onny had been waiting for Belinda to return to the stables sans her husband ever since she had left. That last look she had given him as she exited on her husband's arm had been filled with promise. The promise of the illicit passion they would soon experience together.

Everytime he heard footsteps coming towards the stable, his heart would start to pound in anticipation of the pleasure that laid ahead for him, only to return to its normal beat when he realized it wasn't her. He knew she was trying to fight this thing between them and resist the pull she felt to return to him. But he also knew it was only a matter of time before she stopped fighting it and came to him. He could feel her body constantly calling out to his even though she wasn't anywhere near and he knew she could feel his body calling out to hers, as well. Each passing moment that they spent not giving into this thing between them just made the ache they felt for each other's body grow more and more intense until the need was a clawing hunger that must be satisfied.

Since waking up and not having any clue who he was and where he was, Sonny had learned a little more about himself. Like his name. Marco Consuelos. He was supposedly descended from Spanish nobility who had lost all their money and land. So, genius that he was, he signed away his freedom to become a slave for Jocelyn Jerrold in exchange for passage to America. No wonder he couldn't remember anything. He'd obviously wanted to block out his own stupidity.

And having sex with his master's wife was just another slice of stupidity he was going to commit. He wasn't stupid. He knew if Jerrold caught them in the act or found out about it there'd be a heavy price to pay. In the eyes of the law Marco Consuelos was as much Jerrold's property as the horses in this stable were. He could legally do anything he liked to him and nothing could stop him. Jerrold could even kill him and the law would do nothing to him. But maybe that's what he secretly was hoping would happen. Maybe that's why he had every intention of having sex with Belinda Jerrold when she finally came to him. Maybe he wanted Jerrold to kill him. If he was dead his indentured servitude would be over, as well, and wouldn't it be better to be dead than to be somebody's slave for the rest of his life.

Shortly after Jerrold came to have a horse saddled and left, Belinda finally arrived on the pretense of wanting to go for a ride, herself. Sonny wasn't fooled for one moment. He knew exactly why she was there, and just who she'd come to ride, but he decided to play along with her pretense until the sexual tension between them became so intense they couldn't fight the urge to mate for one moment longer.

"What kind of horse would you like to ride, Mrs Jerrold." Sonny asked, and added with emphasis. "I want to do everything in my power to make sure your ride is a pleasurable one."

"I don't really know." Belinda walked along the stalls to examine the horse flesh. "I think I'm in the mood to feel a real hot-blooded stallion between my thighs." She looked over her shoulder at Sonny as she said that. "Can you recommend one for me that would satisfy my needs?"

"It depends upon what type you're looking for." Sonny replied, as he walked over to a stall that contained a pure white horse. "Do you want one that's refined and gentlemanly. Or would you prefer one that's wild and untamed." He petted the white horse. "Now this fellow here seems to be just your type, judging by the stallion that you normally ride."

Belinda knew he was talking about Jocelyn, her husband. "Actually." She smiled wickedly at him. "I prefer my stallions with a much darker coat than this one." She added. "I also prefer them to be of a common bloodline. I find the common stallions to be far more pleasurable between my thighs than the bluebloods."

"I think I know just the stallion you're looking for." He could feel her eyes on his backside and he slowly walked down the line of stalls until he came to an empty one. He walked inside and turned around. She was standing in the doorway devouring him with hot hungry eyes. "I think this is the stallion that you're looking for." He told her, as he untied the piece of rope that kept his britches from falling down. Then he spread the material apart so she could get a good look at him as he came springing out of his trousers. "And as you can see, he's more than ready for you to come and take him for a ride him."

"Yes." She licked her lips in anticipation. "I can see that." She lifted her skirts up to her hips as she began to approach him.

He sank down in the hay as he watched her approach. "Do you need any help mounting up?"

She didn't answer. She just came down hard on his engorged shaft. "How do you want it?" She looked down at him, as she was seated on him up to the hilt. "Rough and hard or slow and gentle?"

"The rougher." He closed his eyes and groaned. "The better."

It was strange, Sonny thought, as he felt his climax approaching. They were both fully dressed and yet they were committing the most intimate act together two people could. It was probably for the best, though. If they heard someone coming they could quickly pull out of each other's bodies and easily conceal what they were doing. Still, he couldn't help wishing for more. To be feeling each other's skin against each other. To be kissing each other and touching each other, instead of this sanitary thrusting to rid themselves of the sexual tension they'd been feeling from the moment they laid eyes on each other.

Belinda was wishing for the same thing to raise herself up and lower herself down on him over and over again. She wanted to feel his hands all over her body marking his territory. She wanted to feel his tongue in her mouth. But that was too dangerous. Anyone could walk in on them at any moment. She had to settle for this, since this was likely all she would ever be able to have with him.

And then it was all over. They both found the release they needed as the tiny little stall filled with the sounds of their grunts and groans of pleasure and the smell of their sex filled the air. Then there was just the smell of sex as a preternatural silence washed over them.

Belinda forced herself to pull him out of her and stand on her rubbery legs. "You were right." She told him, as she straightened her skirts and headed out of the stall. "That was just the stallion I was looking for."

"Perhaps you can come and ride him again." Sonny called to her departing back.

She didn't turn around to him, but kept on walking. "Perhaps, I will."

Sonny got to his feet and retied his pants, then left the stall himself. The first person he ran into was Angus, who had a knowing look on his face. "You did it, didn't you?"

Sonny looked him straight in the eye." Did what?"

"I saw Mrs. Jerrold leaving a few moments ago." Angus told him. "And you could tell by looking at her just what she'd been up to."

"She came down to ride a stallion." Sonny told him. "And that's what she did."

"Well," Angus retorted. "If that stallion doesn't want to find himself gelded, he'd better keep it in his pants the next time she comes down here wanting to go for a ride." With that he turned on his heel and walked away

Sonny watched his departing back as he felt the hunger beginning to build again. Belinda Jerrold could ride him whenever and whereever she wanted. In fact, he was already anxiously anticipating the next time he and the lady would go for another ride together. And let Jerrold just try to geld him. If he tried, Jerrold might be the one to find himself gelded in the end.

arco remained silent as Brenda finished up her tale. He wasn't sure if he believed her fanciful tale, but then all the strange and miraculous things he'd seen definitely didn't belong in the world he lived in, either. What a miraculous time to live in. Indoor plumbing, lights that magically came on when you flipped a switch and that strange box with the people living inside it. He was going to like living in this time period, indeed. "So." He said when she finished. "You think your Sonny got transported back into time to my time and I was transported here to take his place." He added. "Do you know how ludicrous that sounds? If you told such a fanciful tale to anyone in my time, they would think you were tetched in the head and you would be committed to one of the places they house those with unsound minds."

"I'm trying not to think about that." Brenda told him. "If I do, I'll begin to doubt my sanity." She added. "But I know what I saw. Sonny vanished and you reappeared in his place. So, it's the only explanation."

"And how would something like that happen." He wanted to know. "Do people in your time have the ability to do something like that?"

"Not that I know of." Brenda snapped. "But it did happen, and until I find out just how it happened and how to send you back to your own time and to bring Sonny back to our time, you're going to have to be Sonny Corinthos."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Marco didn't like the sound of that.

"It means exactly the way it sounds." Brenda replied. "You look exactly like Sonny and so people don't get suspicious and start asking questions while I figure out how to undo what's been done, you're going to have to be Sonny."

"And how am I supposed to do that?" He wanted to know. "I don't know anything about him."

"Well, that's where you're lucky." She smiled. "Because I know everything there is to know about Sonny and I'm going to teach you how to be him."