Chapter Ten

WHILE JASON AND Robin were taking their vows and becoming man and wife, Jax was discovering that several of the takeover attempts he had had in the works and had sunk quite a chunk of change into had literally blown up in his face, after some mysterious benefactor that was rapidly gaining the nickname of The Corporate Angel had bailed them out and given them enough money to fight off Jax. It didn't take Jax long to follow the money trail. The Corporate Angel had done nothing to cover his tracks and wanted Jax to be able to easily find out who was behind his downfall. So Jax quickly discovered Sonny was The Corporate Angel and he headed over to the Port Charles Hotel, where Jason and Robin's wedding reception was being held, to confront Sonny on his treachery.

Meanwhile at the wedding, Carly was undressing Sonny with her eyes as he stood up at the altar with Jason, serving as his best man, much to the chagrin of The Q family. She'd always wanted to meet Sonny when she and Jason were knocking boots together. But Jason would never introduce them. Now they had finally met. She looked at Jason briefly in a dismissive fashion. Why settle for a boy when she could have a man. She looked over at Brenda who was standing beside St. Robin and sneered at her. Everyone knew about the flirtation she was carrying on with that wuss, Jasper Jacks. She'd bet a man like Sonny wouldn't like that one little bit. In fact, she'd bet at this point, he was pretty fed-up with it. So much the better for her. This should be a piece of cake. It looked like the Mobster and the Model were about to hit the skids with a little help from her and Jasper Jacks, she happily mused to herself.

In that short encounter with Sonny she had felt the pull of his raw sexuality. It was a sexuality that matched her own. In fact, when she thought about it the two of them were really a lot alike. Neither one of them were allowed to try and fit in with this crowd. They would always be treated like outsiders because they came from the same place. Looking at him was like looking in the mirror at herself. Sonny would also be the perfect person to help free her from that weasel she had married to keep custody of her son. Yes, the more she thought about it, the more convinced she became that Sonny Corinthos would be the answer to all her problems.

She'd watch and wait until Sonny was at a vulnerable moment and then she'd get him in her bed. She had no doubt she'd have any big problem accomplishing that. Afterwards, she'd plot, scheme and manipulate things until he was divorced from that twit he was married to and he was married to her. It was the perfect plan. One that promised her great rewards in the end.

Sonny fought the pull to turn his head and stare at Carly. He could feel her staring at him. This wasn't why he was here. He was here to find out what would have happened if he had married Brenda and he had. So why hadn't Stone shown up and sent him back to his real life, by now? Was it so he could find out that it wasn't his fear of the mob that would have ultimately destroyed him and Brenda, but their pull to other people?

As she stood at the altar, Brenda didn't know why she had the sudden urge to turn her head and stare into the pews where the people were seated, but she did. When she did she saw the way Carly was eating Sonny up with her eyes. At first she thought it was Jason she was giving that hungry look to, but after Jason and Robin were pronounced husband and wife and she and Sonny walked back up the aisle arm-in-arm, Brenda was shocked to see Carly was looking at Sonny, not Jason.

If Brenda needed anymore proof Carly was now on the hunt after Sonny, she got it when they stood in the receiving line outside of the church as the guests began to congratulate Jason and Robin on their marriage. Instead of stopping in front of Jason and kissing him on the cheek to congratulate him on his marriage, Carly stopped in front of Sonny. "Congratulations, Sonny."

"Shouldn't you be congratulating Jason." He replied, uncomfortable by the feelings she had aroused in him. It was disconcerting to him to realize if he had married Brenda, when he finally met Carly he would have still found himself sexually attracted to her inspite of the love and passion he felt for Brenda. "He's the one who just got married, not me."

"Oh," She smiled in a very feline way at him. "I think you did more to make this happen than anyone else did." Then she suddenly grabbed him by the lapels of his morning suit and pulled him to her. Everyone watched in shock as she fastened her mouth to his.

Brenda was the first to recover as she quickly pulled Carly off of Sonny. "You bitch!" Brenda slapped her. "Get your filthy hands off my husband. Don't you ever dare touch him again." She snarled in Carly face. "If you do, I swear that'll be the last thing you ever touch again."

"I didn't see him pushing me away." Carly smirked at an enraged Brenda, as she rubbed her stinging cheek. "In fact, he was doing a pretty good job of kissing me back."

AJ stormed through the crowd and grabbed Carly by the arm. "What the hell do you think you're doing kissing him like that." He snarled in her face.

"I felt like kissing a real man for a change." She yanked her arm out of his grip, then sent Sonny a smoldering looking. "And he sure is all that." She sent a sneer at Brenda. "And he appeared to enjoy kissing a real woman for a change, too."

Sonny had to grab Brenda by the waist as she lunged towards Carly, claws bared. "Stay away from my husband." She screamed, "If you even look in his direction again, I swear I'll kill you."

Sonny dragged Brenda in the direction of the limo that was waiting to take them to the Port Charles Hotel to attend the wedding reception. The minute they were both inside and the limo had started on his way, Brenda rounded on Sonny. "How could you!" She declared in outrage. "How could you kiss that slut!"

"I didn't kiss her." Sonny replied. "I just kissed her back." How could he explain to her that since Carly was his wife in his real life, that when he felt her lips on his it had just felt normal to kiss her back.

"And you didn't look like you were about to push her away anytime soon, either." Brenda spat.

"Don't get on your high horse with me." Sonny spat back. "I'm not the one encouraging another man to send me presents and letting him think he has a chance with me."

"That's not as bad as kissing another woman." She declared. "And in front of everyone who knows us, too."

"It is from where I'm sitting." Sonny retorted. "Besides, she kissed me. I didn't kiss her."

"No, but you kissed her back." She reminded him. "You're attracted to her, aren't you?"

"I'm married, I'm not dead." Sonny admitted. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to go out and screw her. If you can carry on some flirtation with Jax, then I guess I can be attracted to another woman."

The limo stopped in front of the Port Charles Hotel, and Sonny and Brenda climbed out. How had everything gone so wrong, so fast between them, both wondered separately.

When Sonny and Brenda arrived in the ballroom all eyes were on them. They separated and went to opposite sides of the ballroom. Ned rushed over to Brenda. "If this doesn't prove it, nothing will." Ned hissed in her ear. "You've got to leave him, Brenda. He's no good."

"Shut up, Ned." She spat as she picked up a glass of champagne and downed it in one gulp.

Brenda wasn't the only one bellying-up to the bar. AJ was already on his third drink. "Why did you marry me." AJ whined.

"Why do you think?" Carly spat back. "You threatened to take my child away from me unless I married you. What choice did I have but to marry you?" She walked away from him in disgust.

Sonny rolled his eyes in disgust as Jax stormed into the ballroom. He must have found out what he'd done. Oh, goody. Just in time to pound another nail into his coffin. Not that he regretted what he'd done. He'd enjoyed every moment of it. But when Brenda found out she was clearly going to dump him, and Stone would come and tell him it was time to go back to his real life. He should be filled with relief this was almost over, but he wasn't.

"Corinthos!" Jax roared in indignation. "This time you've gone too far." Everyone stared at Sonny wondering what he'd done now.

He had gone too far, Sonny thought derisively. That was rich. Jax was trying to break up his marriage and yet Jax thought he was the injured party. Typical. "What have I done now?" Sonny asked innocently, as he continued sitting in his chair sipping a glass of champagne. "Have I abused another woman that you feel honor bound to save from me? Should I prepare myself for a slap across the face with your lily white glove as you call me out to defend the honor of the lady I've sullied with my presence."

Brenda rolled her eyes. She knew he was up to something and she had been pretty sure it had involved Jax. Now she had her proof she was right. She wondered just what Sonny had done. When he wanted revenge, Sonny could be very creative. And Jax had really pushed Sonny too far this time.

"You purposely ruined my takeover attempts of several companies." Jax spat, like that just wasn't done.

"But I had to." Sonny replied. "See, you're a bad man, Jax, and these companies have to be saved from you. Just like you have to run around town saving all these women from me, because I'm a bad man."

"So that's why you're doing this." Jax declared. "Because you know Brenda wants me. You can't handle that so you're trying to destroy me."

Brenda couldn't believe Jax had said that. This thing had gone too far. She had to end it now before it did any more damage to her marriage.

"Yeah, she wants you so bad." Sonny taunted him. "She cries out your name when we're having sex. Do you even live in this world? How many times did Brenda dump you for me? You only ever got in Brenda's bed to begin with because Lily was pregnant and I let Brenda go. Brenda wanted me so badly she went on the run with me just so she could be with me."

Sonny saw Brenda approaching and held up a hand to halt whatever she had to say. "Please, Brenda, I don't want to hear it." Sonny declared. "If I have to listen to one more person, especially my own wife, telling me this asshole's shit doesn't stink, I'm going to be violently ill."

He turned back to Jax. "Whenever I called you on your so-called business practices in the past, you've said business is business." Sonny replied scornfully. "That you prey on the businesses that these people build up with their own blood, sweat and tears and steal them out from under them and it's just business. So I say the same to you, Jax. This is nothing personal. Business is business." He took the nightgown Jax had sent Brenda out of his pocket and held it out in front of him. "Now why don't you tell me what this is? Is this just business, too?"

"What is that?" Brenda asked, shocked to see Sonny pull a skimpy nightgown out of his pocket.

"It's the latest present loverboy, here, sent to you." Sonny informed her. "Cute, isn't it?"

"You opened the present I sent to Brenda." Jax was outraged. "How dare you!"

"Let me get this straight." Sonny said in a deadly voice. "I'm the bad guy because I opened the present you sent my wife, but you're Prince Charming for sending my wife something like this." He threw the nightgown in Jax's face. "Tell me, Jax, what kind of sick fantasies were going on in your mind? Did you think Brenda would wear it when we went to bed together and she'd be thinking of you?"

Then he turned on Brenda. "Tell me something, sweetheart?" He asked in a falsely sweet voice. "When he's whispering sweet nothings in your ear and telling you how he has to save you from me, does he mention one word about our daughter and saving her from me, too?" He didn't wait for her to answer. "I didn't think so. Probably because she looks too much like me and is a constant reminder of all the times you chose me over him. So in effect he wants you to leave not only me, but our infant daughter, as well. And yet everyone still thinks he's the good guy and can do no wrong."

"You've all done nothing but push me around since I returned to this god forsaken hole." Sonny addressed the rest of the wedding guests. "You all thought since I lost all my power, you could stomp me into the ground and I could do nothing to fight back. Well, the pushing is over." He looked back at Jax scornfully. "I suggest you watch what I do to your precious golden boy, here. Because the next person who tries to push me around, is going to get the exact same treatment as he's going to get. And you can all take that to the bank." With that he stormed out of the ballroom leaving the stunned guests in his wake. They had all pulled the tiger's tail and now he was going on the attack.