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My Tapes

AW's Lorna



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08/07/03: Put new links on link page and took an old one off. Updated Skye's-guys page and Skye's bio. Updated my rant page and AMC Tapes. If you guys haven't noticed I haven't really been updating regularly and that unfortunatly will continue as I start college this fall and have not been tuning into GH as of recent. Thank you all for your continued support of this web site.

08/10/02: Put an email notification form on the tapes pg. so if u want updates on my tapes you'll have to join that list.

08/09/02: Updated tapes pg, AMC: Skye scenes, AW: Lorna & Highlights '92, GH: Sax, OLTL: Starr & Jess/Viki/Nat/et al, and Skye: AMC & GH tapes pgs.

06/23/02: Re-did tapes pg. put a drop down menu dividing up AMC, AW, GH, OLTL, Skye, & TVmovies tapes into different pgs.

06/22/02: Re-did entire Skye-caps, put drop down menu w/April, May, Aug., Oct., Nov., Dec. of 2001 and Jan. of 2002. Put the link for the day of the recap in a calendar form. Updated rant pg.

05/31/02: Added a pic of IR&RC to the Robin and Ingo pg. and a pic of Sax to the Skye 2002 pic pg.

05/30/02: Added tapes to the tape pg.
•GH Sax (Skye/Jax):
#1 - Jax's return Aug. 2001 - Sax arguing over Courtney Feb. 2002 (my original edits) [T-160].

•Tape #3 of OLTL's Jess/Viki/Nat/et al:
Viki/Niki "hates" Nat April 1, 2002 - Roxy marries Max-a-million May 22, 2002 (my original edits) [T-160].

•AMC Dixie and Tad's 1st wedding; Tad coping w/Dixie's death; bonus scenes of Dixie from Dec. 1991 (my original edits) [T-120].

•AW's Lorna/Gabe bags taken - Lorna being wheeled to safety (not my edits) [T-120].

05/21/02: Put up 2 more pics on the Robin and Ingo pic pg.

05/20/02: Created a new pic pg for Robin and Ingo put up 2 pics of them 2gthr; link on Skye-pic pg.

05/19/02: Updated Tapes pg w/OLTL Live week of May 13 - May 17.

05/12/02: Updated 2002 Skye pics w/2new pics and updated tapes pg w/AW tapes covering July '93-March '94
04/20/02: Re-did tapes pg.

04/18/02: Added Nurse's Ball tape to tape list.

04/14/02: Added Sax pic on 2002 Skye Pics pg.

04/06/02: Updated Character Listings, Put a new pic of Skye up, Updated Video collection on tapes pg.

04/04/02: Added SN's transcript of RC - link on Actor's History pg. Also added link to Lorna bio on Actor's History pg.

04/01/02: Added article over Sax from April 16, 2002's ABC SID to Article pg.; Added finished tape #2 to the Jess/Viki/Nat tape collection.

03/30/02: Added links to most if not all my pgs. for the new pgs. I put up.
Updated Skye's-guys, Rant and Links.

03/29/02: Added pic of Sax and link to 2002 Skye pics on Pics Pg.

03/28/02: I added the Tapes pg.: my collection of tapes and those I'd like. Skye's-guys pg.: The men Skye has fallen for. AW's Lorna pg.: includes RC's AW character bio and old freeze frames of her w/Linda Dano [Rae, OLTL; Felicia, AW] and John Bolger(SP?)[ex-John, OLTL; ex-Gabe, AW] and Mark Pinter [Roger AMC; ex-Grant AW] and one or two over AC, the 1st portrayer of the character.

03/27/02: I added this page and links from home pg.