other. At the time, Matt was dating Jenna Norris (who is Lorna's adoptive sister, although this wasn't known at the time). Lorna seduced Matt and broke up his relationship with Jenna. Matt enjoyed the physical side of his relationship with Lorna, but couldn't accept Lorna's devious side. He broke up with her after about a year, in mid-1992. They remained friends and respected each other's business sense.

Lorna didn't discover who her parents were until 1992. She was born in Chicago to Fanny Grady, who was then told that her daughter was born dead. In truth, Fanny's stepfather, Noah Grady, a minister, refused to accept the shame that this teen pregnancy would bring upon his church. Noah gave Lorna to his church's cleaning lady, Helen D'Angelo. Helen took Lorna and gave her to her daughter and son-in-law, with whom she lived in Sycamore, Illinois. Helen had accepted Lorna because her daughter and her husband couldn't have children. But Lorna's parents were to die when Lorna was a child. The late Lucas is Lorna's father. Lucas hated the idea that Lorna was his daughter and refused to accept her. When he was on his deathbed in August 1992, he was able to overcome his bitterness and express his love for Lorna. He died in her arms minutes after they made up.

Felicia Gallant (Linda Dano) is Lorna's mother. They hated each other even before they found out they were related and their mutual dislike continued for several months after the revelation.
Felicia was the first to soften and eventually, Lorna came around as well. Today, they have completely reconciled and are very close.
Jenna Norris is Lorna's adoptive sister. Like her parents, Lorna also had a very bad relationship with Jenna. But that is all water under the bridge. When she left Bay City in December 1993, Jenna had become very fond of Lorna, and vice-versa.
Robert Grady was her uncle. Lisa Grady is her cousin.

Kevin Anderson and Lorna had a relationship for about a year from mid-1992 to mid-1993. Kevin was starting to fall in love with her and this made Lorna panic. She was never able to tell him she loved him and broke off their affair before it could go any further. Kevin was deeply hurt and regretted losing her.
In late summer of 1993, Kevin concocted a personal plan to bring down Carl Hutchins, the man he blamed for ruining Lorna's childhood and turning her into someone afraid of commitment. He began stalking Lorna and threatening her anonymously, all the while planting evidence that Carl was behind it. Carl was put on trial for harassing Lorna, but the truth came out in court and Kevin was taken to jail. Lorna was furious at him for the fear he had caused her.

In early 1993, Lorna was sitting in Victor Rodriguez's waiting room when he walked in and mistook her for a potential patient. For the second half of 1993, Lorna and Victor, who was her mother's alcohol-abuse counselor, had an affair. He was able to give her the freedom and peace of mind she needed. But their relationship was marred when Lorna was raped in October of that year.

On October 25, 1993, Lorna was raped by Kyle Barkley. Though she had been drinking at the time and could not remember who her assailant was, she accused Morgan Winthrop. Lorna was traumatized for a long time because of the rape.

Morgan met Lorna when she came on to him one night at Sassy's. Lorna went so far as to kiss him, but her plan had simply been to show her independence to her then-flame, Victor Rodriguez. She invited Morgan and his friend Kyle Barkley back to her apartment. Later that night events took a tragic turn as Lorna was raped. Not entirely sure of the identity of her attacker, she nevertheless pointed the finger at Morgan. He was charged with the crime and brought to trial, but the charges were dropped when Kyle admitted to the deed. Needless to say, Morgan and Lorna hated each other for a long time.

Later, Lorna's mother, Felicia would shoot Kyle Barkley in self-defense and write a book concerning Lorna's rape titled: Into the Fire

Lorna was caught in a car bombing in 1993.

Victor and Lorna tried to patch up their relationship in early 1994, but found that neither could get passed the rape. Victor had helped Lorna through the ordeal by acting it out with her in hopes it would jog her memory and allow her to finger her assailant. When Victor and Lorna tried to make love again in March, Lorna was unable to get close to him, and both blamed the rape re-enactment. They broke up shortly afterwards.

Morgan forgave Lorna for almost ruining his life, and they became friends. As 1994 progressed, Lorna and Morgan found themselves the objects of Felicia's, Lorna's mother, matchmaking. They humored Felicia and pretended to be interested in each other, but eventually their play-acting developed into the real thing. Morgan set about courting Lorna in earnest, but he faced competition from Grant Harrison, who was interested in Lorna for his own depraved purposes. Lorna left Morgan high and dry for Grant, which really hurt Morgan's ego.

In 1994, Lorna started working for Grant Harrison as his public relations director. Lorna enjoyed flirting with Grant and shaking up his ordered world. Grant enjoyed the wildness that Lorna represented. When Grant believed that his wife Amanda was cheating on him, he turned to Lorna and they had an affair. Lorna was enamored of Grant and was willing to accept whatever he could offer. Grant, who appreciated any woman that worshiped him, mostly used Lorna for his sexual gratification. When it looked like Grant would lose the chance at gaining custody of his son Kirkland because of his infidelity, he broke up with Lorna, who was both enraged and deeply hurt at being rejected.

Although she was repeatedly stung by Grant's reluctance to commit to her and repeatedly confronted with evidence of his manipulative ways, Lorna still hung onto hopes of having a relationship with him. Even when he admitted in court to shooting himself and framing Vicky Hudson for it, she still remained on his side. Now free from Amanda, Grant told Lorna he loved her and then he proposed. She accepted, although neither knew what sort of life they wanted.
In 1994, Lorna was poisoned by Justine Duvalier, who wanted her out her son Grant's life. Lorna became quite ill, but once the doctors were able to identify the poison they were able to counter it.
Lorna finally broke off from Grant for good when she found out that he had purposely let Morgan Winthrop overhear him discussing how she and Grant had slept together when she was dating Morgan.

Eventually Lorna came to her senses and left Grant, and Morgan was there to pick up the pieces. They had their first real date at the Harbor Club. That same night Morgan found out that Lorna had slept with Grant while they had been together previously. Livid, he yelled at her then walked out on her. Lorna took it badly too, and blamed Morgan for his attitude. While both were quick to come around and apologize for their overreactions, neither seemed to have the heart to continue with their relationship. They parted and went their separate ways. They remain friends.

Lorna was a friend to Ryan Harrison when Vicky ran off with Kirkland in 1994 and provided him with a soft shoulder to cry on.

They shared a kiss before Vicky decided to return to town.

In 1994, Jake McKinnon and Lorna went out on several business lunches. On a business meeting at Jake's home, their flirting got serious and both began making out on the couch.

But neither was able to go through with lovemaking. Aside from the fact that neither had any deep feelings for the other, Lorna was still too shook up over her recent rape, and Jake was still in love with Paulina Cory.

In 1995, during her flirtation with Morgan Winthrop, she got a job as public relations manager of Bay City General Hospital.

Gabe McNamara met Lorna in 1995 when she stormed into the police station to report that her purse had been stolen. Gabe batted his eyes at her and Lorna fell for him like a ton of bricks. They began going on romantic dates which consisted mostly of them gazing into each other's eyes.

Lorna had a string of failed relationships behind her, and she had a hard time believing that such a man as Gabe could truly love her. She was also disturbed that Gabe was keeping things from her. When she threatened to break it off, he finally revealed that his first wife and young son had been killed in a fire the year before.
When he explained that she was the first woman that he had been close to since the tragedy, Lorna supported him and did what she could to honor the memory of those he had lost.

Gabe and Lorna enjoyed most of 1996 meddle-free until Cindy Brooke, Gabe's ex-sister-in-law, came to Bay City. She used Gabe's friendship as an excuse to involve herself in his life as much as possible. Lorna's suspicions were roused at continually seeing Cindy drape herself over Gabe and lavish kisses on him. She finally lashed out at Gabe for being blind to Cindy's ploy to come between them. Gabe defended Cindy and refused to bend to what he perceived as Lorna's jealousy.
In 1997 Cindy Brooke shoved her backwards into a chair armrest. Even though the armrest was wooden and rounded, and Cindy is quite puny, Lorna's lung was punctured and she almost died.
Lorna encountered a mentally unglued Cindy in the ladies room of the Harbor Club one night and in an ensuing struggle was knocked unconscious. Gabe rescued her from a fire that had then broken out.

He was shocked to discover that Cindy was responsible. He hastily arranged for Lorna to go into hiding for her protection. They said a tender goodbye before she left town. Before he could leave to join her, he was shot and killed in Center Street. Felicia broke the news to Lorna over the phone. Lorna faced it bravely, determined to go on with her life as Gabe would have wished her to.