onny didn't know how long he had laid on the floor curled up in the fetal position as the waves of pain ripped through his skull, but it finally started to lessen. And in a few moments it disappeared as if it had never been there. With its departure, came the full return of Sonny's memory. Now Sonny was faced with the task of facing the reality of his current situation.

Sonny looked around at his surroundings and the clothes he was wearing and wondered if any of this was really real. When he had gone to that dark place in his mind before he had imagined things. He had seen Brenda and Lily come to him after they had died, he had seen Carly when he had sent her away. Could this be another more elaborate delusion he was suffering through. Had his mind finally cracked? Was he living in some fantasy world of his own making while in reality he was locked up in some psycho ward in Ferncliffe?

Then another memory suddendly came back to him. He and Brenda were on the docks and he'd finally decided to stop denying to himself that she was who he wanted, not Carly. They were kissing each other and Brenda was going to take him some place where they could finally be together. Then something started happening to him. He started to feel strange and weak. For a second he thought he was going to die. He even remembered looking down at his hand and being able to see through it. It was like he was disappearing right before his own eyes. Then the next thing he remembered was waking up in that room in the stable.

No, it wasn't possible, Sonny shook his head in denial to try and make that thought disappear. He couldn't have disappeared from his own time and reappeared in this time. It just wasn't possible.

He looked around at his surroundings again, as he began to feel sick to his stomach. But what if it was possible. Then a horrifying thought occurred to him. What if God had done this to him. After all the years he'd run away from Brenda and how he felt about her, what if God decided to punish him when he finally decided to stop running? What if God had sent him to a place where he could never have Brenda again as punishment for constantly running from the love He had tried to give Sonny all these years and that he had rejected time and time again?

But he wasn't without Brenda, Sonny realized. Belinda was Brenda and she wasn't Brenda. She had Brenda's face and her body, but not her soul. Was that his real punishment? To have Brenda but to have a Brenda that was missing what made him fall in love with her in the first place? He may have wanted her face and body, but he had fallen in love with her heart and soul. All he had was the outer shell of Brenda, but everything inside her that had made him fall in love with her was missing. Was that his true punishement? To have Brenda, but to not really have her. To constantly want his Brenda back and to never be able to have her? If so, it was a most cruel punishment.

He had to get out of here, Sonny decided. It would be better to have no Brenda, at all, then to have one who wasn't his Brenda. As long as he was with Belinda, he would be constantly reminded of his Brenda. Of the Brenda he would never have again. It would be better to have no Brenda, at all. That way he could try to forget his Brenda, the way he had done before. He could lock all his feelings and memories of Brenda so deep inside of himself they'd never surface again. But as long as he was with Belinda, he'd never be able to do that.

His decision made, he got to his feet and began to pack his meager belongings. Since in this time he was considered nothing but a slave owned by an ancestor of Jax's of all things, he would have to plan his escape carefully. He'd also have to explain to Belinda why she couldn't come with him and they had to end this thing between them.

renda finished getting ready for Marco's entrance as The Burglar. It was amazing when one got over trying to live up to societies rigid demands of what was right and what was wrong, how easier things became. She'd finally reached the place that Sonny had in regards to the mob and his criminal activities. She'd just stopped trying to be the good girl that society said she should be and should want to be and just be herself. Stopped trying to do what society said was right.

Society said, at least Port Charles Society, that she shouldn't want Sonny and she should want Jax. Well, she wanted Sonny. That Jax was every woman's idea as the perfect man, but her idea of the perfect man for her was a dark-eyed bad boy who made her blood burn for him. That Sonny was bad for her, but Sonny was really the only man who ever really loved her for her and she could be herself with. Sonny got a kick out of some of her more nastier stunts, while Jax had only seen a little of the real her when she read Miranda's love letters, and he had been appalled by that side of her. That Sonny was bad and Jax was good, but she was sure Sonny would have never done to Jax what Jax had done to Sonny. To hell withi society. She knew exactly what she wanted and if society didn't like it they could go screw themselves. She was done listening to society and letting it influence her. If she hadn't listened to Ned and Lois, she would have never worn that stupid wire and she and Sonny would have never broken up and that bitch Lily would have never gotten her claws into him. Or any of the other bitches that followed her.

Which was why she was totally at ease with what she was doing with Marco and what she was planning to do to him. Bottom line, she wasn't a nice person, she never had been. She tried to let Jax mold her into what society said she should be, but she wasn't. She had tried to convince herself she was happy and that was what she wanted, but it wasn't. Now she was done pretending and she was going to do whatever she had to do to get what she wanted, just like she had when she first came to Port Charles and wanted Jagger Cates for herself.

Sonny wasn't a nice person, either. That's one of the things that had attracted them to each other. They recognized that trait in each other. The willingness to do whatever they had to do to get what they wanted. Just like she was doing now.

She wasn't going to lie to herself. She was enjoying herself with Marco. She enjoyed the sex games they were playing together. What she enjoyed most was knowing this was just a little tryst before she was finally with Sonny, again. Just like Sonny was having with Belinda Jerrold in the past. But once they were finally together again, there would never be anyone again for them but each other. So why shouldn't she enjoy herself while it lasted. Besides, it wasn't really like Marco was another man. He looked just like Sonny. So it was almost like she was with Sonny. And she always enjoyed being with Sonny anyway and everyway she could have him.

She stepped back and studied herself in the mirror. She'd worn something to entice Marco. Her baby doll nightgown both concealed her body from Marco and revealed it to him. The short nightie and matching thong underwear that went with it was transparent so it was almost like she wasn't wearing anything at all. She was sure Marco would love it.

She went over to the bed and laid down in what she figured would be a seductive pose and waited for Marco to arrive. Her body was already beginning to hunger for Marco's again and she couldn't wait for what was about to happen to start. Then tomorrow she would convince Marco to go along with her next and final sexual fantasy. After they were finished doing that, she'd have all the items she needed to give to Magda and she finally bring Sonny home where he belonged.

She heard the window being opened from outside and smiled. The game was about to begin. As Marco climbed in the window, Brenda sat up and held her hand to her heart, faking fear. "Is somebody here?"

"Only me?" Marco was dressed in black from head to toe and was wearing a mask over his eyes. He looked so much like Sonny, Brenda didn't have to fake being breathless with desire for him.

"What do you want?" She cowered on the bed. "I don't have any money or jewels?"

"That's all right." Marco told her in a dark and dangerous voice. "That's not what I came for." He boldly slid his hand between her thighs and cupped her there. "I came for this."

"No!" Brenda cried in mock horror.

"Yes!" He replied, as he grabbed her by the wrists and dragged them up to the headboard where he tied them together. "I've been watching you for a long time, and tonight I finally decided I would have you?"

"No." She cried again. "Don't do this to me! Anything but this!"

"Don't fret so." He told her, as he took a switchblade knife out from the waistband of his pants and began to cut her nightgown off of her. "You'll enjoy it. I promise you."

"No." She put up a mock struggle against him as he peeled all her clothes off of her. "Never!"

He stood up and peeled off all his clothes, but he left his mask on. "Don't try and fight me." He warned her, as he ran the blade of his knife down her body. "I would hate to have to cut such lovely flesh."

"Why don't you." She shocked them both by boldly suggesting. She hadn't planned this, but this was the perfect opportunity to bring it up. So why not do it now instead of later. "You say you want me. Wouldn't you like to taste my blood on your tongue."

"What game are you playing, Brenda." Marco pulled off his mask and dropped the act. "This is not what we discussed."

Brenda dropped her act, as well. "I was hoping to ease you into this." She confessed. "But since you brought it up, I thought I might as well take advantage of the situation."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He told her.

"I have this ultimate sexual fantasy." She told him. "But it's complicated. Could you untie my wrists and I explain it to you."

"Fine." He reached up and untied her wrists, then sat back. "Now explain."

"It all goes back to the beginning of my relationship with Sonny." She sat up and rubbed her wrists. "In your time, did they have such a thing as vampires?" She added. "Bram Stoker's Dracula may have been a little bit after your time." She got off the bed and looked inside her suitcase. "I brought a video with me of Bram Stoker's Dracula. It was all part of my plan to convince you to do this with me. You can't really understand what I want until you watch this." She found it and popped it into the vcr. Then she came back to sit on the bed with him. "We won't talk any further until you've watched it with me."

Marco had no idea what he was about to watch and was totally unprepared for what he saw. He found himself growing hard during the scene where the topless female vampires were feeding off of Keanu Reeves in Dracula's castle and he only continued to get moreso as the film continued to it's final climax.

Brenda could see the effect the movie was having on him and it was just as she'd hoped it would be. She pressed her breasts against Marco's back as he continued watching the movie, and slid her hands down his body until she was caressing his cock during the scene when Mina asks Dracula to let her drink of him. "Dracula is one of the most seductive and romantic figures in literature." She whispered seductively into his ear as she nibbled on his earlobe. "Now do you understand what I want us to do?"

"You want us to do that?" He asked as Mina was drinking of Dracula's blood on the TV screen. "But it's blood." The enticement of what he'd seen and what she was doing to him couldn't override his repulsion at the thought of drinking blood.

"So?" Brenda had been preparing arguments in her head for just such an occasion. "What about when you come in my mouth? It turns you on when I swallow it. Or how about when your mouth is buried between my thighs and your tasting me? Is that any different from drinking each other's blood?" She added. "It's just another fluid our bodies have produced."

"I know, but..." Marco still couldn't get past the idea of how barbaric it would be to drink each other's blood. It was almost like being a cannibal and eating a human being for supper.

"But nothing." Brenda turned Marco to face. "Marco, I've had this fantasy just about forever and I've never done it with anyone else." She added. "You would be the only one I've ever done it with."

"I don't know." Brenda could see Marco was weakening and it would just take one more little push to get him to agree to it.

"Marco." She ran her hands up and down over his pectorals. "Did you know my blood is inside of Sonny" She explained. "Sonny got shot when he helped Frank Smith escape from prison and I found him. He would have died because he lost so much blood if I hadn't given him my blood to put in his body. Since that moment, I've wanted Sonny's blood inside my body, as well, so I could feel complete." She added that. "After that I had this incredibly hot sexual fantasy about Sonny being a vampire and drinking of my blood and then having me drink of his blood so I could become one with him."

"Did Sonny ever make that fantasy become real for you?" Marco wanted to know, feeling Sonny still had one-up on him.

"No." Brenda sighed sadly. "I never had the nerve to even suggest it to him. If I had done such a thing, he would have reacted far worse than you have to the idea." She added slyly. "I thought you might be different from Sonny and agree to making my fantasy come true."

"If I do this for you." Marco suddenly turned cold and calculating. "I would requre a promise from you. That you finally give up all thought of trying to bring him back and let me stay in his place." He added. "That's my price for this. I'll make your fantasy a reality, but you have to finally let Sonny Corinthos go, forever."

"All right." She turned a seductive look on him. "I think this time with you has gotten me to a place where I'm finally ready to let Sonny go." She added, as she reached into the nightstand and took out two vials for them to put their blood in. "Sonny can't give me what I need, only you can."

"You wish to do it now?" He asked, almost regretting the deal he'd just struck with her to insure he remained in this time realm.

"The sooner, the better." She handed him the knife. "You did it and I'll fill this vial with your blood."

"Don't you want to do it like they did it in the movie?" Marco asked, since this seemed to be detouring from the whole fantasy thing.

"Marco, how would you drink of me?" She asked with a laugh. "You don't have fangs that you can sink into my neck so you can drink of me." She added. "I think it would be easier if we just fill these two vials with our blood and then we can uncork them and drink them together. My fantasy isn't about you biting me in the neck, but about our blood being in each other's bodies."

Once the vial containing Marco's blood was filled, she put a cork in the bottle. "I'll be right back." She climbed off the bed and headed towards the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" He wanted to know.

"Unlike a man." She smiled, as she opened the bathroom door. "A woman has to be careful where she marks her body. I'll just find the least noticeable place and be back once I have my vial filled."

"What if you mix them up?" He didn't want to go through this if he was going to end up drinking his own blood.

"Don't worry, I won't." She promised, then disappeared inside of the bathroom.

Marco waited uneasily on the bed for her to return. The thought of having to drink blood made his stomach turn, but if that was the price he had to pay so he wouldn't be sent back to the past to die, he'd gladly drink a gallon of blood. The longer the time passed without Brenda returning, the more uneasy Marco began to grow, until he finally called to Brenda in the bathroom. "Brenda? Are you all right in there?" When he got no answer, he went to investigate.

He tried to enter the bathroom to see if she was okay, but he found the door locked. "Brenda?" He yelled through the door. "The door's locked! Let me in!" There was no answer from inside. "Brenda?" He began pounding on the door. "Are you in there." Still no answer. He became filled with a certainty that she'd somehow tricked him. "Brenda!" His pounding on the door became more fierce. "If you don't open this door right this second, I'm going to break it down." When he still got no response, he kicked the door in with his foot.

Inside the bathroom was empty and the window was open. He stared for a moment at the curtains billowing from the evening breeze. Then he noticed the note she had left him. She had scrawled a message to him in lipstick on the bathroom mirror. It was short and to the point. I'm sorry, Marco. The blood was the last thing I needed to reverse the spell and bring Sonny back. Brenda.

The bitch had tricked him, Marco roared with fury, as he sent his fist smashing into the mirror.