Chapter Nine

onny's knees buckled and his legs gave out on him as his bottom hit the ground with a loud thump. "This can't be true." He shook his head in denial. "It can't." He looked up at Brenda, who wasn't standing ten feet from him, in confusion. "Why would you come back to me after what I did to you."

"Because I love you." She smiled down at him. "I always have and I always will."

"No." He shook his head in denail once more. "This isn't real. I'm just imagining this. I used to imagine you coming back to me. I'd dream about it when I went to sleep only to wake-up in the morning to find out it wasn't real. Just like this isn't real."

"I'm real, baby." She assured him, as she came down next to him on the ground. "Touch me. Feel me." She took his hand and held it against her face. "See, I'm real. Does that feel like a dream to you?" She added. "I'm real and I've come back to you."

"You're real?" He asked, before yanking her into his arms and holding her tightly. He inhaled deeply of her scent like he needed it to survive. How could he have not known it was her right from the start? He could feel their hearts beating together in unison like they shared the same heart. "God, you're real and you've come back to me." He held her face in his hands and rained kisses all over her. "I love you." He declared passionately. "I love you so much it almost killed me when they told me you were dead. I wanted to die, too. I didn't want to go on living in a world that you weren't a part of."

Sonny had a lot of questions, but now wasn't the time for them. Now was the time to be with the woman he'd forced himself to accept he'd never be with again. All the questions could wait until later.

He scooped her up in his arms and carried her inside the house to their bedroom. Then he flung open the curtain so the room was filled with light. This time when they made love, they would be surrounded by sunlight instead of darkness.

She watched him hungrily as he stripped off his clothes before coming to her. Then he removed her clothes from her and they made love like it was the first time they'd been together since they were apart, even though they'd been lovers in this bed for weeks now. As he made love to her, Brenda prayed when she told him all she had to tell him that look of love in his eyes wouldn't turn to disgust over all the things she'd done to make this moment possible for them.

arlos' men finally hit paydirt. They were finally able to track down the two men that helped the woman in black abduct Sonny Corinthos from Jake's Pool Hall. They tracked them down at a seedy motel on the outskirts of town. They didn't bother to knock, they just kicked down the door to enter. Only one of the men was in the room. When they came bursting through the door he was screwing a hooker he had picked up at the bar across from the motel.

"Who the hell are you?" He exploded, frustrated that his evening's entertainment had been interrupted.

One of the men rushed over to the side of the bed and held the barrel of his gun to the man's temple. "We're the one's asking the questions here, Dick." He spat. "And you're the one whose going to be giving us the answers we want to hear."

The other man picked up the woman's clothes from the floor and threw them in her face. "Get dressed, bitch." He snarled. "You don't want to be a part of this."

"You don't have to tell me twice." She grabbed her clothes and began tugging them as she rushed for the door. "It's been real. Let's don't do it again." She tossed over her shoulder to the naked man in the bed as she rushed out of the room.

"Now." The thug holding the gun to the man's temple said. "Where's your partner."

"I don't know what you're talking about?" And he didn't. He didn't have any partner.

"Let's try this again." He said in a lethal voice. "Where's the dude who helped you carry Sonny Corinthos out of Jake's Pool Hall."

Hearing Sonny's name sent a chill of dread up his spine. These men must work for Corinthos and were seeking retribution for what they'd done to him. He doubted explaining that they hadn't known who he was when they helped that woman take him from the pool hall, would make much difference to them.

"I don't know any Sonny Corinthos." He lied, figuring denial was the best course of action. "You've got the wrong guy."

The man looked at his partner who was standing by the door guarding it. "Looks like he's going to make it hard for us." He smiled coldly down at the man cowering naked under the bed sheet. "Fine. If that's the way you want it, that's the way you'll get it."

onny couldn't stop touching or kissing Brenda even after they had finished making love. "I can't believe it." He sighed. "I can't believe you're really alive."

"I am." Brenda smiled back at him. "And I'm all yours." She rolled on top of him wanting to make love to him again. Even though they'd been together before this, it was so much better now that he knew who she was and she didn't have to hide her identity from him.

"Jax told me you were dead." Sonny ran his fingers through her hair as he began to make love to her, again.

"Jax lied." She told him. "He did it so he could keep us apart." She added. "But now that we're back together it no longer matters."

"I can't wait to tell Ned you're alive." He slid inside of her, already ready for her again. "And Mike. They're never going to believe it."

"Sonny." She held his face in her hands. "You can't tell anyone I'm alive. In fact, you have to forget about everyone back in Port Charles. They can no longer exist for us."