Chapter Nine

JASON HAD REMEMBERED the warning Sonny had given him when a very pregnant Carly had come knocking on the penthouse door wanting his help. Despite Carly's begs and pleas, Jason had refused to do what she wanted, as a result the truth of Michael's paternity had come out when he was born, and Carly had ended up marrying AJ years before she had originally. Also, Michael was no longer named Michael, but Alan James Quartermaine the third. Everyone called him Jamie.

Because he had refused Carly aid and comfort, when Robin returned to town there had been no impediment to their relationship, and things progressed to the point that Jason asked Robin to marry him. Robin still hated the mob and knew there would be nothing but future conflict between her husband the mobster and her uncle the cop. She secretly envied Brenda and Sonny living their mob-free existence and wished the same could happen to her and Jason. And she told her matron of honor, Brenda, that as Brenda helped her get ready for the wedding.

"Be careful what you wish for, Robin." Brenda replied. "I've always wanted Sonny free of the mob. I thought once he was all our problems would magically disappear. Now I'm finding it just isn't so."

"Why?" Robin asked, having no real clue what had been going on in Sonny and Brenda's personal life.

"No one in this town will let Sonny forget his past." Brenda sighed. "Everytime a crime is committed, they pull Sonny in for questioning. No one will hire Sonny for a job. And I've just made matters worse by playing one of my stupid games with Sonny."

"I don't understand." Robin was puzzled. "Everyone knows what you and Sonny went through while you two were on the run. The mob tried to kill you both. Surely they can see Sonny is done with them. So why won't they give Sonny a chance."

"Sonny's not one of us." Brenda explained. "Even if Sonny had never been in the mob, he'd be having the same problems. He's from the wrong side of the tracks and he dared to marry out of his class. Sonny's a rebel. He plays by his own rules. He's wild and he's free and won't play the game everyone has to if they want to get ahead in this world. Sonny's his own man and he dares to thumb his nose at societies rules and conventions."

"Brenda." Robin laughed. "There's no such thing as the upper class and the lower class, anymore."

"Oh, it still exists." Brenda assured her. "It's just more hidden now than it used to be." She explained. "If Jason were to leave the mob, he wouldn't be having the problems Sonny is. Doors that have been slammed in Sonny's face, would be open for Jason, as everyone bends over backwards to help Jason make a fresh start. Because even though he doesn't remember it, Jason is one of us."

"What about me." Robin asked. "Both my parents were spies and I was raised by an Italian housekeeper that I thought was my grandmother." She added. "That hardly makes me of your class. Add to the fact I'm HIV Positive after being infected by my boyfriend who belonged to the same class as Sonny does. If this so-called class snobbery exists, why haven't I experienced what you're suggesting Sonny is."

"You're middle class." Brenda explained. "Both you and your parents play by societies rules. Thus you're acceptable as one of us." She added. "And Jax knows how to play the game and his mother was one of us, so he can get away with things Sonny never could. It's all put off as business being business. Things Sonny is scorned for Jax is praised for."

Robin was truly shocked. "If what you say is true." She sighed sadly. "How is Sonny handling it."

"Not very well." Brenda confessed. "And I just made it worse." Then she explained. "Since I returned to Port Charles Jax has been determined to save me from Sonny, and I've been sort of encouraging him to get Sonny mad, thinking he needed an enemy to fight and fighting with Jax would be harmless. Only I succeeded in alienating him and making him feel I'm just like the rest. Now I'm worried what Sonny's going to do. Sonny's at his most dangerous and unpredictable when he's made to feel it's him against the world." She added. "And I can tell by the way he's acting that he's up to something, but he won't tell me because I alienated him by playing my stupid game and because he thinks I'm against him, too."

"What are you going to do?" Robin wanted to know.

"I don't know." Brenda admitted. "It's getting to the point that I want to suggest to Sonny that we just leave town and go somewhere no one knows us. Only I know he'll never do it. It'll just make him dig his heels in deeper, because to leave would seem like he was running away and he'll never give the people in this town the satisfaction of making him run."

* * *

SONNY HELPED JASON tie his tie, as he told him what he was planning to do to Jax. "Do you think that's wise?" Jason asked in concern. "What's going to happen when Brenda finds out."

"Maybe she won't." Sonny suggested, even though he knew there was very little hope of that.

"What if she does?" Jason refused to let it go. "What are you going to do?"

"I guess I'll deal with that if and when it happens." Sonny answered.

He was still ticked off at Brenda for encouraging that jerk and at the moment he really didn't care how Brenda felt about his plans for Jax. After all, she sure didn't give a damn how he felt about that loser sending her gifts only a husband should be sending his wife. The latest, which came today, was some flimsy nightgown, that Sonny was carrying around stuffed in his jacket pocket. He'd opened it before Brenda had seen it, but she probably would have just cooed over what good taste Jax had. She probably wouldn't even think it was inappropriate for a man to send that to another man's wife. After all, as far as everyone was concerned in this freaking town Jax could do no wrong. Jax just better hope they didn't cross paths, because if they did, Sonny was going to shove that damn nightgown right down the miserable bastard's throat.

"Look." Sonny decided to put a stop to this conversation. "This is your wedding day. The only thing that you should be thinking about is your bride, so stop worrying about me and my problems. I'm sure they'll all work out for the best."

Sonny decided to excuse himself when the Quartermaine en masse came to give Jason their well wishes. Rolling his eyes in disgust at the whole motley crew, he opened the door to leave. Just as he did, he came face-to-face with his past. Carly had her hand poised to knock on the door and for the first time since Stone had sent him back to find out what would happen if he had married Brenda, he came face-to-face with his wife.

"You!" Carly sneered at him. "I should have known you would be here. You must be pleased with your handywork." Then she ordered. "Get out of my way. I want to see Jase before he makes the biggest mistake of his life."

"That would be having ever slept with you." He retorted, as he closed the door behind him, so she couldn't enter, then blocked the way. "Which he's already done." The he added. "Jason is getting married. He doesn't need to see you of all days."

"Just tell me one thing?" She suddenly asked. "How did you know?"

"Know what?" He played dumb, even though he knew exactly what she was talking about.

"How did you know I would show up on Jason's doorstep pregnant begging for his help." She wanted to know. "And why did you tell Jason not to help me."

Because I thought since I was being given a second chance, why shouldn't he."I don't know what you're talking about." He replied.

"When I came to Jason that night, he told me you said this would happen." Carly revealed. "He also told me you told him under no circumstances to help me. What are you psychic or something. How could you know something that was going to happen in the future."

"Maybe because I know you." Sonny retorted. "I just figured one night when your life was exploding you'd run to Jason for help and I suggested he not do it if he didn't want you to take him down with you."

"You don't know me!" She spat. "This is the first time we've even exchanged words with one another."

"You'd be surprised." He muttered under his breath.

"Where do you get off telling Jason not to help me." Carly spat. "Do you know how different my life would be if you hadn't told Jason that?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." He replied with great feeling. "But you still wouldn't have ended up with Jason. Jason doesn't love you and he never will, so why don't you just give it up and move on with your life."

"Why you arrogant bastard." Her hand flew toward his face. "Who the hell do you think you are."

He caught her wrist in his hand before her hand could connect with his face. "Don't even try to hit me, sweetheart." He warned her. "If you do, you'll get more than you bargained for."

The air around them began to bristle with more than anger and hostility, as Carly pulled her wrist out of his grasp. "Go to hell." She spat.

"I'm sure I will." He smirked. "And when I get there you'll be waiting for me to keep me company."

Sonny leaned back against the door and closed his eyes, as she stormed away. He couldn't believe it. That animal attraction he had felt for Carly from the moment he laid eyes on her was still there and as strong as ever. He'd thought if he had married Brenda, it would have never existed between them, and he was wrong. Even married to Brenda, it was still there. It was the very last thing he wanted or needed and made him question his feelings for Brenda. How could he still feel what he felt for Carly when he was with Brenda, in love with her and happy?