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In 1986, when known as Skye Patterson, she breezed into Pine Valley and instantly began to cause trouble. When Skye came between Tad Martin and his wife Hillary.
Tad cruelly blew off Skye, and an angry Adam agreed to help her win him back. With Adam's help, Skye set it up so that Tad arrived at the mountain resort before Hillary. Skye then met Tad there and convinced him that Hillary found out about the two of them and that Hillary was dumping him. Skye seduced Tad just in time for Hillary to walk in and catch them in bed!

In 1987, Brooke English hired Skye as a gofer at Tempo Magazine. Skye soon became involved with, Mitch Beck. Skye picked Mitch up when he was hitchhiking and they wound up making love.

Skye's friend Tom Cudahy cautioned Skye not to get involved with Mitch because she hardly knew him. Tom comforted Skye after Mitch broke up with her.
Stuart played matchmaker one day and told Tom that Skye didn't have a date for a Tempo party. Tom happily agreed to go with Skye. Skye and Tom began to grow closer. When Tom confided in Skye that he wanted a stable family again, she thought that he wanted Brooke back and was devastated. Skye was thrilled when Tom declared that he was only interested in her. A drunk Skye got into a car accident after she learned that Tom and Brooke were at Willow Lake together. Tom told an unconscious Skye how much he loved her and once Skye recovered, Tom proposed.
When Skye voiced her desire for a big family, Dr. Angie Hubbard told her that because of the accident, she could die if she tried to have a baby. Skye lied to Tom and told him that she was not sure if she was ready to have children yet. After Angie urged her to tell Tom the truth, Skye told Tom about her medical problem. He was furious she hadn't told him the truth immediately, but Tom accepted Skye's apology and the two got married the next day. Skye became upset every time she saw a woman with a baby. After Skye had a check-up, Angie told her she might never be able to have children. Skye covered her despair and told Tom that the check-up went well. Tom told Skye that he didn't want to have children until he was sure they had a stable relationship. Skye gave Tom a stack of bibles for Christmas and swore on them that she would never lie to him again.
Skye "innocently" revealed to Donna Tyler that Cindy Chandler, Stuart's wife, had AIDS in 1988. When Cindy was harassed and nearly killed in a fire set by a vigilante group, Skye raced into the building and rescued Cindy. While in the building, Skye inhaled the noxious smoke and fell into a long coma. It was later revealed that Skye had planned the fire, but had second thoughts at the last minute.
Tom turned to Barbara Montgomery while Skye was in the coma. Skye emerged from the coma on Stuart and Cindy's wedding day and when she saw Tom and Barbara together, she pretended to lapse back into her coma. Skye "awoke" again in a few weeks and attempted to keep Tom by faking paralysis. Tom ended his affair with Barbara and promised to stay with Skye as long as she needed him. Tom made love to Skye, but continued to think of Barbara. While Skye was spying on Tom and Barbara, Sean Cudahy, Tom's brother, found her and realized that she could walk. Sean promised to keep Skye's secret and suggested that Skye try killing Barbara to get her out of the picture. Skye eventually kidnapped Barbara at gunpoint, but soon gave up and was carted off to jail. She was later taken away to Oak Haven Sanitarium when she slipped into a catatonic state.

While in Oak Haven Sanitarium, Skye responded only to Travis Montgomery, who was there to receive hypnotherapy for his memory loss.
Skye was very attracted to Travis, but he was trying to work out his marriage with Erica Kane as he slowly regained his memory. In the hope that it would end his and Erica's marriage, Skye told Travis about Erica's affair. Skye's planned worked and when she received a 48 hours pass out of Oak Haven, she spent the night in a motel with Travis. In 1989, Skye was released from Oak Haven after Travis testified on her behalf at her hearing. Skye returned to work at Tempo.

After Skye ran out into a storm where she was hit by lightening, Tad carried Skye inside and when she woke, she had a new outlook on life. Eventually Skye took an interest in Nico Kelly. Skye pursued Nico and infuriated his wife Cecily.
Skye became jealous of Adam's constant praise of his son, Adam Jr. Out of resentment for the baby, Skye announced at Adam Jr.'s christening that Adam was still in love with Brooke. Adam kicked Skye out. When Adam Jr. was kidnapped, Skye was the main suspect. Nico provided Skye with a fake alibi, but Adam Jr. was soon found in Skye's motel room and she was arrested. Adam disowned her. Tad nabbed the true kidnapper at the airport just as she was about to escape with the ransom money after framing Skye.

Skye later offered to testify on Dixie's behalf so Dixie could have custody of Adam Jr. Skye began spending time with Jeremy Hunter and they grew closer after Adam had a stroke.
In 1990, Skye promised Jeremy that she would stop drinking. When Skye visited Adam in the hospital, the doctors told her that her visits upset him. Upset, Skye turned to drinking and invited Jeremy to spend the night with her, but he turned her down. Later, Skye apologized and promised again to give up drinking. Skye's promise didn't last long because she turned to the bottle for comfort when she learned that her trust fund was empty. Having no money, Skye accepted Jeremy's offer to live in his spare bedroom. She continued to drink and began taking sleeping pills.
Stuart told Jeremy that Skye was in love with him. Jeremy and Skye grew closer and shared a kiss, but Skye felt that she could not live up to Jeremy's expectations of her. Jeremy confessed his love to Skye and they made love. Adam apologized to Skye for mistreating her. After a successful art exhibition at the Gallery, Skye accidentally drank some wine and unable to stop herself, she helped herself to another glass. Skye planed to confess the slip up to Jeremy, but he quieted her with an invitation to move in with him. Skye was overwhelmed and got drunk to soothe her fears. Jeremy told Skye that he loved her and promised to help her beat her drinking problem.
Skye began attending AA meetings, but continued to drink. Skye was eventually arrested for drinking and driving. Out of love, Jeremy allowed Skye to remain in jail hoping it would teach her a lesson. Stuart bailed Skye out. Adam soon caught Skye sipping cooking sherry and was knocked unconscious after struggling with her for the bottle. Skye finally admitted that she had a drinking problem and began to attend AA meetings on a regular basis. At her drunk driving trial, Skye was given probation.

Adam encouraged Skye to start dating Will Cortlandt to get information on his uncle, Palmer Cortlandt. Will and Skye grew closer even though they were both using each other to spy for Palmer and Adam, respectively. Skye gave Will a fake stock tip to test his loyalty. Will failed the test when Palmer invested heavily in the stock. Palmer forbid Will from seeing Skye, but the two dated secretly. Daisy Cortlandt eventually caught Will and Skye kissing, but agreed to keep their affair a secret. Will and Skye went to New York City together where they made love. Skye admitted to Adam about her affair with Will. Skye overheard Adam tell his lawyer that he had been stealing money from his wife, Natalie. Skye was sworn to secrecy when Adam threatened to tell Palmer about her affair with Will. Will and Adam secretly agreed that Skye should keep quiet about Natalie. When Skye overheard Adam and Will talking about her behind her back, she told Natalie everything. Palmer caught Skye and Will together and threw Will out of the house. Will got angry and told Skye that they were through, but eventually Palmer gave in and allowed Will and Skye to date.
Adam disowned Skye when she and Will got engaged in 1991. The engagement was broken when Will was accused of poisoning Palmer and Skye didn't believe he was innocent. Skye soon left Pine Valley for a training program for Alcoholics Anonymous counselors in Minnesota. Will tried to reconcile with Skye, but she wanted a fresh start and turned him down.

Skye returned to Pine Valley in 1996 with her husband Dr. Jonathan Kinder, but now went by the name Toni. There was only one problem - Kinder kept Skye locked away in a church attic. Kinder drugged Skye and kept her imprisoned in a near comatose haze because she had incriminating evidence against him. Skye knew about Jonathan's felonious drug experiments and had hidden some key files that would ruin him.
Skye and Janet eventually escaped and teamed up with Kinder's nemesis Erica to expose him to the world. After a dangerous confrontation in the attic, Dimitri Marrick rescued Erica and Skye from Kinder. When Kinder "died" after falling down a flight of stairs, Erica and Janet buried him in Erica's backyard. Later, they found that the grave was empty. Erica, Janet and Skye tracked Kinder to the Caribbean, and managed to get him aboard a private jet. The three women then tied him up and delivered him to the Pine Valley Police.

Skye then became obsessed with writer Edmund Grey and she was determined to get him to love her. Skye witnessed the one-night affair between Edmund's brother, Dimitri, and his wife Maria Santos. Skye began to use this information as part of a plot to break up Edmund and Maria.
In 1997, Skye schemed to get her hands on the paternity test results for Maria's unborn baby. After seducing Andy, (a nerdy lab technician), Skye saw the tests which revealed that Edmund, not Dimitri, was the baby's father. Skye changed the results in the hope that it would help her get Edmund. Edmund eventually forgave Maria for her affair with Dimitri and the couple reunited. A short while later, Skye confessed to Edmund that she changed the paternity test results. Skye then informed Dimitri that Edmund knew that baby Maddie was his. Skye said goodbye to her father and left town in disgrace.

In 1999, Skye arrived in Llanview at the request of Asa Buchanan, who recruited her to help destroy Ben Davidson.
As it turned out, Skye and Ben were married. Ben eventually blackmailed Skye into signing the divorce papers.

Skye found herself sitting on some very valuable information when she figured out that Max Buchanan wasn't the real Buchanan heir! Soon thereafter, Skye also realized that Max was faking his brain damage.
Max began falling into Skye's clutches and he made love to her in an effort to keep his secrets from being exposed.

Skye, now in Port Charles's GH, has fallen like a ton of bricks for Jasper "Jax" Jacks. The week of March25-29, 2002 Jax saved Skye from hypothermia and they made love. The two later married but the marriage unraveled soon after "I do" because Skye kept a secret from Jax, Brenda was alive and well not fatally ill. They parted ways soon after Jax found out.

Skye slept with Luis Alcazar then was later wrongfully accused of his murder.

After discovering from Tracy Quartermaine that she was not Alan's biological child and confirming it with Rae, Skye began a relationship with her uncousin Ned Ashton and his "daughter" Kristina. Skye loves Kristina and vows to keep her away from Kristina's biological mother Alexis Davis who faked D.I.D. as a defence for murdering Luis Alcazar.