elinda thought it would be best after all that had happened between her and Marco, if they spent the night apart from each other. He needed to think about everything she'd said, and she didn't want to influence his decision one way or another. If he decided to runaway with her, she wanted it to be his decision, without any coercion on her part. Besides, she was also worried about his health. She didn't buy his explanation for why she'd found him laying on the ground in the rain out cold. She was terrified there might be something seriously wrong with him. What if Marco was sick and he died. She didn't know if she could handle it if something happened to him.

Belinda had no idea that her proposition wasn't the only thing on Sonny's mind as he returned to his room alone, stripped off his clothes and crawled into his bed. Sonny actually could have used the distraction of being in Belinda's arms and only thinking about the pleasure they could give each other's bodies to keep at bay the troubling memories that were now haunting him. Questions kept buzzing around in his brain. Why did Brenda look exactly like Belinda? Why had he stood her up at their wedding? Why was he so shocked to see her when he saw her coming out of that church? He'd felt like he was seeing a ghost. And why were both of them dressed so strangely.

That was the thing that was terrifying Sonny most. It was the way both he and Brenda had been dressed in those memories. It didn't look anything like the clothes the people around here were wearing, be they be rich or poor. He was also fighting the urge to go to his closet and look at the clothes he had woken up in the stable wearing that obviously didn't belong to a slave. He was afraid of just what he might discover if he did. So instead he willed himself to fall asleep to escape all these troubling questions in slumber where he might know some semblance of peace.

Once his conscious mind shut off and his body shut down for the night, he found himself sitting on a bed naked with Brenda, again. At first, he thought the reason they appeared this way to each other was due to a sexual nature. Now he suspected the reason they appeared like this to each other in this strange world was because they were totally naked with each other not only physically, but mentally and emotionally, as well. In here they could keep nothing hidden from each other. All the barriers that existed between them in that other world didn't exist here. They were both completely naked with each other.

"I'm starting to remember." Was the first thing he said to Brenda, needing comfort from her. "And I'm terrified what's going to happen when I finally do remember everything."

"What have you remembered?" Brenda wanted to know, hoping it was something about her. It was hell knowing she was the only one who still remembered them.

"St. Timothy's Church." He replied. "I remembered the night we were supposed to get married and the night I found out you weren't dead." Then he explained. "Belinda wanted me to pick her up at St. Timothy's Church and the minute I saw the place it all came rushing back to me." He added. "Even before that, just the mere mention of that church filled me with apprehension. I knew if I went anywhere near the place, something horrible was going to happen to me."

"You think this is the beginning of you remembering everything?" Brenda asked, not liking one little bit him classifying remembering her and the love they shared as something horrible.

"That's what I'm afraid of." He told her.

"Why are you afraid." Brenda couldn't understand his apprehension about remembering. Did he prefer to have no conscious memory of her and how it had felt to love her.

"Brenda, this is no time for your selfishness." He exploded. "In case it's slipped your mind, I'm not your average amnesiac, Brenda. This isn't about you, it's about me and how I'm supposed to handle remembering my past. A past I might add that took place over two hundred years in the future" His voice was filled with frustration as he tried to make her see what he was feeling. "The memories I'm remembering are in a time that hasn't even happened, yet. I'm having memories of a woman who looks exactly like the woman I'm sleeping with, only I know their two different women. Just how the hell am I supposed to accept and explain that to myself? And the more that I remember, the worst it's going to get. I'm already wondering why you and I were dressed so differently from the people that are surrounding me at present." He added. "If I remember everything, I'm going to have to either accept I'm in a time realm that isn't my own or believe I'm insane. And if I do accept I'm living in a time that isn't my own, what the hell am I supposed to do about it? I'll have no way of figuring out what happened to me and that Jax is behind it."

"You won't need to figure it out." She told him. "I'm going to bring you back to your own time and then this nightmare will finally be over."

"Yes, but how long is that going to take?" Sonny snapped. "Will it be before my entire memory returns and I realize what was done to me? I also won't know you're trying to bring me back to my own time." He reminded her. "What we do in here I have no memory of. Which means if I do remember, I'll be trapped in a living nightmare that may drive me over the edge into insanity."

"I'm doing all I can to get you back." Brenda snarled. "What else am I supposed to do."

"I don't know." Sonny sighed, looking anywhere but at her, feeling an incredible amount of resentment towards her at the moment for the predicament he was in. If she had never gotten messed up with Jax, none of this would be happening to him.

Brenda suddenly sensed there was something else bothering Sonny. "What else is going on with you that you haven't told me?" She wanted to know. She had a feeling something else besides remembering his past happened to him, tonight.

"Belinda told me tonight she wants to have my baby." He looked at her. "She also wants us to runaway together." Then his voice took on a marvelling tone. "Belinda is something else. She knows I'm a lowly penniless slave, but she prefers me to Jax and everything he can give her. She thinks I'm better than he is and she wants me and not him. She doesn't care that she won't have all the fine things she has with him if she's with me. All she wants is me." It was a totally new experience for Sonny, since no woman in his experience had only ever just wanted him. At least, that's how Sonny felt. He was sure if he didn't have the money and power the mob offered him, no woman would really want just him.

"Unlike me you mean?" She asked him, although she already knew the answer. In that moment, all the times she threw Jax in Sonny's face as being superior to him, was finally coming back to haunt her.

"When you used to compare us." He replied. "You always thought he was better than me." Then he brought of a memory, one of many, that still ate away at him. "Remember when Jax had drugs planted on him and you accused me of doing it. You never suspected for one second the drugs might actually be his, since you thought he could do no wrong. But you immediately thought I'd planted them on him to try and make him look bad so I could get you back. Then you gave him your full support, while shunning me convinced I'd planted drugs on him." He added. "But I loved you, so I put up with it and the many other times you put him before me and misjudged me in favor of him."

"It appears." Brenda wanted to hurt him the way he'd just hurt her. "That both our counterparts give each us things that we're unable to give each other."

"Such as?" There was an edge to his voice.

"Marco is more sexually adventurous than you are." She threw in his face. "He does things with me that I've always wanted to do with you, but I knew you'd never agree to do because you're such a control freak."

"I didn't know you had complaints about my performance in the sack." He spat. "What happened to my kisses making your lips still burn two years after they happened? I was under the impression that was about the only area we didn't have problems in." He added. "If that's the case, maybe you should forget about bringing me back and keep the Sonny you've got now, since he's such a red-hot sex pistol compared to me."

"Oh, you'd love that, wouldn't you?" Brenda spat. "It would give you the perfect excuse so you could runaway with your precious Belinda and forget I ever existed. That's what you want, isn't it?"

"God!" Sonny ran his fingers through his air and looked around at his surroundings. "Even in here we can't stop from fighting with each other and screwing things up between us." He added. "Maybe we should just give up and finally let each other go. Maybe it's time we just admitted we just don't work together."

"Do you know how long it's been since we last made love." She suddenly asked him. "We haven't been together since the night before we were supposed to get married." Then she confessed. "I'm beginning to forget how it felt to be with you. I'm beginning to forget just what I'm fighting for. I'm beginning to think it wasn't as incredible as I remembered it was and I'm starting to be tempted to settle for Marco, even though I swore I'd never settle for anyone but you ever again." Then she asked. "Was it that good between us, Sonny? Were we really like a drug in each other's blood, or is it just a case of us remembering it being better than it really was?"

"What are you asking?" Sonny gave her a searching look.

"Make love to me, Sonny." Brenda's voice was filled with her need for him. "Right here and right now. I need to know that being with you is the way I remembered it being and it isn't just some fantasy I built up in my mind about a great love that never existed. I need to remember how it really was to have you inside of me making love to me."

"Can we do that in here?" Sonny asked uneasily, suddenly wondering if maybe she was right. Maybe they both built it up in their heads about what it was like to be together. If that was the case, did he really want to know. Wasn't it better to have the memory of some great love, than to discover what they had together wasn't anything better than what they had with the other people they'd been with.

"I don't know." Brenda was equally uneasy. She was terrified if she was with Sonny she'd discover it wasn't as good as she remembered it was and that she'd been fighting for nothing. If it wasn't as she remembered, then maybe she and Sonny should settle for what they'd found with Marco and Belinda and finally let each other and the memory of what they thought they felt for each other go. "But I'm willing to take the risk to find out. I have to know the truth. I have to know if the passion we shared and the intensity of the love we felt for each other was real or something we both just imagined." She added on a desperate note. "I need to be with you, Sonny. I need to know if I'm fighting for something that doesn't even exist between us."

Sonny nodded his head, knowing he needed to know the same thing. If the love he remembered sharing with Brenda was all an illusion, he needed to know, so he could finally put it to rest and get on with his life. The specter of Brenda and the love they shared was something that haunted and over-shadowed every relationship he'd had with a woman since he'd been involved with her. If the love wasn't real, it would be the joke that started the whole world laughing. How many women could he have found happiness with if he hadn't been haunted by Brenda and the memory of the love they'd shared?

He stood up on his knees and faced her. Brenda did the same thing. They stood motionless facing each other, afraid to touch each other, feeling awkward with each other in a way they had never felt before. It had been so long since they'd been together they didn't even remember what to do with each other. They were almost like two innocent virgins who knew they had the equipment, but weren't sure of how to use it. They'd both been with so many people since they'd last been together it had wiped away what had once came so naturally between them. Now in a very real way it was like they were two strangers about to have sex without so much as a handshake between them.

"I don't even remember what to do with you anymore." Sonny confessed in shock. "I don't even remember how to touch you anymore."

"Have I been fighting for nothing." She felt like crying. "Is it all gone between us? Or is the truth that it never really existed between us to begin with."

"Don't cry, sweetheart." Sonny held her face in his hands. "You know I can't stand it when you cry." He looked deeply into her eyes and his mouth was drawn down to hers like a magnet. His only thought was to give her comfort, but the kiss quickly turned into something more as his mouth began to devour hers in hunger.

That was all it took as it all came back to them. They stood kneeling on the bed looking at each other with hunger in their eyes. Their lips were swollen and still throbbing from the kiss they just shared. Their blood was on fire for each other and a pleasurable ache was building inside their bodies.

She took his hand in hers and held it between her breasts and reached out to hold the palm of her hand over his heart. "Do you remember this?" She turned a sultry sexual look on him.

He took her hand in his and slid his hot mouth down over one of her fingers. "We share the same heart." Sonny smiled at her. "Our hearts always beated in unison together, so you declared we shared the same heart." He ran his hands down the side of her body until his fingers were cupping her derriere and he brought her body closer to his.

Brenda opened her legs to cradle his engorged cock between her thighs as she molded her body against his, flattening her breasts against his chest, until their hearts were beating against each other in unison. "And they still do." She smiled happily. "I can feel your heart beating against mine. It hasn't changed. We still share the same heart. The same soul. And the same passion." She rested her head against him chest, feeling a sense of peace and oneness with that one person you knew was meant for you, that she hadn't felt for a long time. She hadn't imagined what it was like to be with him. If anything, she hadn't remembered how good it really was.

They stood that way for a long time, enjoying the feel of their bodies pressed against each other. They fit so perfectly together, it was like their bodies were made for each other. Her breasts fit perfectly to his chest. His stomach to her belly. His hair-roughened muscular thigh to her smooth feminine one. And, of course, they fit best of all, in the most obvious way. Every part of their bodies fit together like they belonged together. "And it isn't just our hearts." She looked up at him as she took his hand in hers and stretched out their arms along side each other. "Have you ever noticed how much our bodies are alike, but in a masculine and feminine way?" She held the palm of her hand against the palm of her hand. "See? Our arms are the same length and our hands are even the same basic size. Our skin tone is even the same color." Then she moved on to the more intimate areas that their bodies were alike in. She leaned away from him enough to hold her nipple next to his. "These are the exact same color, too." She traced her finger lightly over his aroused nipple. "We even have the exact same bumps and texture in the exact same spot." She leaned back into him, pressing her nipple intimately against his.

"It isn't just that." She was weaving a seductive spell over him as she continued her observations about the similarities between their bodies. She slid her hand between their bodies below where their groins were pressed against each other. "We're even a like right here."

"That's where I think you're wrong." He laughed. "I'm not squeezing you between my thighs the way you're doing with me."

"That's not what I was talking about." She laughed in return. She rolled a lock of their intermingled pubic hair between her fingers. "This is what I was talking about. Our hair between our legs has the same texture and feel, too." With her other hand, she guided his hand down there so he could feel it, too. "Feel it for yourself."

While he was doing that, she could feel his penis growing thicker and longer between her thighs. She could feel it push out from between the backs of her legs and poke out between the crack in her butt. She wickedly rubbed herself against the top of it, coating it with her hot wetness and was pleased to feel it extend itself to even greater lengths.

"In the bible." Sonny said, as he rolled their hair there between his fingers to see if he could feel any difference between them. "God took one of Adam's ribs to make a mate for him and called her Eve." He added. "Are you trying to suggest I'm your Adam and you're my Eve?"

"I am younger than you." She wickedly reminded him. "Maybe God saw what you were enduring as a child and took one of your ribs from you and used it to make me for you." She added. "It would explain why I've always felt we were made for each other. Why our hearts have always beated in unison. Why our bodies have always been so in tune with each other."

"Now lay back and let me look at you the way I used to." She pushed him on his back, and he laid back on his bent elbows putting himself on display before her devouring gaze. He bent his legs and spread his thighs wide open for her, making his cock jut up in the air proudly. "It's been a long time since I've seen you like this and I've missed it." She added on a note of amazement. "It's funny. Now that I have you like this, I don't even need you to make love to me. It's enough to just sit here and look at your like this."

"So you don't want to make love with me" He asked, unable to keep the disappointment out of his voice.

"I didn't say that." She smiled, as she leaned over and ran her finger down his cock. "I just said that I didn't need to. Just that looking at you and being near you was enough for me. It's always been, but I'd forgotten that. All I remembered was the sex, not everything else that went with it."

"Such as?" They'd never really talked like this about how they felt about being together. They'd never been able to keep their hands off each other long enough. Besides, talking about how he felt, was never amongst Sonny's favorite top ten things to do.

"Such as, being with you brought out the best in me." She told him. "You made me a better person. You made me less selfish and self-absorbed. You made me think of others." She added. "If I'd been with you, I would have never forgotten Stone's birthday the way I did when I was with Jax. It's amazing. Everyone always said how bad you were for me, but you brought out the best in me and made me a better person."

Sonny leaned up and kissed her gently on the lips. "You brought light into my life." He told her. "Since I was a child, I've lived in a dark world of shadows and darkness. Then you came along and brought light and hope into my life." He added. "I still remember you telling me the night before we were supposed to get married that you were going to teach me how to live in the light. But I ran back into the darkness and there hasn't been light in my life since."

"It's funny." She sighed. "I've had plenty of men inside me before you and since you." She took his hand in hers and brought it between her thighs. Then she took his index finger and shoved it slowly inside of her. "But this has always belonged to you. Even when I have another man inside me, it still belongs to you." She she reached over and wrapped her hand possessively around his cock. "Just like no matter how many women you stick this inside of, it belongs only to me."

"You're very possessive of it." He flashed his dimples at her.

"There's none other like it." She smiled back at him. "And I don't particularly appreciate it being stuck in places where it doesn't belong."

He worked another of his fingers inside of her. "And I don't particularly appreciate you letting things be stuck in here that don't belong there."

They were treading into dangerous territory and both knew it. If they didn't back away from this topic and soon this moment was going to be ruined for them. She tried to retain the sexy teasing mood they were enjoying by running her fingers through the coarse hair on his legs as she slid her hands up between his spread thighs. "So what have you decided?" She made herself tease about something she hates, as she slid his hands beneath his swollen testicles and cupped them. "Are you going to give Belinda Jerrold your baby like she wants?"

"I don't know." He could barely string two words together as he watched her lightly run her thumb over the top of them, as they continued to fill up with his seed. "I haven't decided, yet."

"What's to decide." She ran her fingers through the hair surrounding the base of his cock, making his breathing become labored. "You know I'm the only woman who should be having your baby." He laid down flat on his back, while she ran her hands down the inside of his thighs, spreading them wider apart. "Not Lily Rivera. Not Carly Benson. Not Alexis Davis. And certainly not Belinda Jerrold."

"Then take me inside your body." He panted. "And let me give you my baby, instead."

"I thought you'd never ask." She got to her feet and perched herself on the end of his cock. "None of those women have any right to try and have your child." She took him inside her all at once. "Their thieves trying to steal what belongs only to me."