Chapter Six

onny returned to the kitchen when he'd cooled down enough and cleaned up the mess he made. "I'm sorry about that." He apologized. "You don't want me push you about showing me your face, don't push me about talking about Brenda."

"I won't mention her again." She agreed as she got to her feet. She didn't need to, anyway. She'd gotten all the answers she needed when she'd seen how he'd reacted to her wanting him to talk about Brenda. She still owned his heart and soul just like he still owned hers. "Why don't we go into the living room and enjoy the rest of our day."

"Fine." He followed her out of the kitchen. "But I've really had enough talking for the moment."

"Then how about a little companionable silence then." She suggested, as she took a book down from the book shelf, sat down and began to read.

He flopped down on the couch. "So," He was still in a temper about her pushing him about Brenda, among other things. Chief among them was the fact when he was near her he lost all desire to be away from her. Wasn't there some kind of syndrome where kidnap victims lost all desire to be free of their kidnappers and ended up wanting to stay with them? Maybe that's what he had. "I'm just supposed to sit here listening to the sound of you turning the pages of your book?"

"Why don't you get a book for yourself to read." She suggested. "I'm sure there's something there you'd like."

"I haven't read for pleasure since I was a kid wanting to escape my life in the pages of some book." He told her. "And nowadays I don't have time to read."

"Well, you do now." She told him. "You'll need to do something to fill your time until night comes."

"I'm not having sex with you when it gets dark." He declared stubbornly.

"Suit yourself." She told him as she dismissed him and concentrated on her book. "But you might find something in the bookcase that you'll enjoy reading and that will help the time pass." She added. "It's a long time until nightfall and you're going to get pretty bored pretty fast with nothing to do but stare at the four walls."

"Fine." He got to his feet and stomped over to the book shelf. "If it'll get you to stop nagging me, I'll pick a stinking book out to read." He wasn't shocked when he found books of the type that he had loved to read as a kid. He knew it was no coincidence. He cast a suspicious look at her as he chose a book and headed back to the couch. He didn't care what this chick said, she knew him and she knew him damn well.

He laid down on the couch and opened the book, while he tried to figure out who she could be. He wondered if she could be one of the strippers who had worked at the Paradise Lounge. Several had graced his bed when he was running the club and they could have picked up all these personal tidbits about him. It could also explain why she had stripped him naked the minute he had arrived here. He had paid her to strip off her clothes for men, so now she was returning the favor by stripping him. But the more he thought about it, the more that didn't fit. Like how would she know about Mike. He had never mentioned his father to anyone while he was running the club.

Having no real answers, he turned his mind to the plot of the book he was reading. It was a murder mystery and he quickly found himself getting lost in its pages. He'd forgotten how enjoyable it could be to spend the day reading a good book.

His captor continued to pretend to be reading her book while she studied him. She'd never seen him this relaxed before. She doubted he even realized it. She liked him barefooted in jeans and a t-shirt. The look suited him. She wondered if he realized that she'd purposely bought him clothes that were one size too small so they'd cling tightly to his body. She needed her Sonny eye candy during the day when she couldn't touch him without risking revealing her true identity to him. Sonny never dressed casual. He was always in those Italian suits exerting tight control over himself and everything around him.

She couldn't help smiling as the day wore on and she noticed his eyelids begin to droop. The exertions of the night before were finally starting to catch up with him. She wondered how he would react when he realized he had taken a nap in the middle of the day. The book slipped from his hands and fell to the floor as he finally lost the battle to stay awake and fell asleep.

She went over to the couch and sat down by him. He sighed in his sleep as she caressed his face and ran her fingers through his curly hair. For him to be able to drop his guard like this and fall asleep, he must be totally at ease with her, even though his head was trying to fight it and tell him she shouldn't be.

As the day wore on and the night began to approach her hunger for him started to grow, again. She looked out the window and saw the sun had gone down over the horizon and the sky was beginning to darken. She'd waited long enough. She needed to be with him again and she couldn't wait any longer.

She began to shake him awake. He was sleeping deeply and when she roused him from sleep and got him to his feet, he was still more asleep then he was awake. "Come on, baby." She guided him in the direction of the bedroom. "It's getting dark. It's time for us to go to bed."

"Did you drug me, again?" He asked groggily as they entered the bedroom.

"No." She pulled his t-shirt off over his head. "You were just catching up on your sleep." She pulled down the fly on his jeans. "You only got a couple of hours sleep, last night, and you just needed to catch up on your sleep."

"Why are you undressing me." He yawned, still caught somewhere between being fully awake and still asleep. "I told you I wouldn't have sex with you again, and I meant it." She couldn't help smiling over that declaration. He sounded just like a cranky little boy. "And I won't, either. You just wait and see."

As she slid the jeans down his body, she could see he hadn't been trying to be difficult when he said he might be too raw to make love with her. The rough material of the jeans rubbing against his bare flesh had left him red and irritated. After he stepped out of his jeans, she guided him to the bathroom.

"Where are we going now?" He complained. "I'm tired. I want to lay down and go back to sleep."

"I need to take care of you." She told him, as she got him to sit down on the edge of the tub. Then she opened the medicine cabinet and took out a jar of cold cream. "I need to rub some of this on you so you'll feel better." She picked up his clothes. "Wait right here. As soon as I drop these into the washer so you'll have clean clothes for the morning, I'll come back and take care of you."

As soon as she left, Sonny forced himself to get to his feet and walked over to the medicine cabinet. He didn't want to give her a chance to touch him there. If she did, he might weaken in his resolve not to make love to her, again. He had to stop this madness between them and the only way to do it was to not be with her again. He'd rub the cream on him himself and be in bed and fast asleep before she returned. But before he could pick up the jar of cold cream he noticed other items in the medicine cabinet that caught his attention. Deordorant, cologne and after shave that were unopened and obviously intended for him, and they were all the same brands that he liked to use. He looked around the bathroom and noticed other things he hadn't noticed before. He'd been too upset this morning when he'd taken a shower to realize the shampoo and soap he'd used were the same brands he normally used. Everywhere he looked was some item that bespoke of her intimate knowledge of him. She even knew the brand, type and size of condoms he used.

He suddenly felt her standing behind him and looked over his shoulder at her. "Who the hell are you?"

She guided him back to the tub and pressed on his shoulders until he sat back down. "I know that must be stinging you pretty badly." She opened the jar of cold cream. "Let me make it feel better." She stuck her fingers into the jar and scooped out a large gob of the cream. "Spreads your legs wide for me, so I can see how bad it is and I won't miss a spot."

" Why won't you answer my question." He clenched his hands into fist over the sharp pain he felt as she smeared the cream all over him. "Why won't you tell me who you are?"

"I'm sorry about this." She ignored him questions. "I never thought those jeans would make you sore like this. I just wanted to be turned on by the fact that you weren't wearing anything underneath them." She added. "But after they've been washed a few times they won't irritate you anymore and you'll get used to not wearing underwear underneath them in not time at all."

"This is all about what you want, isn't it?" He spat. "What about what I want."

"You don't even know what you want." She spat back. "When you find something you want that will make you happy, you give it up. You're damned right this is all about what I want. I'm done letting you call the shots and end up making us both miserable." She tipped his chin up to make him look at her and this close to her he could almost make out her features beneath the veil. "From now on it's going to be all about what I want, and what I want right this minute is you."

She reached over to turn off the lights and the room was plunged into darkness. He turned his face away when her mouth descended upon his, but she was relentless and she wouldn't be denied. In no time at all he was kissing her back as hungrily as she was kissing him. When he felt the cold linoleum floor against his backside and could feel her quickly removing her clothes, he tried to once again fight the way she made him feel.

"I don't want this." He declared as she straddled his waste.

"Liar!" She accused as she leaned down and kissed his chest. "This is exactly what you want. Since the moment you woke-up in this house your body has done nothing but crave to be joined with mine. This is why you haven't once tried to escape when there were a million times you could have." She listed the facts coldly for him, while she continued to arouse his body to a fever pitch. "I haven't tied you to the bed, I haven't locked you in this room. I have no one guarding you to make you stay here with me. And still you haven't tried to leave, and that's because you don't want to leave." She took him deeply inside her body. "This is what keeps you here. This is what you want."