SONNY AND BRENDA watched as the last of their guests finally departed. Michele had dropped off to sleep over an hour ago and Sonny had to carry her up to bed. Some of the adults had stayed behind to exchange some idle chit-chat. Now Sonny and Brenda were finally alone and they collapsed together on the couch.

"So." Brenda could wait no longer to ask. "Just what did you say to Carly?" She added. "She left pretty quickly after you had your conversation with her."

"Our daughter had a little chat with me." Sonny informed Brenda. "She told me she didn't like Carly pawing me and wanted a stop put to it."

"She didn't!" Brenda laughed in delight. "Well, that's a chip off the old block." She added. "So what did you do about that request."

Sonny casually examined his nails. "Well, it is her birthday." Sonny commented. "I felt it only right to give her what she wanted on this one day."

"You give her what she wants every day of the year." She reminded him. "She has you wrapped completely around her little finger."

"I know." Sonny admitted with a smile. "But she never uses it to manipulate me, which is why I give her anything her heart desires."

"So I won't have to put up with Carly pawing you anymore?" Sonny nodded. "And how did you accomplish that?"

"I made it clear to her she has no chance with me." Sonny replied. "I also told her if she stopped it I'd help her get free of her marriage to AJ."

"And just how do you intend to do that?" Brenda wanted to know.

"You know me." Sonny answered enigmatically. "I always find a way."

"She could always start pursuing you after you help her get free of AJ." Brenda pointed out.

"I don't think she will." Sonny assured her. "I told Carly even if she succeeded in getting me away from you, I would never stop loving you or wanting you, and that seemed to finally get through to her."

"Well." Brenda laid back in Sonny's arms and got comfortable. "If she really stops dogging your trail, I'll be thrilled. But until I see it, I'm not going to believe it."

"Can we stop talking about Carly." Sonny wrapped his arms around Brenda. "We're finally alone together, isn't there something better we could talk about?"

"As a matter of fact there is." She took a deep breath before plunging ahead. "I think it's time we had another baby." She could feel Sonny go deathly still. "Sonny?"

"What about your job?" He asked, hoping that might dissuade her. "Do you really have the time with your job to have another child."

"I want to quit my job." She announced. "It's served it's purpose. At one time I thought it would change things and make people see how they were treating you is wrong. But it hasn't. It all seems rather pointless. You were right. You can't make people like someone their determined to hate. I could write a million columns and it wouldn't change a damn thing."

"Just because you want to quit your job." Sonny replied. "Is no reason to suddenly want to have a baby."

"It isn't all of a sudden." She told him as she sat up and looked at him. "I just haven't mentioned it because I knew how you'd react to it." She added. "So what are your objections this time. We're not in danger from the mob, so what reason don't you want us to have another child, this time?"

"How can you want to have one." Sonny suddenly blurted out. "After all the pain you went through giving birth to Michele."

"Oh." It suddenly made sense. "So that's it."

"It tore me apart watching you in such pain." Sonny confessed. "And I was the reason for it. How can you want to go through all that again?"

"I could really do without the pain." She laughed. "And believe me when I say, I intend to demand plenty of drugs." She laid back in Sonny's arms. "But whenever I see Michele, any pain I went through giving birth to her, is more than worth it."

"It's not fair." Sonny wrapped his arms tightly around her wishing he could spare her from any future pain.

"I know it isn't." She sighed happily. "But you have to look at it from the other side. I may have to go through pain to bring our child into the world, but is it fair that you can never know how it feels to feel our child growing inside your body for nine months." She paused for a moment to let him think about that. "Think about it Sonny. The role of the father is pretty much detached in the whole birth process. You have sex with me and that's pretty much the end of it until the baby is born. You're pretty much an outsider to the whole miracle that's happening inside of my body." She added. "I guess the pain is the price I have to pay."

"Are you really sure you want to go through it again?" Sonny felt his resolve weakening.

"Don't you want us to have another baby." Brenda wanted to know.

"Of course I do." Sonny declared passionately. "I grew up an only child and I don't want Michele to do the same thing. But I also don't want to see you go through that pain again"."

"Sonny." She felt like she was talking to a very young child who just didn't understand. "None of us gets through like without experiencing some kind of pain. But having another Michele running around will make the pain I have to experience worth it." She turned around in his arms and began to unbutton his shirt. "And this time we can really enjoy my pregnancy. I won't have to worry about you and you won't have to worry about me. We can just enjoy the miracle we created together."

Sonny arched his neck as she rain her tongue up his throat. "Are you really sure you want to do this."

"I'm sure." She straddled his lap. "And just think of all the fun we'll have doing it?"

He pulled her dress up over her head. "So." He kissed her hungrily. "How many do you want to have?"

"Two or three." She pulled his shirt down his arms and laid down on top of him. "You think you can handle that."

"Don't you know by now, sweetheart." He grinned wickedly at her. "That I can take whatever you've got to dish out and dish it right back to you?"

"We'll just see about that." She promised him, as they quickly removed each other's clothes and got down to the business of making a baby together.