fter Sonny and Belinda finished making love, they climbed back into the tub and washed themselves. The name Brenda was an unspoken presence between them that both were trying to ignore. They had both just climbed back out of the tub when Belinda's couture arrived to measure Sonny for his new clothes.

For the first time in her life, Belinda was in the grip of intense jealousy. She couldn't stand the way the seamstress was ogling Sonny's nude body as she took his measurements. "As you can see for yourself, Helene." Belinda said sharply. "Marco needs these clothes immediately."

"I'm sure you are in no hurry, my dear." She gave Belinda a knowing smile. "By the scent on the air as I entered, it was obvious you'd been enjoying Marco's present state."

Belinda didn't like the tone of the woman. "I want you to have the clothes done before you leave here." She ordered. "Or you will be getting no more of my business." She added. "And if you think about whispering of what you think happened here, you will be very sorry, indeed."

Helena, firmly shown her place, nodded. "Yes, Mrs. Jerrold." She got to her feet. "I'll get to it right this minute."

renda got a grip on herself. If she had any hopes of saving Sonny from dying, she had to keep a clear head. Assuming the past Sonny was in was running parallel to the present, then that meant Sonny had a little over two weeks left to live. At the end of that time, Jocelyn Jerrold would catch Sonny and his wife in bed together and would kill them both.

The longer Brenda studied the pictures of Belinda and Jocelyn Jerrold and Marco Consulelos, the more convinced she was that it wasn't just a coincidence they shared such a resemblance to her, Sonny and Jax. She became convinced that they were her, Sonny and Jax as they had been in a past life. She printed out everything she could find on the three of them and placed the documents in the drawer of her desk.

Married to Jax in the past and madly in love with Sonny. The very same thing had almost happened in the present. If she had gone through with marrying Jax, would the very same thing had happened? Despite what she and Sonny were telling themselves and each other, would they have eventually given into their feelings for each other and became lovers again? They'd already shared two very passionate kisses despite claiming to want somebody else. How long before their hunger for each other had gotten so out of control that they couldn't have resisted it any longer and damned all the consequences and become lovers again? And when that happened, if Jax had found out, would he have killed them the way Jocelyn Jerrold had killed Belinda and Marco when he discovered the truth about them? It was frightening to think she and Sonny had been within a hair's breath of repeating the tragic events of their past.

The first thought that came into her mind was Jax. No one hated Sonny the way Jax did, and he had killed Sonny in a past life. But how could he do something like that or did he find someone who could do it for him? Would Jax really go that far to keep her and Sonny apart, forever? She thought he would. After what he'd done to her, she didn't think there was much he wasn't capable of. Then she remembered the encounter she and Marco had had with him. She thought he'd been talking to her when he was shocked to see her, thinking he had gotten rid of her. But what if the person he had been talking to was Marco. Was it really possible he had found some way to send Sonny back to the past?

Just thinking of it sounded ludicrous, but so did believing Sonny had been sent back to a previous life, while his past self came into the present. But it was the only explanation for what had happened to him. She knew it was the truth, and she didn't think it had happened by some accident. She didn't think some hole in time suddenly opened up and sucked Sonny back into the past while spitting out Marco to the present. Which meant someone had to have made it happen. And if she wanted to get Sonny back she was going to have to entertain all possibilities. And one of them was Jax had somehow found a way to do this to Sonny.

Brenda got up and decided to head off to bed. In the morning she would have to begin investigating the possibility that Jax had done this to Sonny. And if he had, then he could undo it and bring Sonny back before it was too late. She wouldn't even entertain the fact that if she succeeded she'd be sending Marco back to uncertain death. It was Marco's destiny to die that way, not Sonny. That was just the way it was and it couldn't be changed.

From his room, Marco watched Brenda head into her bedroom. He had been watching her as she went over those documents she had put in her desk and he had seen how upset she was when she had been reading them. For some reason he thought they concerned him somehow. And if they did he had a right to know what they said. So the minute the door closed behind Brenda, he slipped over to her desk and took the papers out.

He turned white as a sheet when he read them. It was shocking to read about someone's own death, especially when Marco had no memory of the woman they claimed was his lover. He noticed the resemblance to Brenda Barrett right off. And Jasper Jacks looked exactly like the man he'd sold himself into indentured servitude to. So that was what awaited him if the Barrett woman succeeded in sending him back to the past. Marco shoved the papers back into the desk drawer. Not if he had anything to say about it.

So how could he stop her from sending him back? He smiled as it suddenly came to him. It was quite simple. He would just have to make sure Brenda Barrett didn't want to send him back. He would make her forget all about her Sonny Corinthos and embrace him as the new and improved model. But the question was how to do it?

He remembered his sister Carlotta had kept a diary of all her exploits with her many admirers. If she was anything like his sister, perhaps Brenda Barrett also kept her own diary. If he could find it and read it, he could read all about her relationship with Sonny Corinthos and he could recreate moments from their relationship with her. He would become Sonny Corinthos for her and she would forget that the real Sonny was trapped somewhere in the past and would stop trying to find a way to bring him back.

Yes, that was what he would do, Marco decided. He didn't know why he had been saved from the fate that awaited him in the past, but he had no intention of ever going back there and facing it. He liked this new era he had landed himself in and he had no intention of leaving it. No matter what he had to do to stay here.