Chapter Seven

fter they finished making love, Sonny got up from the bathroom floor and went over to the sink to wash himself off. Then he walked into the bedroom and got into bed. Her words were still echoing in his mind. Everything she said was true. His head kept telling him he needed to escape from here, but the truth was he didn't want to leave. He was right where he wanted to be.

A few moments later he felt the woman crawl in bed next to him. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" She asked anxiously. "I knew you were sore, but I wanted you so badly, I didn't care. I just wanted to be with you, again."

Sonny didn't answer her. He just stared up at the ceiling in the darkness disgusted with himself and what he'd just done.

"I shouldn't have said those things I said to you." She continued, nervous at his continued silence. "But what I said was true. Some times the truth hurts, but it needed to be said." She added defiantly. "This is what you want, and it's time you stopped lying to yourself trying to pretend it isn't."

"This isn't me." He finally spoke. "This isn't the way I behave. I'm behaving in ways I don't understand and it's tearing me apart."

"You'll understand when you know who I am." She promised him. "The way you're feeling and behaving will all suddenly make sense to you."

"Then tell me who you are." He turned to her and demanded. "Don't make me suffer like this any longer. Let me understand why I'm behaving in ways I would never behave in."

"You already know why." She told him. "Your body and heart recognized me the instant I walked into Jake's Pool Hall, but your mind refused to acknowledge the truth. That's why when you woke up in this room you made love to me and that's why you don't want to leave me."

"You could tell me who you are." He retorted bitterly. "But you won't. You could tell me the one thing that would explain why I'm behaving the way I am, but you continue to make me suffer with confusion and self-disgust over the way I'm behaving."

"I'm not ready." She confessed. "I need more time with you. I need for our bond to be stronger before I reveal to you who I am." She added. "To get us to where we are at this moment, I've had to do things. Things you may not be able to accept or understand. That's why I need this time with you before I tell you everything. Can you give it to me? Can you continue to spend your days with me in comfortable companionship and your nights locked in my arms making love to me until I'm ready to tell you everything?"

nother person wanting some time was Carlos Montoya's man who called in to tell his boss his progress so far in locating Montoya's woman. Upon arriving in Port Charles they had learned Sonny Corinthos had mysteriously disappeared. He had been last seen with this woman dressed in black from her head to her feet. They'd been sitting together at a table in Jake's Pool Hall, when Corinthos had suddenly passed out on the floor. Corinthos' man, Jason Morgan, suspected Corinthos had been drugged and he was launching an all-out search for the woman and his missing boss. The only lead was the two men who had helped the mystery woman get Corinthos out of the pool hall.

"I'm sure we can find them, Senor." The man promised Carlos. "But we just need a little time."

"You'd better find these men who helped her abduct Corinthos before Morgan does." Carlos barked. "If you don't, you should start making your own funeral plans, because you'll have breathed your last."

Carlos slammed the phone down in a fury. Incompetent fool. So, he wanted more time? Well, that was a commodity Carlos was fresh out of. He'd already received a phone call today wondering when he would be finished laundering the money and when it would be available for use. He had stalled by saying these things took time if you wanted them done right. But he wouldn't be able to continue to stall forever.

As dangerous as it was for him to leave the country when his associates could easily discover he'd lost their money, Carlos decided he must go to the United States. He must go to Port Charles and lead the search for his lover and the money she had stolen from him.

onny woke-up to the sensation of the woman's hands on his body and the overwhelming need to be inside of her again. The room was filled with the dim light of dawn and she was back in her funeral garb again. She was rubbing cold cream on him to ease the soreness from the jeans and their love making from the previous night.

"I think you're going to need to stay in bed unclothed until you heal." She told him as she screwed the lid back on the jar of cold cream.

That suited Sonny just fine. All he felt like doing was rolling over and brooding over all he'd done with the woman who had drugged and kidnapped him. He knew by his continued silence and passiveness she took that as his agreement to continue to play house with her. But had he really? He guess he had.

He had no desire to leave her and it was time to stop pretending he did. He could easily escape, but he didn't want to. So it was time to stop pretending that he was going to try to escape when the moment he was around her he lost all desire to do so. It was also time to stop trying to pretend he wouldn't make love to her again. When darkness came he would eagerly come into her body no matter how sore he might be feeling. What pain he felt would be worth the pleasure of being inside her would give him. So why not just stop trying to fight it and enjoy it. Something more stronger than ropes was binding him to this woman. The only way he was ever going to find out what it was, was if he agreed to what she wanted.

"What don't you pull the curtains." He suddenly grabbed hold of her hand. "Take off your clothes and crawl back in bed with me." He added. "If I have to stay in bed all day, then I want you in bed with me."

"I thought you might be hungry." She replied. "I'm not a very good cook, but I could scrape you up something edible to eat."

"The only thing I'm hungry for." He turned a smoldering sexual look on her as he pulled her down on the bed with him. "Is you." He ordered. "Pull the curtains and take off your clothes." He pulled her veil up enough so he could nuzzle her neck. "I need to feel your body wrapped around mine."

"Your too sore to make love with me." It was hard to remember how to form sentences she was being treated to full-throttle Sonny.

"There are other ways to make love." He promised in a dark smoky voice. "Let me show them all to you."

How could she resist such an enticement as that? She couldn't. She got up from the bed and walked over to the window where she pulled the curtains closed and plunged the room back in darkness, then she quickly rid herself of all her garments and crawled back under the sheets with him.

"I didn't want to leave you in the first place." She confessed as he molded his body against hers. "Every time the sky begins to lighten with the approaching dawn, I hate it. It means I'll have to leave you again, and each time it gets harder and harder to do that." She added, not even realizing what she was letting slip. "I miss us waking up in bed together in the morning so much."

He didn't miss what she said, but he decided not to comment on it. "Well." He began to love her with his mouth. "You won't have to miss that anymore."

"Then you agree to what I've asked of you?" She needed to hear him agree to it with words.

"Yes." He promised. "I'll stay with you and love you for as long as you want with no questions asked."

Then he showed her all the different ways he knew how to make love to her. It wasn't as good as having him inside of her, nothing was as good as that, but it was incredible all the same. And nothing would be as good as when she had him inside her and he knew exactly who he was making love to. Until that day finally came she was content to have him in any way and every way she could.