BRENDA GAVE BIRTH to a son which she and Sonny named, Brendan Michael Corinthos. Followed by twins, a boy and a girl, named Adella Veronica Corinthos and Stone Harlan Corinthos. Even though Sonny had a large family with Brenda, he still retained his connection to Jamie Quartermaine and continued in his role as surrogate father to him. Carly sort of kept her word once Sonny had managed to get her free of her marriage to AJ and made sure she got full custody of Jamie. Even though she knew Sonny would never leave Brenda, she couldn't stop herself from pushing the envelope with him in a flirtation that continued to this day.

As the years passed, Brenda forgot as completely as Sonny had been made to forget that this wasn't her real life. Her real life became a dim memory to her that with each passing year began to seem more and more like a bad dream.

Sonny and Brenda finally came full circle as their daughter, Michele, prepared to marry Jamie Quartermaine at St. Timothy's [the same church Sonny and Brenda had married in almost two decades ago] with a reception to be held at the Port Charles Hotel afterwards. Needless to say the Quartermaines were not pleased that the heir apparent was going to marry Sonny Corinthos' daughter.

As Sonny and Brenda entered St. Timothy's church, and Sonny showed Brenda to her seat before he went back to walk Michele down the aisle, both were hit by the memories of their own wedding. "Can you believe it's been almost twenty years since we got married in this very church." Brenda sighed in reflection.

"I almost didn't show up." Sonny revealed. "I got scared and I almost told Jason to come here and to tell you I wasn't coming."

"I know." Brenda smiled sadly. "But you did come and we got married and we've had a happy life together like we always should have had."

"You still look as beautiful as that day on the docks." He told her as he brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it. "You were carrying your suitcase and I offered to help."

"But I didn't want your help." Brenda replied. "Or, that's what I tried to make you believe." She laid her head on his shoulder. "Just one look into those wicked dark eyes of yours and it was too late for me. From that moment on you were the only man I would ever want." Then she laughed. "By the way, baby, you still lie beautifully. I look just as beautiful as that day. Have you taken a good look at me, lately?"

"When I look at you." His eyes began to tear up. "I don't see the gray hair and wrinkles. I'll always see you as you were the moment I looked into your eyes and fell in love for the very first time in my life."

"I feel the same way." She told him. "Do you remember that time we were trapped in the catacombs and you told me you wanted to grow old with me?" She motioned around at their surroundings. "Well, you got your wish. Was it everything you hoped it would be when you made that wish in the catacombs."

"It's been more." He held his face in his hands and kissed her hungrily.

"Even after all these years." She sighed happily. "My lips still burn for your kiss."

"That's good to know." He flashed his dimples at her, which were a little faded with age, not that Brenda noticed. "Now I think I'd better go back and see how our daughter is doing before she thinks we abandoned her."

"You still worried about her?" Brenda suddenly asked.

Sonny had confided he had a gut feeling all wasn't right with Michele. What he didn't tell Brenda was she was reminding him of the way he was acting right before his wedding to Brenda and it worried him. She was too much like him and it worried him what she might do.

"Anyone would be if their child was marrying into the Quartermaine clan." Sonny tried to laugh it off. "I kind of feel to blame for it happening. If I hadn't developed such a close relationship with Jamie, she would have never had anything to do with him and she'd be marrying somebody normal."

"Jamie isn't like the rest of the Quartermaines." Brenda surprised him by saying in her future son-in-law's favor. "And thank god he's nothing like his mother."

"You weren't exactly happy when Michele told you she was marrying Jamie." Sonny reminded her. "Have you gotten over it."

"What mother would be." She retorted. "If they learned their daughter was marrying Carly Quartermaine's son." She added. "This must be making Carly's day. She couldn't land you, but her son managed to land your daughter. She can live vicariously through our children."

"But you're okay with it?" He wanted to hear her say it.

"Jamie's a good kid." She put Sonny's mind at rest. "I think Michele loves him the way I love you, so how could I object."

"I'll be sure to tell her that." He dropped a kiss on the tip of Brenda's nose. "She knew you weren't thrilled by the news when she told you. I think it'll put her mind at ease." He added as he walked towards the anteroom where Michele was getting ready. "The next time you see me, I'll be walking our daughter down the aisle."

Michele was alone when Sonny entered the room. "Where's everyone." Sonny asked as he entered.

"I sent them away." Michele told him. "I told them I needed to be alone."

"What's wrong." He could see she was hardly the picture of the happy bride.

"You can always read me." She didn't sound like she was too happy about that. She suddenly smiled. "You always knew what kind of mischief I'd get in before I even knew it and you'd be there to put a stop to it."

"That's because I got in the same mischief as a child." He told her. "And I wanted to make sure you didn't make the mistakes I did."

"You've never been happy that I'm so much like you." She declared. "That's why you've always kept such a close eye on me."

"You think and act like me." He told her. "And that's terrifying, since I always make the wrong choices and do the wrong things."

"And you're here to stop me from doing what I'm planning to do now." They could always read each other almost like they shared the same brain.

"You're not planning to go through with the wedding, are you." He answered. "You're planning to leave him standing at the altar."

"I have to, Daddy." Michele declared as she began to cry. "Old man Quartermaine told me if I go through with marrying Jamie, he'll disinherit him and have Jamie's father disown him. I have to do this for Jamie. He'll be better off without me. He'll find someone he loves whom Edward Quartermaine approves of as a bride for his great grandson."

"Sweetheart don't do this." He took her hands into his and pleaded with her. "If you do, you'll regret it for the rest of your life."

"How do you know?" She demanded angrily.

"Because I almost did the same thing to your mother." He confessed. "I got scared and I was planning to cut and run. But if I had, I would have never had the wonderful life I've had with her and you kids. And my life would have been empty without you and your mother and brothers and sister."

"Daddy, what if Jamie grows to hate me." She cried. "Because he gave up everything to marry me."

"I was afraid of the same thing." He admitted. "I thought your mother would grow to hate me, but it never happened. And it won't happen with you and Jamie, either."

"I don't know..." He could feel she was wavering and that he was getting through to her.

"Do you love, Jamie?" Sonny suddenly asked and she nodded. "Then take the chance and a grab at your chance at happiness. I've always been afraid to take the risk. Don't be like me. Grab hold of that brass ring and never let it go."

"I will, Daddy." She threw herself in his arms and began to cry. "I will."

They heard the Wedding March beginning. "That's our cue."

"I've been blubbering like a baby." She got a hold of herself. "My face probably looks a mess."

He wiped her tears away. "They'll just think their tears of happiness."

After that the wedding went off without a hitch and on the ride to the Port Charles Hotel for the reception Sonny told Brenda what almost happened. "I told you she's too much like me."

Brenda couldn't help wishing someone had talked Sonny out of running away from his happiness the way he had Michaele. But all Sonny had had was Jason who thought Sonny was always right in whatever choice he made. "Well, you stopped her from ruining both her and Jamie's life and that's all that matters."

"Edward is going to try and cause trouble between them." Sonny sighed. "It isn't going to be easy for them."

"They couldn't have it as hard as we did." She said with great feeling. "I doubt Edward will send hitmen to ambush them on the way to the airport. Or be in labor and running for her life thinking she's about to be killed at any moment." She took Sonny's hand in hers. "If they love each other, they'll make it, the same way we did."