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soapdeity's AMC Weddings

I have:

*SoapNet's Erica's Unforgettable Weddings.
Erica & Tom's wedding
Erica & Adam 1st wedding
Erica & Travis 1st wedding
Erica & Travis 2nd wedding
Erica & Adam 2nd wedding

*SoapNet's AMC Unforgettable Weddings. Recorded in SLP.
I've got Tad and Dixie's 1st Wedding 1st aired December 1989.
Liza and Adam's 1st Wedding 1st aired December 1996.
Jenny and Greg's wedding
Maria and Edmund pts. 1&2 1st aired March 1994
Marian and Stuart's wedding

I'm willing to trade tapes or pay a reasonable price for them and vice versa.

Email me for details.

Email me at: