Chapter Two

he woman watched as the men she'd hired to help her carried Sonny into her bedroom and tossed him on the bed. After Sonny had passed out on the floor of Jake's she had flashed a wad of cash at the first two men she laid her eyes on and offered to pay them if they helped her get her husband home. They hadn't believed her story for a minute considering Sonny was dressed in wedding clothes while she was dressed in funeral garb, but they had taken her money and had agreed to help her. "Hey!" She spat. "Be careful with him."

"Look!" One of the men spat back. "You paid us to get him here, and we got him here. Now that's the end of it. We're out of here."

"Fine." She replied. "But I think I should let you know who that was you just tossed down on the bed like he was a sack of potatoes. That's Sonny Corinthos the crime boss. So if I were you I would mention to no one that you brought him here, or it could be the death of you, literally."

She slammed the door behind the two Neanderthals as they left, then she went over to the bed. "I'm sorry they treated you so roughly, baby, but you're here now. You're home."

She ran her fingers through his wavy hair. She couldn't believe she finally had him with her at long last. She laid down on the bed next to him and looked her fill of him. She would never tire of looking at that face if she had the opportunity to look at him for the next hundred years. He had filled her thoughts during the day and her dreams at nights for years, and now she finally had the real thing. She needed to constantly touch and caress him to assure herself this wasn't just another fantasy and it was really real. That he was really here with her at long last.

She wondered if when he woke up if he'd realize where he was. Although he had never been here before, would he remember this place. She wondered if some part of him already knew it was her. She had seen the way he had reacted when she'd entered Jake's. He had felt her presence the moment she had entered the room and had looked at her like he knew who she was, then she had watched as he had shaken off the feeling and tried to ignore her and what he was feeling.

She felt her anger building again as she felt the material of his morning suit under her fingertips. He had married Carly Roberts twice and he had been about to marry her for a third time. That was a bitter pill for her to swallow that was threatening to turn their long-awaited reunion sour. Just thinking about it made her want to hit him, and demand to know how he could have married that bitch twice when he couldn't go through with marrying her even once. That wasn't how she wanted to be with him. She'd been searching for him for so long and now she'd finally found him. She didn't want her anger at him to ruin what she had been working so hard for for so many years. Everything they had both done from this moment on was in the past. All that mattered was they were finally together again at long last. That wretched morning suit he was clothed in was definitely a part of his past. One she was going to rid him of right this minute.

The woman was none to gentle with Sonny as she forced him to sit up and yanked his jacket off him. Then she let him drop back on his back as she roughly removed his tie and ripped his shirt open.

Seeing his bare chest had quite an effect on her. She spread his shirt open so every inch of him was on display for her hungry gaze to devour. He'd been working out, she noticed. His chest was more muscular since the last time they had made love. She rubbed her hand caressingly over his pectorals. She liked the change, she liked them very much. She also liked him passed out cold like this so she could do whatever she wished to him.

Instead of going through the same struggle she had to get his jacket off him, the woman got up off the bed and got herself a pair of scissors. The idea of cutting all his clothes off of him appealed to her sensual nature. She just wish he was awake to enjoy the experience with her. Of course, if he was, he might not go along with it. Sometimes Sonny could act like a choir boy trapped in a body that was made for sex.

"Well, baby." She told him as she cut his shirt off of him. "You have no choice in the matter. I'm the one making all the decisions for you now." After freeing him from his shirt, she went to work on each leg of his trousers, then she pulled them off of him, as well.

She stepped back away from the bed to look at her handiwork. Sonny was laying spread-eagle on the bed in nothing but his skimpy black briefs that left nothing to the imagination. God, how did he do it. He was even more beautiful than he was the last time she had seen him. And he'd be even more so once she had him completely nude.

Casting a disdainful look at the clothes littering the floor that resembled nothing but a pile of rags now, she scooped them up and threw them into the fireplace and then lit a fire in the hearth. Turning back to Sonny, she picked up the pair of scissors back up.

"Time to release you from the final remnant of your old life, baby." She smiled as she slid the blade of the scissors underneath the material of his briefs. "Then you can be free to embrace your new life completely." Once she had his briefs off of him, she tossed them on top of the burning pile of clothing in the fireplace.

"There." She said satisfied she'd rid him of all the clothes associated with that wretch Carly and his relationship to her. Then she laid back down on the bed with him and spent long minutes caressing and kissing his bare flesh. "That's much better." Still, she wasn't satisfied. Even without the clothes, he still bore that witch's touch on his body and she felt an overwhelming need to remove it from him. She wanted him free of every woman's touch but her own. Maybe if she bathed him she could remove the touch from his body of all the women he'd been with since her.

She got off the bed and headed into the bathroom. As she filled a pan with soapy warm water to bathe him with, she couldn't believe how possessive she felt towards him. She'd always been possessive of him, but that was nothing to the way she felt about him now. But it was completely understandable after all she had gone through to finally be with him, again.

When she returned to him he was still laying in the same exact position she had left him in. He was still out cold with no signs of the drugs starting to wear off of him. She started to worry that maybe she had slipped too much of the sedative into his drink. She quickly shook that idea off. He would be fine. She should be grateful he was out for so long. It was giving her the opportunity to touch him to her heart's content, and god only knew how he would behave when he was finally awake.

She sat the pan down on the night stand and began to soap up a sponge. She tried not to think that what she had done to Sonny was unfair to him. She knew he would hate her taking his right to make his own choice away from him. She had been intending to give him a choice, but after she'd had a front row seat to the drama that had taken place between him and Carly, she'd decided to make the choice for him. Maybe it was for the best. Every time Sonny was given a choice, he always made the wrong one. Still, Sonny wasn't going to take it too kindly when she informed him he couldn't go back to his old life and that he had no choice but to live the life she had planned for the both of them.

She couldn't help chuckling over the situation. Before, it had always been Sonny who was putting her life in danger. Now the shoe was on the other foot, and she was the one that was putting him in danger, this time, by being with him. If she was a less selfish person, she would have stayed away from Sonny and given him up to keep him safe. But she wasn't. She would rather spend a few glorious days with him and die happy, then living a long life miserable without him. She just hoped he felt the same way since she had made the same choice for him as she had made for herself.

She ran the sponge down his chest and in between his spread thighs. "So, how many women have you been inside of since me?" She asked him as she washed him. "A lot, I'd bet." Just washing him wasn't going to take all those other women's touch off of him. No, the only way to remove their touch from him was to replace them with her own.

She wondered if he was too drugged up to be able to get an erection if stimulated properly. Well, there was only one way to find out. She lowered her mouth to him and began to work him into an aroused state. It took awhile for him to rise to the occasion, but since she was enjoying what she was doing, she didn't mind. When she was finished and he was once again laying peaceful in the nest of black curls between his thighs, she felt he was once again free of any woman's touch but her own. She felt he was hers completely again. Then she rolled him on his stomach and finished bathing him.

Afterwards, she stared at his body covetously as she let the air dry his damp skin. Finally she covered him with a sheet and left him to sleep off the effects of the drugs in peace. Besides, she needed to prepare herself for him for when he finally woke-up.

She went into the bathroom and drew herself a bath. As she sunk down in the water, she wished it was as simple to remove the touch of all the men she had been with off of her. But the only one who had the power to do that was fast asleep in her bed. Once they were together, Sonny would wipe all the other men's touches off her body and she would finally feel clean again. She didn't regret all she had had to do to get to this moment. When she thought of the man in the other room asleep in her bed, she knew it had all been worth it.