s Sonny waited for the seamtress to bring him his new clothes, he drifted off to sleep, He was sitting in an armchair in front of a blazing fire, as Belinda entered with his new clothes, deciding not to wake him up because he looked like he was sleeping so peacefully. He was completely unself-conscious about his nudity and she loved that about him. She was the same way, but she had to keep that part of herself hidden from everyone. Only with him could she truly feel free and she felt like she'd do anything, including commit murder, to never lose him.

As Sonny drifted into an even deeper layer of sleep he found himself walking through a deep mist as he heard someone calling his name. Only the name was Sonny that the woman was calling, not Marco. Even more strange was the fact that that name sounded right to him, whereas Marco always sounded wrong to him. He continued to walk through the fog towards the woman who was calling for him, feeling drawn to her the same way a sewing needle is drawn to a magnet.

Then he finally saw her. She smiled at him as he came towards her through the mist. She looked exactly like Belinda, but he knew she wasn't. Then he knew who she was. This was Brenda. "Brenda?" He asked with a note of uncertainty in his voice. Even though in his heart he recongnized her, his head didn't understand how he could know someone he didn't remember.

"Sonny!" She smiled at him and held her arms out to him. "I knew I'd be able to find you if I just kept looking for you long enough." Then he was in her arms and when she touched him it all came back to him.

"Brenda?" He held her face in his hands. "What happened to me? I was with you and then I wasn't."

She ran her hands lovingly through his black curly locks. "I don't know." She held him tighter in her arms. "But I've found you now, and that's all that matters."

"We've wasted so much time." Sonny sighed as he relished the feel of her touching him and the knowledge that only in her arms was he truly home. "So many years that we could have been together."

"It doesn't matter." She smiled at him through teary-eyes. "All that matters is that we're together now."

"Are we?" He asked worriedly.

She held his face in her hands suddenly worried, too. "Baby, what's the matter?"

"I feel strange." Sonny held on to her tighter. "I feel like something or someone is trying to pull me away from you."

"Fight it, baby." She urged as she held on to him tighter.

"I can't." His voice sounded week. "I'm trying, but it's too strong." He looked at Brenda one last time. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. It won't let me stay with you." Then he was gone.

"Hang on, baby." Brenda screamed as the mist that began to thicken by the moment. "I'll find you no matter what it takes. And this time nothing or no one will ever keep us apart, again."

Sonny awoke with Brenda's vow still ringing in his ears to find Belinda sitting between his spread thighs pleasuring him. Then he came off of the chair as he climaxed. As the waves of pleasure washed over him, it washed away all memory of his dream and Brenda.

"I thought that would wake you up." Belinda smiled.

"How long was I asleep?" He asked, when he could finally speak again.

"Not long." She told him, then handed him his clothes. "Your clothes are finally ready." She paused. "Unfortunately."

"Why unfortunately?" He asked.

"Because I like you laying around like this." She told him, as she ran her index finger down the middle of his chest. "It seems almost criminal having to cover all this up."

"I doubt your husband would feel the same way." Sonny took the pair of riding pants from her and stepped into the legs. The legs were so narrow he had a hard time pulling them up and once he had them up he had no idea how to fasten them. "How do you close these things?"

"Let me." Belinda offered with a lascivious glint in her eyes. "First off." She instructed him. "Before you fasten your breeches you need to have your shirt on and all nicely tucked into your breeches. Otherwise, you'll just have to unfasten them again to tuck your shirt in and then refasten them all over again."

She went and picked up the shirt up off the bed and slowly slipped it up his arms. Then she trailed kisses over his chest as she buttoned it up the front. "A maid comes and dresses me each morning and undresses me each night." She told him conversationally. "But I never knew how pleasurable it could be to dress someone." She added. "Would you also like me to come to your room to undress you, tonight?" She slowly slid the tail of his shirt inside his pants down over his bare backside.

"I thought I was supposed to come here." He reminded her, while he enjoyed what she was doing.

"You never said you would come." She reminded him, as she tucked his shirt down inside the front of his pants. "So I was offering to come to you." She added as she tucked him inside of his pants and fastened him up. "Will you come to me."

"I'll come." He looked hotly into her eyes as she fastened his pants closed over his enlarged cock. Then he walked around trying to get used to the feel of his new clothes. "These certainly are tight."

"I told the seamstress to make them two sizes too small." She smiled. "I wanted them to fit you like a second skin."

"Well, they certainly do that." Sonny sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror. He looked starnge even to himself.

She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "You look as aristrocratic as Jocelyn does dressed like this." She told him. "If someone saw the two of you in the same room together, they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between your stations in life."

"But we both know the truth." He told her. "Your husband is the aristrocrat and I'm the slave." He added. "Speaking of which, I'd better get doing what I'm supposed to be before your husband becomes suspicious of us."

"You've been in my room naked for hours and Jocelyn hasn't become suspicious." She reminded him. "And he won't." She added. "We'll both continue playing the roles he's cast us in and he'll never be any the wiser, while we continue to enjoy what we can give each other."


arco knocked on Brenda's door and waited for her to beckon him to come in. When she did he was carrying breakfast on a tray. "I wasn't certain what you liked, but I took a stab at it." He told her. Then he noticed the dreamy expression on Brenda's face. "What is it?"

"When I was asleep." She told him. "I was with Sonny."

"You mean you dreamed you were with him?" Marco asked in confusion.

"No." She explained. "Somehow when Sonny and I were both asleep we were able to find our way to each other." She added. "I know it was no dream. I know it really happened."

"So, what do you think it means." Marco feigned happiness for her, while secretly cursing this latest event.

"That I'm going to find Sonny." Brenda told him. "That the same way we found out way to each other in our sleep, we will find our way back to each other for good." She threw back the covers and jumped out of bed. "Thank you for the breakfast, Marco, but I've got to get busy. I have to find a way to get Sonny back with me for good."

He watched her go into the bathroom. "And while you're doing that." He looked around the room. "I've got to find some way to make you want to stop trying to bring him back and be satisfied with me, instead."


renda decided as crazy as it seemed, that the first place she had to start searching for answers would be at Jax's place. So she headed over to his room at the Port Charles Hotel. When she arrived she saw him letting a strangely dressed woman into his room. Once they went inside his room, Brenda pressed her ear to the door and tried to hear what they were saying.

"You wished to see me?" Magda asked in disgust as she entered.

"I've been thinking what you said to me the last time we met." Jax told her. "You said you could send me back into the past to stop Corinthos from being with Brenda's alter ego, Belinda Jerrold." He added. "But I wouldn't be able to come back, would I?"

"No more than Mr. Corinthos can come back to the present." Magda replied. "The only way he could come back to this time is if I redid the spell using Marco Consuelos' blood and bodily essence to switch them back."

"So if I did go back to the past." Jax said excitedly. "You could bring me back."

"It sounds easier than it is." Magda tried to explain. "I would have no way of obtaining the things that I need of your counterpart to switch you back. And without that it would be impossible."

"With money." Jax assured her. "It could be arranged."

"So you wish me to send you back?" Magda asked, having no real intention of bringing him back.

"I haven't decided yet." Jax told her. "I would have to make arrangements so I could be sure that I could get back."

"Fine." Magda prepared to leave. "When you decide, you know where to find me and what to bring." She added as she headed out the door. "Until then, goodbye."

Brenda hurried around the corner and hid, then she followed Magda as she left the hotel. She'd heard every word they had said. As much as she hadn't wanted to believe it it was true. It was Jax who had done this horrible thing to Sonny, and now he wanted to go back in time to do something else to him. But she had also heard there was a way to bring Sonny back. All she needed to know was how to do it. And this woman knew how.