ax stormed into Carly's club and grabbed her by the throat in fury. "Just what kind of game are you trying to play with me?" He demanded to know.

"What are you talking about?" She shoved him away from her and rubbed her throat.

"I thought we had a deal." Jax spat. "So why did you warn the imposter."

"What are you talking about?" Carly wanted to know.

"When I went over to Corinthos' penthouse to finish him off." Jax explained. "I found out he suddenly went out of town." He added. "Don't tell me it was a mere coincidence. You tipped him off, didn't you?"

"I wouldn't tip that bastard off to his fly being open." Carly spat back. "I want him dead just as much as you do. All my future plans hinge on him being dead." She added. "I walked in on a little S&M session between Sonny and your precious little turtle dove. They probably went somewhere together, so they could continue their depravity in private."

"Just great." Jax spat. "Now what am I supposed to do."

"You'll just have to wait until they get back." Carly told him. "Then do the job."

"I had all my plans set to leave today." Jax complained, and Carly resisted from asking him if that was plane 9 to outerspace? "Just great!" Jax repeated in a whiney tone. "I should have known getting rid of the imposter wouldn't be any easier than getting rid of Corinthos."

"Well, you know what they say." Carly said in a sarcastic tone. "If at first you don't succeed, try try again."

"Oh, I'll succeed, all right." Jax promised. "I won't rest until Sonny Corinthos is dead in every time zone he exists in." He added as he stormed back out. "And that's a promise."

As Carly watched Jax walk out the door, she was beginning to suspect that he just wasn't the man to do the job. The guy was a total whackjob. He really believed he was going to depart to another time zone after he whacked the imposter. That was if Sonny really was an imposter.

Speaking of which, she had just been about to open the envelope that had the results of the fingerprints taken off that lighter. Carly had remembered one of the cops on Sonny's payroll at the PCPD and got him to run a fingerprint comparison test. She ripped open the envelope and saw red when she was the results. According to the cop, the fingerprints were an exact match. Which meant Sonny was Sonny and all that crap about him being some imposter was just part of Jax's insane delusions.

Well, this didn't change anything, Carly decided. The more Carly had thought about it and made plans for her future, the more she had wanted back the life she had with Jason before Sonny and Robin had returned to Port Charles, and the more determined she was to have it. What was that old saying? If you wanted something done, you had to do it yourself. It was a big risk, but one she just might have to take, if she wanted the job done right. All she had to do was to make sure Jax was blamed for it, and what with all his crazy talk about having sent Sonny back in time, she didn't think the police would have too hard of a time believing he'd done it.

arco was feeling pretty good about things. At present, he and Brenda were lounging in the bathtub together. They'd rented a secluded cabin in the woods where no one could inhibit them and they'd been pretty uninhibited, so far. The more he and Brenda did together, the farther away he felt Brenda was getting away from her precious Sonny. They had just finished a session with hot massage oils, and were now soaking them off of their bodies in the tub. While Sonny may have had him beaten in the love department, he definitely had him beaten in the sex department, Marco gloated to himself.

As Marco relived in his mind every delicious moment of them rubbing the oil on each other's bodies until they were so hot for each other they were practically about to jump out of their skin, he couldn't help thinking they hadn't had things like that in his time. It was really a shame. The miracles of modern technology. They also hadn't had some of the sex toys he and Brenda had used during another sexual session. This was definitely a good era for sex. Of course, his favorite sexual thing of all was the contraceptives. In his day the only contraceptive was pulling out before you spilled your seed or risk having to pay for your play.

Marco looked over at Brenda who was laying back against the tub with her eyes closed. The water only came to their waists, so he had an excellent view of her breasts. He lifted his foot out of the water and ran his big toe over one of her nipples. Brenda didn't open her eyes, but moaned in response. "Hmm?"

"How are you feeling?" He asked, already chomping at the bit for their next sexual adventure together. The more they did it, the more secure he felt that she'd give up all attempts to get Sonny back and let things stay the way they were.

Brenda felt sore, but with each ache and pain was the delicious memory of the pleasure she had felt getting them. Her sexual relationship with Marco was proving to be a time of self-discovery for Brenda. The biggest discovery and the most pleasing was that she and Sonny were a lot more like each other than they ever thought. Sonny always said she was nothing like him. Boy, he didn't have a clue just how much like him she was.

There was a darkness in Sonny that was fed by the mob. The same darkness was inside her, but it was fed by sex. Sonny didn't just cling to the mob because it gave him a false sense of being in control. It was also because he felt a pleasure akin to the pleasure she felt with Marco. They were both embracing the darkness of their natures. With Sonny, it was being a criminal and breaking the law, with her it was her sexual misadventures with Marco.

She finally understood why Sonny had tried so hard to prevent the darkness he craved from touching her. She once thought she wanted to share this kind of darkness with Sonny, and now she knew she didn't. She wanted him to remain untouched by this kind of darkness. She and Sonny were each other's salvation from the darkness they craved. Together, they would save each other from the darkness inside them that would consume and ultimately destroy them if they continued to give into it.

She also understood why they had this darkness inside them. It went back to their childhoods. Because Sonny was abused by a cop as a child, he got a high off being a criminal and making a fool out of the cops. While sex had always made her feel loved, when she had grown up feeling unloved by her father. The desire to take the sex further was born with Sonny.

In her previous sexual relationships before coming to Port Charles, they'd all been casual flings. Her first serious sexual relationship was with Jagger Cates, but she knew he really wanted Karen, so all her energy was dedicated to keeping them apart. It was only with Sonny that she felt secure enough to start wanting to take the sex further. The sex with Sonny was just so incredible, she couldn't help thinking how much better it could be if they took things further. After all, there was just so many different ways available to have sex. Unfortunately, Sonny was just such a control freak because he'd had no control over his life as a child, she'd never had the nerve to suggest it. Now she was glad she hadn't.

As she was finding out with Marco, they had to keep thinking of new things to do so the sex didn't grow stale. Eventually, if their relationship were to last, they'd have to get into really hardcore sex. So, she was glad she had this time to indulge her fantasies of doing this kind of thing with Sonny, without it actually being Sonny. Maybe she should thank Jax. Although she was sure he wouldn't be pleased for the reason for her gratitude.

It was funny, she couldn't help reflecting upon her relationships with both Alcazar and Marco. They had both sensed this darkness within her and both had tried to use it to their advantage to control her. Both their problems was underestimating the love she and Sonny shared. Sex was great, but without love it was pretty empty, no matter what kind of sex it was. They also failed to understand that she could use sex to control them, as well.

"I'm feeling like a wanton sexual being." She slipped her foot between Marco's thighs and ran her foot along his cock, making him almost jump out of the water. "Whose only purpose in life is to feel unending sexual pleasure." She smiled wickedly. "And you?"

"Anxiously anticipating our next sexual encounter." He told her. "I'm also curious what you have in mind for us to do next together. Haven't we about done it all?"

"Hardly." She told him. "Actually, I thought we'd get into sexual fantasies next. In particular, The Burglar." Brenda figured the introduction of sexual fantasies would lead Marco right into her trap. Time was running out fast and Sonny was down to only a few days before he was supposed to die in Marco's place.

"And what pray tell is The Burglar." He raised an eyebrow of inquiry at her.

"You break in and decide to force yourself on me." She told him. "Of course, I know it's you and I only pretend to fight you. But you have no idea just how fun it can be"

elinda knew what she had to do. As soon as she parted company with Sonny, she headed to Jocelyn's study. She knew exactly what the gypsy woman's words meant. This Brenda was coming for Sonny. She was coming to reclaim what belonged to her. Only Belinda intended for her and Sonny to be far away from here when Brenda showed up looking for Sonny. The only problem was getting Sonny to agree to leave with her. Which was why she was going to make sure Sonny had no choice but to agree to leave with her.

She went over to Jocelyn's wall safe and opened it. Jocelyn had told her what the combination was in case something happened to him and she needed to get into it. She took out a great amount of money and jewels.

Belinda was so busy with her task, she never realized she was being watched. Jocelyn spied on her through his study door as she cleaned out his safe. For once in his relationship with her, he decided to play it smart. Instead of confronting her about stealing from his safe, he decided to watch and wait to see just what she intended to do with her ill-gotten booty.

onny knew what he had to do. It was time to find out the truth. So the minute he got back to his room he walked over to his closet and took out the clothes he had woken up in. They didn't turn into some fanged beast the minute he touched them, but they did make him uneasy. The style was nothing like he'd seen in this time, but they did resemble the type of clothes he'd seen himself wearing in those flashbacks he'd been having. He looked at the tags and they gave the name of the person who had designed them and nothing more.

Sonny felt kind of ridiculous. The big bad ugly he'd been afraid of if he so much as touched these clothes had never happened. Sort of like a kid afraid of the monster under the bed or the Boogey Man. So much for what the gypsy said that these clothes would give him the answers he was afraid to face.

He was about to put the clothes back in the closet, when he felt something in the back pocket of his pants. He reached in and pulled out a wallet. Now he was scared. Maybe it wasn't the clothes, but this that was the big bad ugly.

Sonny's first impulse was to just shove the wallet back into the back pocket and forget about it, but he knew he couldn't do it. He came to this room to find the truth, and he had to face it whatever it was. Closing his eyes a moment in preparation for whatever he found, he opened the wallet.

The first thing he saw was a picture of himself. It was his driver's license. It said his date of birth was March 1, 1963. That was impossible. The year he was in was 1792. That would mean he wouldn't be born for another one hundred and seven-one years.

Or was it, a little insidious voice in the back of his mind whispered. Wouldn't that explain a lot of things? The strange clothes? The strange memories?

Sonny suddenly felt a pain beginning to build in his skull. It was the same pain he had experienced early when he had started remembering things. But this time he refused to give into it. Other memories began to filter through his mind. He and Brenda at a car dealership flirting with each other. Another of him driving one of the cars he had been looking at at the dealership. He was in pain. He'd been shot after he and Luke had helped Frank Smith escape from prison. Brenda found him him slumped over the wheel of his car. Another memory of he and Brenda in an airplane together.

The pain ripping through his skull intensified, but he clenched his teeth against it and made himself keep remembering. On and on the memories came of a time and place far from this place he was now in. Of things that didn't exist in this time like automobiles, airplanes, electricity... And with each new memory the pain just continued to intensify until Sonny fell to his knees and held his head, screaming in agony.