arco refused to believe it was all over for him. As he hurried up and put on his clothes, he vowed he would stop Brenda before she could succeed in bringing Corinthos back. There had to be some way to stop her. It couldn't be too late.

As he drove back to Port Charles, he realized she would have to go back to her place to gather whatever else she needed to bring Sonny back, so if he could corner her at her apartment and take those things away from her, he could stop her. She hadn't gotten that big of a headstart on him. He could quickly overtake her and stop her dead in her tracks.

ocelyn watched Belinda as she ate her breakfast. He still had no clue why she had cleaned out his safe, but he wanted to give her one last chance to come clean with him before it was too late for them to turn back.

"Belinda, darling." He broke the silence that had fallen between them. "I hate to tell you such distressing news, but it appears we have a thief in the house."

"Really?" She gave him her wide-eyed innocent look. "How do you know?"

"Someone cleaned out my safe yesterday afternoon." He informed her. "Have you noticed anything missing from your room?"

"Not that I've noticed." She replied in concern. "You don't think it's one of the servant's do you?"

"Who else could it be?" Jocelyn replied, waiting for her to fess up to her crime and to have a good explanation for what she'd done.

"It really saddens me to hear one of our people has become a thief." She wiped her mouth and stood up to leave the table. "I'll keep my eyes open for anyone who appears suspicious."

Jocelyn followed her as she left the dining room and saw her corner a servant. "You know what to do." He heard Belinda say to the downstairs' maid, Martine. "Give me ten minutes then go in and see my husband."

Figuring the only way he'd find out the truth was to play along with her, Jocelyn went back and sat down at his place at the table and waited. Ten minutes later, Martine entered the dining room. "Yes, Martine?" Jocelyn asked at her entrance.

"I don't like to be a tattletale, Mr. Jerrold." Martine replied. "But I thought I should tell you of something I'd seen, yesterday. I saw that Marco Consuelos sneaking into your study and when he came back out awhile later he was carrying a big sack." She added. "I think he may have stolen something from you."

"Thank you, Martine." Jocelyn didn't know what to think. If Claudine had been telling the truth and Marco was Belinda's lover, then why was she trying to frame him, as she seemed to be doing. "I guess I'd better go with a few of our trusted servants and have Consuelos' room searched."

nother servant was delivering Sonny a note at his room from Belinda, while Martine was telling Jocelyn of Sonny's supposed thievery. The note asked Sonny to come to Belinda's room. Figuring there was no better time than now to tell Belinda of his decision to leave, he left his room. A minute after he had, Jocelyn and a couple of the servants arrived at his room. Finding him gone, they began an immediate search of the room, and quickly found all the items that had been stolen from Jocelyn's safe. To the servants shock, Jocelyn told them to leave everything as they had found it. Then he noticed Belinda's note asking Marco to come to her room immediately. Jocelyn realized she had purposely lured the stable boy away from his room so he wouldn't be there when they came to search it.

Meanwhile, Sonny arrived at Belinda's room and she was waiting for him in an enticing negligee. "I missed you last night, Sonny." She told him as she melded her body to his. "Why didn't you come to me?"

"After what happened at the gypsy encampment yesterday." Sonny pushed her away from him and walked over to the window and looked out. "I needed to be alone." He glanced at her over his shoulder. "Then when I got back to my room something happened." He paused. "I got my memory back."

"You remember?" She asked in shock. This was not part of her plan and it through her off her stride.

"Yes." He couldn't tell her that he belonged in another time. That was something he could never tell another living soul as he tried to carve a life out for himself in this new era he found himself trapped in. "And it's made me realize that this thing between us has to end now."

"What are you talking about?" Belinda couldn't believe how wrong this plan of hers was going. "I thought we'd settled all that, yesterday?"

"Everything has changed now." He told her. "I can't be with a woman who will constantly remind me of the woman I love. A woman I can never be with again. It would just be too painful for me." He added. "That's why I've decided I have to leave to get away from you and try and build a life for myself somewhere far from you and here."

"Is there anything I can say to change your mind?" Belinda's mind was racing to revamp her plan. She didn't care how painful Sonny would find it to continue to be involved with her, she wasn't going to let him go.

"No, I'm afraid there isn't." Sonny knew he was being totally selfish and only thinking about himself, but he had to protect himself from the kind of pain that laid in store for him if he continued to be involved with a woman who looked liked Brenda but who wasn't her. "Then I accept your decision." If Sonny had been thinking clearly, he'd have known Belinda wouldn't have accepted this so easily. "But can I ask one last thing from you before you leave me forever?"

"What?" He had a feeling what she was going to ask him.

"Make love to me one last time." She begged him. "Let's end this the way it began."

He took her face in his hands and lowered his mouth to hers. If he had to live without Brenda forever, he wanted to have the fantasy of being with her one last time. The kiss that began as gentle quickly became passionate as they made their way to the bed. As Sonny began to remove her clothes, Belinda looked at the door. Jocelyn must have started a search for Marco by now. Very soon he would come to her room and when he did, he would find them making love. After that, Jocelyn would throw her out and Sonny would have no choice but to take her with him.

renda gathered up all the items she would need. She knew it wouldn't be long before Marco realized she was gone. He could arrive here at any moment, and she had to be long gone by the time he got there. She knew he would try to stop here. He might even go so far as to kill her to stop her from reversing the spell that brought him here and sending him back. He knew if he was sent back, he would die, so he might figure he was justified in killing her to stop her.

She finally had everything she would need and rushed to the door. This was the day Sonny was supposed to die in the past. She just prayed it wasn't too late to stop it. When she threw open the door Marco was standing in the doorway.

"Going somewhere, sweetheart." Anger and rage was emanating from every pore of his body.

"Get out of my way." Brenda ordered.

"Why?" He shoved her back into the room as he entered and closed the door behind him. "So you can rush off to send me to my death."

"You're already dead, Marco." Brenda spat. "You died almost two hundred years ago."

"Really?" He ran ran his hands down his body. "I feel alive." He grabbed her hand and held it against his heart. "My heart is beating just like yours." He added. "I'd say I was very much alive. The one who died almost two hundred years ago is your precious Sonny. He's the one whose dead, not me."

"You don't belong in this time." Brenda tried to run past him and get out the door. "And you're going back where you belong."

He grabbed her and stopped her from escaping. "Didn't anything we shared mean anything to you?"

"All we shared was sex." She shoved him away from her. "Your problem is you thought you could control me with sex, and never thought for a second that I could turn the tables on you and do exactly the same thing to you."

"So it was all an act?" He looked scornfully at her. "I believe their are names for women like you."

"What?" She asked. "Slut? Tramp? Whore? Why? Because I did to you what you were trying to do to me only better? I did to you what men having been doing to women for years?" She added. "The sex was good. Great even. But that's all it was. Men can enjoy sex for the sake of sex. You don't think women can do the same thing? Especially a woman who is passionately in love with another man."

"How can you do this to me?" Marco exploded. "How can you send me back there to die?"

"How can you expect Sonny to die in your place." Brenda threw back at him. "It's your destiny to be killed by Jocelyn Jerrold when he finds you in bed with his wife, not Sonny's."

"Do you really think if you bring Corinthos back here it'll really work out between the two of you?" He spat. "It won't. The same problems you had before will still exist. He'll get afraid for your life because of the mob and run from you or you won't be able to handle having the mob in your life. It'll never work between the two of you." He suddenly screamed in her face. "You're sacrificing me for nothing."

"You don't know it won't work between Sonny and I." She screamed back. "And since you know what's going to happen, you can escape your fate."

"Deep down you know it'll never work between you and Sonny." He told her. "And what are you sending me back to? Even if I'm able to escape death, you're sending me back to an empty existence. You've told me Belinda Jerrold is supposed to be the great love of my life, but she's in love with him just like you are. You're sentencing me to a life of indentured servitude with a woman whose in love with someone who looks just like me." He added. "Don't you get it? The past has been irrevocably changed. It's too late to send me back. What's been changed can't be changed back."

"So you think I should just leave things the way they are?" She asked in disbelief. "I should just let you stay here and let Sonny die in your place." She added derisively. "God, and I thought Sonny was selfish. He doesn't hold a candle to you."

"It's the only way you can have Sonny." He told her coldly.

"You're not Sonny!" She shrieked. "And I could never have with you what I have with him." She suddenly threw the sack of things at him that Magda needed to reverse the spell. "Fine! Here! Take it! Since you won't go back, there's only one thing left for me to do." Then she stormed out of the apartment knowing time was short if she had any hopes of saving Sonny.