Chapter Eleven

onny couldn't believe what he'd just heard. "Did you say you're Carlos Montoya's wife!" He got to his feet and put some space between them. "If you another man's wife, then why the hell did you come to me?"

"Sonny." Brenda wouldn't let him push her away physically. She went right over to him getting right in his space. "I thought you were dead. Then I saw an article in the newspaper about you and knew it wasn't true. That you were in Port Charles." She added. "Just because I made a stupid mistake, I wasn't going to let it stop us from being together."

"We can't be together." He told her. "You're married to another man. A mobster who'll never let you leave him for me. Who will kill you to save face with his associates when he finds out you made a cuckold out of him with me."

"Don't you think I already know that." She spat. "Sonny, I'm no longer naive about how the mob works like I used to be. I know how it works now. That's why I brought you here." She added. "No one but us knows about this place and we'll be safe here. No one will be able to find us here and we can live out the rest of our days together here."

"You're fooling yourself." Sonny told her. "The mob always finds you. And when they do, they're going to kill us both."

"I don't care." She declared. "If Montoya and his people were to find us today and kill us, I would die happy."

"This is not what I wanted for you." He retorted. "I gave you up so you wouldn't have a life like this."

"This is the life I chose." She spat back. "You had no right disregarding the choice I made and leaving me."

"I did it to protect you." He defended himself. "At least my choice was an unselfish one. You kidnapped me and decided this was the life I was going to lead like it or not without even asking me if this was the life I wanted."

"You made the last choice for us the day you cut and run on our wedding day." Brenda spat. "Now I'm making all the decisions for us." She asked. "Just where did your noble sacrifice get you? Guilt over the fact if you'd stuck to our plan, I would have been with you and my mother would have never driven me over a cliff and almost killed me?" She spread her arms out dramatically to motion to their surroundings. "Look at us, Sonny. We're right back to where we were supposed to be when we were planning to get married and go on the run together. Sonny, can't you see this is our destiny. You tried to change it, you made us both miserable and were right back to where were supposed to be. This is where we're supposed to be. This is our destiny."

"I don't want you to die because of me." He grabbed her suddenly and shook her.

"Don't worry, baby." She smiled at him. "If we die, it won't be because of you, it'll be because of me." She added. "But we're not going to die. Together we're like a force of nature and no one or nothing can stop us or keep us apart. Not even you."

He leaned his forehead against hers. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Just love me." She kissed him hungrily. "That's all I've ever want or needed." She pulled him down on the floor with her so he could make love to her. "Just love me."

arlos Montoya entered a deserted warehouse on the docks. His men had brought the man from the motel room here when he continued to deny knowing anything about where Sonny Corinthos had been taken to after he'd been carried out of Jake's Pool Hall. "So, what have you learned."

"Nothing yet, sir." One of his men told him. "We've worked him over pretty good, but he still insists he knows nothing about Sonny Corinthos' whereabouts." He added. "Looks like we'll have to get a little more creative to make him crack."

Montoya went up to the man and grabbed him by the chin to make him look at him. "Listen to me, little man." Montoya spat. "My name is Carlos Montoya. Very soon I am going to be a very important man in this town and Sonny Corinthos will be nothing. Save yourself a world of pain and tell us what we want to know, or suffer the consequences."

"What do you want to know?" The man blubbered like a baby.

"It's very simple." Montoya enunciated each word slowly and carefully like he thought he was talking to an idiot. "First, the woman who paid you to remove Corinthos from the pool hall. Did you ever see her face?"

"No." He shook his head adamantly. "She just paid us to take him to where she wanted him taken to."

"And where was that?" Montoya asked.

The man gave Montoya the directions to the house they had taken Sonny to. Then he added anxiously. "We had no idea who he was. She just offered us money to take him where she wanted him taken. She didn't tell us who he was until after we'd dumped him in the house."

"That's all right." He smiled at the man. "I understand. My wife is a treacherous bitch who is a pro at fooling men."

"Now that I've told you what you wanted to know." There was a desperate tone in the man's voice. "You'll let me go, won't you?"

"What do you think." He sounded like a priest granting absolution on a parishioner. Then he turned to his men with a cold look in his eyes. "Kill him."

"But I told you what you wanted to know." The man replied. "You told me if I told you the truth, it would save me a world of hurt."

"And it has." Montoya looked at him pleasantly. "Once you are dead you will no longer feel any pain. You will have been saved a world of hurt."

Montoya walked out of the room and waited in the back of his limo. He didn't even flinch when he heard the gunshot. A few seconds later his men joined him. "Where to, boss?" One of them asked as he climbed behind the wheel.

"To my wife's little love nest." Montoya said coldly as he pulled on his leather gloves. "To remind her she's a married woman and the only way out of our marriage is in a pine box."

onny and Brenda laid on the floor in front of the fireplace kissing and caressing each other hungrily. Their sweaty bodies were still entwined as one. The flames from the hearth painted their nude bodies a golden hue. Even though they had just finished making love it still hadn't slaked their thirst for each other.

"I was so afraid." Brenda confessed as she trailed kisses down his chest. "I was afraid once you knew everything I'd lose you."

"You'll never lose me." Sonny promised as he nibbled on her earlobe. "And I'll never leave you ever again." He added as he looked deeply into her eyes. "You're right. This is our destiny. I tried to fight it, but I'm done fighting what is supposed to be."

"I know you can't stand for other people to make decisions for you." She dug her fingers into his derrière to bring him deeper inside her. "I know I should have given you the choice to decide if this is the life you want. I had no right to make a decision for you that could end up getting you killed."

"Shhh!" He put a finger to her lips to silence her. "You made the right decision. This is the life I want, no matter how long or short it may be for." He began to frantically pump in and out of her, bringing them both to climax again. "This is the only life I want. The only one that will make me truly happy."

After the pleasure began to ebb away from them, she laid across his chest flicking his nipple with her fingernail. "How long do you think we'll have before Montoya finds us?"

"I don't know." He sighed as he stared in the flames. "Probably not very long." He looked at her. "We'll have to start making plans to leave here soon. Whatever happens, we won't go down without a fight." He added. "And if the worst should happen, we'll have lived each moment together to the fullest and no one will be able to take that away from us."