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Rant August 7, 2003
I know it's been a long time . . . and I'm sorry. I pretty much, however, will not be updating my Skye page except in cases where I see fit to. I haven't been really watching GH that much anymore and I'm set to start college the 25th of August so I'll have even less time. I am at the moment a daily viewer of AMC (as many may know; it's "my" show, the show I've watched since I was born) and I believe I will always continue to be intrigued by the going-ons in PV just because it's "my" show. If Skye ever comes back to PV (and RC to AMC) then I may continue w/this site regularly. If Adam goes to visit her in PC (and DC to GH) then I will tune in on that occasion but I have becomed dissillusioned by GH and don't forsee any sort of viewing on my part until farrr in the future. I view OLTL in ff motion in my VCR mainly looking for Starr scenes, etc., . . .
Thank you all for your continued support concerning my web pages.


June 22, 2002
'Kay, I heard that Rae was on her way to AMC to visit ol' mama Myrtle! I don't know how acurate the info is, though, it was up a while ago at Soaptown USA. They said it had something to do w/her secret about Mark or something. I really want Myrtle/Skye scenes but what I've been waiting for well over a year are some Skye/Adam scenes!


March 30, 2002
Yippie!! Skye 'n' Jax or Sax, lol. Jax saved her and they slept together! About time if you ask me. And I heard about Skye going to AMC in May for some "big event" won't be missing that!!! And I also heard something about Rae coming to GH in April don't know how acurate both of those are, though.


January 20, 2002
There's a rumor about RC getting a primetime role on ABC's fall schedual. Something about a detective, slouth show. SOD says it's not true but another mag says it is so I guess we'll find out eventually . . .


January 1, 2002
Rae's visit at Christmas was great. We got some well deserved mother-daughter bonding between Skye and Rae. Rae just about lit up when Skye asked her advice on Jax. The only down side was that Monica overheard a bit and thinks they're conspiring to break Alan and Monica up so Rae can have him.


October 28, 2001
Yippy! I'm so happy, I heard Rae 'll cross over to GH around Thanksgiving to visit Skye!!!!


September 20, 2001
According to the Sept. 25th 2001 edition of SOD Robin should be flying back into GH's nest on Oct. 2. If this date is affected by Sept. 11th's tragedy I don't know.
God Bless America and Excelsior
FYI, Excelsior is Latin for New York's state motto: EVER UPWARD


Aug. 26, 2001
According to the Aug. 28th edition of SOD RC's on vacation and we won't see Skye on the GH canvas 'til fall. And sources indicate Skye leaves the town of PC with speculation of help from AJ.


August 19, 2001:
Any ideas on who Skye should be paired with, romantically? I'm not sure yet but the Jax dinamic could be interesting. Also maybe Stefan but I'd hafta see the chemistry between the actors first.


July 28, 2001:
Heard a few days ago that ABC signed Robin Christopher (Skye, GH) to a 5 yr. contract. ABC did not confirm. The word is though that she signed w/ABC not just one soap so she could do some more soap hopping. I am kinda tied up about if she should go back to AMC. I mean I loved her there in the '80s and CG was okay as her recast but where I live they show AMC a day late so that Monday I watch Friday's episode and so on. It makes me mad and I don't know if I could take her moving to AMC permantly. But I just love her scenes with David Canary (Adam, AMC). Oh, well, we'll just have to wait and see what happens.