Chapter Three

onny rolled over in bed reveling in the way his body was feeling. He could still feel her hands and mouth on him even though she was no longer touching him. Nobody could touch him the way she could, and no one could make him feel the way she did when she touched him. He sighed in pleasure over the feel of the satin sheets rubbing against his sensitized flesh. It made him remember her taking him in her mouth like it was happening all over again. He sighed in remembered pleasure of all her talented mouth and hands had done to him and he wanted her to do again. His body hadn't felt this alive since the last time they had made love to each other all those years ago.

As the drugs he'd been fed slowly wore off of him and his mind began to clear, he was overcome by a feeling of wrongness about everything he was thinking and feeling, starting with who had been touching and kissing him so intimately. Then he noticed that the bed he was laying in felt strange. It didn't feel like his own bed. He popped open an eye and looked around the room as the feeling that everything was wrong began to overwhelm him. The room was as strange to him as the bed he way laying naked in. Then everything that had happened hours before came back to him in a rush. Him denouncing Carly in front of everyone in the church and that strange woman with the black veil that covered her face approaching him at Jake's. And then blackness descending upon him until this very moment when he had woken up feeling sexually sated in a way he hadn't been for so long he couldn't remember when he last felt this way.

There was only one answer to the whole thing. He had been drugged. She had slipped something into his drink and had drugged him, then had brought him to wherever this place was. Afterwards, she had stripped him bare and done all the things to him he could feel was done to him while he'd been passed out. The hands and mouth he still felt on his body were hers. She had made him feel the pleasure that was consuming his body at the moment.

His body suddenly felt her presence in the room with him. His body came alive with a yearning for her to touch him as he felt her eyes on him and he relived everything she'd done to him again. He didn't understand how this stranger could make him feel like this. Only one person have ever made him feel this way and she was long dead.

Even before he rolled on his back and looked into the corner of the room she was sitting in, he knew where she was. God help him. Even after everything his kidnapper had done to him, he wanted her in a way he hadn't wanted a woman for a very long time. He just laid there with his legs spread wide wanting to be inside of her and not being able to stop himself from feeling the way he was feeling. Not even wanting to stop the way he was feeling.

After a long tense moment of staring at each other she finally addressed him in fluent Spanish, as she had at Jake's. "I'm glad to see you're finally awake."

"You wouldn't have had the long wait." He retorted in the same language she obviously preferred to speak in, even though he could tell it wasn't her native tongue, angry at himself for wanting someone who had done to him what she had. "If you hadn't drugged me."

"But if I hadn't drugged you." She returned. "You would have never come with me willingly. And you certainly wouldn't be laying naked in my bed waiting for me to come and make love with you." She added, infuriating him even further. "That is what you're doing now. That is what you want, isn't it?"

"Where are my clothes?" Sonny demanded to know. As soon as he found them, he could get the hell out of there and as far away from this disturbing woman as he could get.

"They offended me." She told him. "So I removed them from you and burned them." Just thinking about them made her loathe them anew. She wondered if his body remembered everything she had done to him after she had stripped him bare. Her lips and hands were still burning from where she had touched him, and she hoped his body was feeling the same way.

"Did you remove them?" He asked, even though he knew she had. "Or did you have someone else undress me for you?" He wondered if she had reinforcements to keep him from trying to leave, or if she thought his nudity would be enough to keep him here with her. She must have had help getting him from Jake's to wherever this place was. She couldn't have gotten him here all by herself.

"I wouldn't allow anyone but myself to touch you." She announced with an air of ownership. "I enjoyed immensely stripping you bare from those offending garments you were wearing. Once I had you free of your morning suit, I just sat and stared at you laying there in nothing but your black briefs before I finally removed them from you and burned them, too. Then I stared at you some more." She added. "Your body is more beautiful then I remembered."

"That wasn't all you did to me." He snarled at her, not liking or understanding why she was making him feel the way he was feeling. "You did a hell of a lot more to me then just look at me."

"I was hoping your body would still be feeling what I did to you." She said with a smile in her voice. "That it would feel the brand of my touch even though you were unconscious at the time. Would you like me to describe in graphic detail everything I did to you?" She added. "Or has your body already told you just what I did."

"In some places." He spat. "What you did to me could be considered rape."

"Do you feel violated by what I did to you?" She already knew the answer to that when he turned his head away and wouldn't look at her or answer her question. "Or does it feel right that I touched you like that."

"Who are you?" He suddenly demanded. "Why are you wearing that veil? Why are you speaking Spanish when I know damn well that's not your native tongue anymore then it is mine. What do you want from me."

"You know what I want from you." She answered in a seductive tone. "I told you at Jake's before the drugs I slipped into your drink took effect on you. I want everything you have to give and I'll settle for nothing less."

She'd drugged him and brought him here so they could become lovers. Within the next few minutes they were going to make love to each other. It was what she wanted and it was what he wanted, too. He didn't understand it, but it was true. She wanted him and he would do nothing to stop her from having him, because he wanted her too. And it had nothing to do with what she had done to his body when he was passed out. From the moment he'd felt her enter Jake's he'd wanted her. He tried to ignore it at the time, but that was the truth.

He could feel her hunger for him emanating from every pore of her body and he felt the same hunger for her. Through the veil she wore to conceal her identity from him, he could feel her eyes devouring him, like she was starved for the sight of him. No one had ever looked at him or made him feel this way before. No one but,...his mind closed up to that thought. He wouldn't allow himself to think of that. She'd been waiting for him to wake-up so she could make love to him and she had grown impatient waiting to have him. He could feel her her need for him and it matched his need for her. He couldn't see her face, her body was covered in some funeral-like garb, she'd drugged and abducted him, then she'd stripped him and molested him while he was passed out, but none of that mattered to him at the moment. The only thing that mattered was being inside her.

What the hell was wrong with him? he asked himself in an attempt to shake off the spell she seemed to cast over him. Just what kind of drug had she drugged him with to make him feel like this. How could he want to make love to a woman who had just done all that to him. Did she drug him with some kind of drug that would rob him of all his will and to make him want to make love with her?

The woman stood up and began to remove her clothes. "I looked at you." She told him as she stood before him nude. "Now you can look at me. Do you like what you see?"

"Are you going to remove your veil?" He asked, as his dark eyes devoured her the way she must have done him.

"When I turn off the lights." She told him. "Have you seen enough." She didn't wait for an answer as she plunged the room into darkness.

This was the moment he was waiting for. With the room pitch black he could make a dash for the door and escape from her. There was only one problem. He didn't want to escape. He wanted to be just where he was. He didn't understand it, but that was the truth. So he just laid there in the dark waiting for her to come to him.

This is insane, Sonny's head tried to assert control over what this woman was making him feel. She was a stranger who approached him in a bar and drugged him. How could he want to stay with her? But she wasn't a stranger his body and heart declared. He knew her and she knew him. He didn't know how he knew that, but he knew it was true.

The immense attraction their bodies felt for each other seemed to guide her through the darkness and over to the bed to him. He could feel her body calling out to him in the darkness and his body answered back. He could hear the rustle of the veil as she let it drop to the floor as he waited breathlessly in the dark for her to come to him. Then he felt the sheet being pulled away from his heated body minutes before he felt her come down on top of him.

He moaned in pleasure as he felt her fit her body against his own. For a second all he did was lay there with their bodies entwined holding her tightly to him, as he felt the rightness of it all wash over him. Nothing had ever felt this right in his life. "It's like your body was made for mine." He sighed.

"It was." She told him as she took him deep inside her body. "It is. For you and only you." After that they let their bodies do all their talking for them as they gave into a hunger for each other that would never entirely be satisfied. No matter how many times they made love to each other, it would never be enough for them.