renda awoke in her own bed and screamed in frustration at being yanked away from Sonny the way she had been. She had willed herself back to sleep in an attempt to find him, again, but she wasn't able to connect with him. By morning Brenda faced the sad truth. Unless she got Sonny back to the present, that was the last time she'd ever be with him again. She tried to put everything in perspective. Maybe the reason she and Sonny had been able to connect that way they had while they were both asleep was so they could be together and strengthen the bond they shared together. Maybe she had been yanked away from Sonny because she'd learned what she needed to know. Now she had the strength and resolve to do whatever she had to do to get him back. And she would, she vowed

It had felt so real to feel Sonny's child growing inside of her and giving birth to him had been incredible. When she looked into Sonny's eyes, the pain she was feeling during the birth process diminished, as she and Sonny shared the miracle together of her giving birth to the life they'd created together. Brenda had been shown a piece of the future that would only happen if she got Sonny back to where he belonged and she was determined that that dream would become a reality. And the only way that could happen is if she got him back where he belonged.

Unfortunately, time was running out fast. The time Sonny had left was down to less than a week now. She'd figured out a way to get a sample of Marco's blood, so Magda could perform the ritual to reverse what she'd done, but to do it she and Marco would have to go to much darker places when they had sex than they'd done so far. That would be the only way to convince him to do what she had in mind and for him to believe it was just another type of kinky sex. Because if he realized the real reason she wanted his blood, he would never agree to it. Which meant she and Marco were going to rev up their sex games and fast.

Brenda knew she should have been going full-throttle sexually with Marco day and night, but she had been kind of avoiding having sex with Marco after that first time. It was just so unnerving to be with him. To be doing all those things with Sonny's body, to be kissing Sonny's lips, but to look into Sonny's eyes and see a stranger staring back at her. But Sonny was running out of time, so she'd have to just bite the bullet and do it, if she wanted to get him back.

Brenda threw back the covers and got out of bed. It was time to turn the tables on Marco and take control of this game they were playing. He was a novice at these types of sexual games, while Brenda had been tutored by a master. Alcazar had taught her all the tricks of the trade, so to speak, when she was with him. In a dim room, he looked enough like Sonny for her to pretend that's who she was doing these things with. Marco looked exactly like Sonny so it should be even easier to pretend she was doing these things with Sonny.

She went over to a trunk of stuff she kept from her old Alcazar days. She knews that inside she'd find just what she needed to take things to the next level with Marco. A level where she was the one who was control and she lead him exactly where she wanted him to go. Brenda never thought she'd have a use for this stuff, again. God knows, if Jax had known the things she and Alcazar had done together, he would have keeled over from a heart attack right on the spot. But for some reason she had held on to all this stuff, even though thinking about it made her feel a level of disgust with herself. Maybe deep down she knew there would come a time she would have a need of this stuff, once more.

Once she had all the paraphernalia she'd need for her next sexual encounter with Marco, she headed over to Sonny's penthouse in hopes of catching him by surprise. Brenda had no problems getting past the guards based on her past association with Sonny. She was informed as she entered the penthouse that Sonny was still asleep, which was perfect for her. It would make everything so much easier if she could catch him with his pants down, so to speak. After that, she slipped up to Sonny's bedroom and watched Marco as he slept in Sonny's bed. For a moment her breath caught in her throat when she looked at him. He looked so much like Sonny, it was so hard to believe it wasn't him. But the face and the body were just an empty shell without Sonny's heart and soul being part of the package.

For a second, Brenda tried to imagine if she would have fallen for Sonny if Marco's soul had been inside of him when they first met, and she didn't think she would have. She would have still been sexually attracted to Sonny, she was sure, but would she have fallen in love with him? She didn't think so. He was totally different from Sonny and everything that had made her love Sonny was gone from him. Or maybe the truth was that whatever it was Belinda gave Marco that made Sonny who he was was missing, because Marco was prevented from meeting Belinda and living out his destiny with her.

She tried not to think of what would happen to Marco when she sent him back, but she couldn't help wondering if she'd be sending him back to an empty existence. Would Marco return to a reality where Belinda was in love with Sonny and not him? Or would he return to the point where the switch was made? She didn't know and she couldn't afford to let herself think about that, either. If she did, it might begin to weaken her resolve to do what she knew she had to do.

Well, enough of that. Brenda shook herself out of her revelry and got down to business. She removed some leather straps from her purse and tip-toed over to the bed. Careful not to wake him up, she gently tied his hands and legs to the bedposts. Then she peeled back the bedsheets and gazed at him in all his naked glory. To her displeasure, she found herself already becoming hungry for him. No, she'd have no problem enjoying herself with Marco. The sight of that body she knew so well and that knew her body so well, still had the power to make her burn. She just needed to remember not to let herself enjoy this too much, because if she started to have feelings for Marco the way Sonny was for Belinda, it would make it even harder to do what she knew she had to do.

Once he was secure, she removed her raincoat and stripped her clothes off, as she felt the sexual excitement beginning to build in her blood. She slipped on the dominatrix outfit she had brought with her, which only served to heighten her arousal for what was about to happen between them. It consisted of thigh-high black leather boots, a pair of skimpy black leather thong underwear and a bustier to match. Next, she teased her hair and applied black eyeshadow to her eyelids and black lipstick to her mouth and her dominatrix outfit was complete. The last item she removed from her purse was a whip. No dominatrix worth her own salt would be without one of these. It was time to wake Marco up.

Walking over to Marco, she raised the whip over her head and sent the end flying against his bare stomach. It was a specially made whip for just such an occasion. While the end would send a stinging blow to the person it was used on, it wouldn't injure him in anyway. Brenda was surprised at just how much she enjoyed using the whip on Marco. It didn't hurt that she was still burning with anger over his audacity of believing if he screwed her enough, she'd forget Sonny ever existed. He definitely over-estimated his sexual prowess and underestimated her love for Sonny.

Marco awoke with a start to find his hands and feet bound to the bed. He looked up at Brenda, angrily. For a second it was almost like he was Sonny. This was the exact reaction Sonny would have had if she had pulled something like this on him while he slept. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"You're the one who wanted to play these kind of games." She told him, as she went over to the mirror to check her make-up. She purposely bend over so he could have a good view of her nearly bare backside, covered with only a thin black leather thong that was riding up between her butt cheeks. She looked at him over her shoulder. "What's the matter, Marco. Do you only like to play them when you're the one in control."

"Just what do you intend to do to me?" Marco didn't particularly like this game. She was right. He had enjoyed it when he was in control, but didn't care too much for it when he wasn't. In fact, his first instinct was to demand she untie him immediately or to yell for his guards downstairs to come up here and do it for him. But then he recalled his gameplan and he knew he had to go along with it, whether he liked it or not.

"Anything I want." She replied, as she came over to the bed. "I can give you pain." She ran her finger along the angry red mark the whip made across his stomach. Then she ran the tip of the whip handle up between one of his thighs and smiled as his cock began to rise from it's nest of black hair. "Or I can give you unimaginable pleasure." She climbed on the bed and straddled him. "Whenever the whim strikes me." She ran her hands up his stomach, and was pleased to see his breathing was becoming labored as he found himself becoming more and more aroused. "Are you ready to be completely sexually dominated, Marco?" She lowered her mouth to his stomach to kiss him, while she raised her hand and brought the tip of the whip down hard against his thigh.

Marco didn't know what to react to first. The pleasure of her mouth on him or the sting of the whip. To his profound shock, Marco realized he didn't need to pretend to like this. He did. As the pain and pleasure became intermingled he found himself becoming aroused in a way he had never been aroused before. This kind of sex was dark and dangerous and he was loving every minute of it. It was a new type of foreplay. One that he was finding great pleasure in. And with each new touch of her mouth and sting of the whip his pleasure just heightened, until he was writhing on the bed with it.

"So." Marco looked up at Brenda with his dark need in his eyes, looking more like Sonny than he'd ever had before. "Do you just torture me until I expire from my want of you or will you eventually give me satisfaction?"

She wrapped her hand around his cock and gave it a hard yank, sending pain and pleasure rippling through his body. "That's for me to know." She smiled, wickedly. "And for you to find out." But already, Brenda knew she'd take this to its ultimate conclusion. She was too into this, she wanted him too much, not to give them both the satisfaction they craved.

She reached up and released his wrists from his leather bindings. "Sonny would have never enjoyed this." She told him. "He could never find pleasure in being hit."

Marco, his hands finally freed, sat up and removed her bustier. "Then aren't you glad." His mouth took one of her breasts roughly into his mouth. "That I'm not him."

And god help her, with Marco doing the things he was doing to her and making her feel the things she was feeling, she almost answered yes.

onny was brushing one of the horses down when Belinda entered the stable, carrying a picnic basket. "I've been looking everywhere for you?" Belinda proclaimed as she entered. "What are you doing down here."

"You mean that now I'm you're in-house stud." Sonny looked at her over his shoulder, as he continued brushing the horse. "With fancy clothes on my back, working in the stables is beneath me?"

"My." She smiled at him. "You're in quite a mood, aren't you?"

"Just stating the facts." Sonny sighed, as he laid down the horse brush. "What do you want, Belinda."

"You." She gave him a steamy look. "Anywhere and everywhere I can have you." Then she added. "I missed having you, last night. But I was worried about you, so I thought you needed the rest." She looked at the horse he'd just finished brushing. "Apparently, I deprived myself of you for nothing."

"What's the picnic basket for?" He asked her. "Or do I even need to ask."

"I want us to both get away from here for the day." Belinda replied. "And go somewhere we can be free to be together without having to worry about being caught."

"Do you have any place in mind." Sonny took the picnic basket away from her, not really in the mood for this. He felt like going off somewhere by himself and brooding about all the questions he had about his life. But, the cold hard truth was he had no choice in the matter. His job was to perform for her anywhere and everywhere she demanded, so him being in the mood played no part in it.

"Of course." She replied. "Saddle up the wagon and I'll give you the directions."

renda was horrified that in a moment of passion she had almost agreed with Marco that she was glad he wasn't Sonny, since he'd never had enjoyed that kind of scene she'd introduced Marco to. Of course, she wasn't glad Marco wasn't Sonny, she assured herself. She didn't want Marco, she wanted Sonny and was only having sex with Marco as a means to an end. That end was sending Marco back to his own time and bringing Sonny back to her. She loved Sonny and Marco left her cold, except when they were having sex together. She didn't want Marco, she wanted Sonny.

Maybe the truth was that no matter how much you told yourself it was only meaningless sex, it never really was, especially if the sex was good. If you had any kind of feelings, it could never be just sex. It would become more if you continued having sex with that person than just sex, even if it never blossomed into love. You'd start to feel things for the other person you didn't want to feel. You'd begin to care for them on some level. It was unavoidable.

Marco ran his hand possessively over her thigh. "That was incredible." Marco flashed his dimples at her. "I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said it was the best I've ever had." He added. "What about you?"

"You want me to say it was better than what I had with Sonny." Brenda knew she should say it, but feeling the way she was, she didn't want to say it. "And I can't say that. Sonny and I never had this kind of sex, so I can't know if it was better than what I would have had with Sonny."

"You're fooling yourself if you think your little choirboy mobster would have ever done this with you." Marco laughed knowingly. "You even told me while we were doing it that Sonny would have never found pleasure in being hit."

"That's because he was physically abused as a child." She said in Sonny's defense, getting sick of the way Marco was always trying to put Sonny down. "I doubt if you'd experienced what Sonny had, you'd have found it pleasurable, either."

"Still touchy about him, I see." Marco commented. "Still clinging to something that's gone and you'll never have back."

"You've obviously never been in love with someone the way I love Sonny." She spat at him, knowing she was blowing her game plan, but unable to stop herself. "Otherwise you wouldn't expect me to completely forget about him after a couple of ruts in the sack with you."

"You will in time." He assured her. Before he could say anymore they were rudely interrupted by the intrusion of Carly.

"Oh my god!" She declared in disgust as she saw all the paraphernalia laying around. "Is this how you got him? By doing this?"

"What the hell are you doing here?" Marco spat. "I thought I'd seen the last of you when you took out of here like a bat out of hell?"

"In case it's slipped your mind." Carly spat. "I'm still your wife."

"Not for long." He assured her. "Now get out!"

"Fine!" She spat back. "The air is so foul in here, I can hardly breathe, anyway." Neither Marco or Brenda noticed Carly pocket something as she left.

"There's no privacy around this place." Marco complained.

"It does tend to make you feel inhibited." Brenda agreed, silently thankful for Carly's unwelcome intrusion. If Carly hadn't entered when she did, Brenda might have blown the whole thing. "Maybe what we need is to get away from here together for awhile." She suggested.

"That's a great idea." Marco agreed, looking around at the bedroom. How could he make her forget about Corinthos, when he was making love to her in his bedroom. A change of venue was just what they needed. "Any ideas?"

"I might have a few." Brenda replied, already planning ahead to what she would do next.