he meeting of the Church Ladies League was finally over and Belinda made her excuses and left. When she walked out of the church, she saw Sonny laying on the ground as rain poured down on him. Picking up her skirts she ran to him and cradled his limp body in her arms. "Marco." She patted his cheeks trying to get him to come around. "Marco, darling, wake up."

Sonny opened his eyes and was caught between his present reality and his memories of the past. As he looked up at Belinda, the first thought that ran through his head was that he was being cradled in the arms of the wrong woman. And as she continued to address him by the name Marco he now knew that wasn't who he was. His name was Sonny. The name Marco had never felt right to him and now he knew why. It was because he wasn't Marco Consuelos. He was someone named Sonny and he was in love with someone named Brenda who looked so much like Belinda they could be twins.

The longer Marco just stared up at her without saying anything, the more concerned Belinda began to grow. "Marco, what is it?" Her voice was filled with panic. "Why don't you say something? What happened to you? Are you hurt?"

"No." Sonny made himself speak. "I'm fine." But he wasn't. If he wasn't Marco Consuelos', then why was he living his life. How did he get into that stable where Marco Consuelos' must have been at some point for everyone to believe he was him. Why did he look exactly like Marco Consuelos' if he wasn't him. And where was the real Marco Consuelos? "I wasn't looking where I was going and I tripped and fell." He got to his feet. "But I'm fine now."

"Are you sure?" Belinda was still worried about him. For a second there Belinda thought he was dead. That Jocelyn had somehow found out about him and had him killed. And in that second it was when she realized the truth. She was in love with him and the thought of living without him was intolerable to her.

"I'm fine." He began to lead her away from the church. "Now let's get you out of the rain, before you become as wet as I am." He helped her into the carriage and Belinda insisted he climb in back with him.

"Belinda." Sonny objected. "If I'm in here with you, whose going to drive us home."

"That can wait." She told him. "Until I'm completely sure you're all right." Then she began to run her hands over his body frantically to make sure nothing was broken.

Despite what he had just remembered, Belinda and he were passionate lovers and her touch had the effect of enflaming his body with desire. "Belinda." Sonny warned her, as he felt himself becoming aroused. "If you don't quit touching me like that, I'm going to show you just how all right I am."

"Then show me." She urged him. "When I came out of that church I thought I'd lost you forever." Her hands moved to the waistband of his pants. "Now I need you inside me to prove to me I haven't."

Once she had him freed from his pants, he shoved up the volumnious skirts of her dress and shoved himself deep inside of her. "You haven't lost me." He pulled down the neckline of her dress and exposed her breasts to him. "I'm right here with you." He took one of her hardened nipples into his mouth. "I'm not going anywhere. YOu haven't lost me." He began to thrust in and out of her. "You never will."

Her nails dug into the hard cheeks of his butt to take more of him inside of her. "I want more." She panted. "Give me more."

"I'm giving you all I've got." He assured her, as their mating reached a frenzied pace. "All I got is yours for the asking."

"Give me your baby." She screamed as they both went over the edge at the same time. "I want your baby."

While Belinda was still reveling in the spasms that were echoing through her body, Sonny felt like he'd just had a glass of ice water flung in his face. "What did you say?"

She looked at him as her body was filled with a sexual languor. "I said I want your baby."

"Are you insane?" Sonny couldn't believe what he was hearing. "And do you think I'm insane? Why would I want you to have my child when it would be raised as your husband's child. When I would have to watch my own child grow up and never be able to claim him as my own or to be a father to him"

"It wouldn't have to be that way." She forced herself to sit up, as an idea that had been simmering in the back of her brain, finally made itself known. "Not if we ran away together."

"You are insane." Sonny declared. "Are you forgetting your husband owns me. Do you have any idea what he could do to me if I tried to leave before my debt to him is paid off."

"I can't be with him anymore." Belinda declared. "I can't stand the thought of allowing him to come into my body when the only one I want there is you. I've even started making excuses to keep him out of my bed, but I won't be able to do that forever." She added. "So the only other choice I have is to convince you to run away with me."

"Do you have any idea what you'd be giving up." Sonny tried to get her to see reason. "If you and I did runaway, your lifestyle would be radically different." He fingered her dress. "There would be no more fine clothes like these for you to wear. I wouldn't be able to afford them."

"None of this has ever meant anything to me." She told him. "The only thing that means anything to me is you." She added. "But the question is how do you feel about me? Do you care enough for me to risk the consequences of running away with me when legally my husband owns you?"

"What are you asking me" Sonny wanted to know, even though he had a pretty good idea. "Just come out and ask it?"

"All right." She held her chin at a challenging angle. "Are you in love with me and if your are, do you love me enough to run away with me?"

"I don't know." He told her, thinking of what he'd just remembered a few minutes ago. "At this moment I don't know how I feel about anything."

It wasn't the answer she wanted to hear. "That's okay." She tried to put a good face on it. "At least you didn't say you didn't love me." She added. "But even if you had, I don't think I'd have believed you. No one can make love to someone the way you do with me and not be in love with them. I also want you to think about something else. By the time you finally get your debt to Jocelyn paid off and you're finally a free man again, you'll be an old man. You're entire life will have passed you by. Doing what I've just suggested is the only way you can have a real life for yourself with a wife and children."

"Belinda, you seem to forget you're married to him." Sonny reminded her. "Even if we did do as you've suggested, it wouldn't change the fact that you're still married to him."

"No one would have to know that but us." She replied. "To the world I would be your wife." She paused. "Don't give me an answer now, just think about it. And if you decide not to do it, then things will continue on between us as before. Just think about it and what we could have if we take the risk and runaway together."

fter her blow-out with Sonny, Carly decided to spend the night across the hall at Jason's, but she hadn't done much sleeping. It was obvious that now that Sonny was back with Brenda he had no use for her and Jason anymore. She still couldn't get over Sonny threatening to dispose of Jason. But Brenda hated Jason, so that was probably the explanation in and of itself. Brenda probably knew how Jason was always subtely pressuring Sonny to stay with her [Carly] by being a constant reminder to Sonny of how Sonny betrayed him when he crawled in bed with her and got her pregnant, so she had managed to turn Sonny against Jason. She wasn't that shocked about Sonny turning on her the way he had.

Things had never been the same between her and Sonny since Brenda came back. Actually, if she was completely honest, they had never been the same since she had turned Sonny over to the feds to try to force him to leave the mob. She suddenly remembered the night Sonny had gone to meet Brenda at St. Timothy's church without realizing it was she he was going to meet her there. She couldn't prove it, but she had a feeling the moment she had dropped that glass of wine and it had shattered all over the floor was to the exact second Sonny laid eyes on Brenda. It had symbolized the shattering of her relationship with Sonny.

For reasons only known to Sonny himself, he had clung to her and claimed that he loved her and not Brenda, even after he had kissed her. She hadn't really believed him, but she also didn't want to give up her current lifestyle, besides when Brenda left town the threat to their marriage seemed to be over. Then Brenda returned and it finally happened. Carly had no doubt that Sonny was screwing his brains out with Brenda last night and probably in their own bed, and she found she didn't really care. What love that had been there on both sides was gone and now it was just an empty relationship that clung together for various ulterior motives on both their parts.

With Sonny, Carly believed it was mostly because of Michael and Sonny not wanting to do to Michael what was done to him as a child. There was also the guilt Sonny felt for boinking her when he considered her Jason's girlfriend. Because of that betrayal, Sonny was determined to make their marriage work, so the betrayal hadn't been for nothing. By continuing their marriage, it somehow justified the betrayal in Sonny's mind and made it okay, even if their marriage was an empty sham. He was also still terrified if he got together with his beloved Brenda, he would end up getting her killed.

As for Carly, she had several reasons, most of them what most would consider low and base. Sonny was great in bed. Being with Sonny allowed her to be close to Jason, when if she was single, Jason would continue to push her away, while he went for those fair flowers like Robin Scorpio, Elizabeth Webber and now Courtney Matthews. She got to live in a cool penthouse and have more money than she knew what to do with it. Not to mention the bodyguards. She loved walking around with them trailing behind her, which made everyone look at her and notice her.

Yes, Carly did love her life and she didn't really see any reason why she should have to give it up all because that bitch Sonny was in heat for had returned from the dead to reclaim him. No, quite the contrary. From where she was sitting the solution was really quite simple. Her life would be perfect is there was no Sonny Corinthos in it. Yes, Sonny needed to go.

If Sonny were to die, everything in her life would be perfect. With Sonny gone, Jason would feel duty-bound to fill Sonny's shoes as both the head of the mob and as her husband. If Sonny died, she would finally be able to get Jason. Jason would reclaim his role as Michael's father. And if she played the grieving widow to the hilt, in no time at all he would also be filling Sonny's place in her bed. Yes, the perfect solution would be for Sonny to die.

Unfortunately, Jason would never go along with killing Sonny for the greater good. In fact, if anything happened to Sonny he'd be determined to track down his killer and make them pay. Which means she would need to find a fall guy to take the fall for Sonny's death. Then it came to her.

Carly knew the perfect fall guy. Jax. She really owed him one for taking her club away from her. And he hated Sonny enough to kill him, especially when he learned about Sonny and Brenda's reunion. Yes, she would enlist Jax's help in ridding the world of Sonny. All she would have to do was make sure no one knew of her part in this and her whole world will fall into place.