week later Jax was back in Magda's shop in Rotten Row. It had taken some doing to get all the things that Magda had requested. The hardest item to obtain was a lock of Sonny's hair, but he'd managed it. He'd gone through Sonny's trash and found the nail clippings and a receipt for the blood Sonny recently donated to the blood bank at General Hospital, and followed Sonny around until he saw him go to the barbershop and paid the barber to give him a lock of Sonny's hair. The barber had looked at him like he was a pervert, but handed the hair over when Jax greased his palm with a hundred dollar bill. Now he deposited all them on the table in front of Magda. "This is everything you said you'd need." He reminded her. "So, let's get to it."

"You're very anxious." Magda raised a brow at him.

"I've wanted Sonny Corinthos to disappear from my sight from the moment I met him." Jax snarled. "You're damn right I'm anxious to finally be rid of him."

"It won't change things." Magda told him. "She will still love him more than she ever did you." She added. "Making him disappear won't make him disappear from her heart. And a ghost can be even more powerful than the actual person."

"I don't care about, Brender, any longer." Jax declared. "All I care about is having Corinthos gone and making sure he and Brender can never be together."

"So long as you understand." Magda replied. "I only promise to make him disappear from this time realm. His disappearance won't magically make what's wrong with your life right."

"When he's gone." Jax spat. "Everything that's wrong with my life will be right."

"So you say." Magda sighed in disbelief, as she took the things he'd brought to her in her hands. "Shall we begin."

renda watched from a distance as Sonny stood on the docks staring out at the sea. He stood out against the backdrop as a solitary and lonely figure. What was she going to do with him? What did she want to do with him? What was she even doing still in Port Charles?

When she had told Jason not to give up on love, she had really been talking about herself and was making a decision about what she was planning to do. As she sat in the airport terminal waiting for her plane to take-off, she thought back to her relationships with Sonny and Jax. She had believeed that Jax was the only one who would never let her down while Sonny would always disappoint her. But in the end it was Sonny who showed up at the church when she asked him to meet her, and it was Jax who publicly humiliated her and tried to make her feel like a whore. Sonny may have been hurt and called her a whore, but he had never tried to make her feel like one the way her Prince Charming Jax had. So she didn't get on the plane and decided to stay in Port Charles and not give up on her and Sonny's love like she'd been planning to do. Since then she had been watching Sonny from afar and waiting for the right moment to approach him. Sonny once said all comes to he who waits. Brenda was trying to see if the same thing would prove true for herself.

Deep down, Brenda knew it was only a matter of time before Sonny freed himself of that wretch he was married to. She had seen that night on the docks the way Carly treated Sonny. Knowing Sonny, he probably thought that was exactly how he deserved to be treated. But it would eventually come to the point when Sonny finally had enough and told her to take a hike, and when he did, she intended to be there waiting for him.

Of course, if anyone knew what she was doing they'd tell her she was crazy, but they never really understood the way it was between her and Sonny. He had never been out of her heart or her thoughts a minute of the time she was with Alcazar. She had almost been driven to murder when Alcazar had taken Sonny's picture from her and burned it. So waiting a little while longer was no big deal for her. It seemed like she'd been waiting for Sonny her entire life and he was more than worth the wait.

"How much longer do you intend to stalk me, Brenda." Sonny suddenly called out. Brenda froze, telling herself Sonny couldn't really know she was there. She'd been careful. There was no way he could have seen her.

Sonny turned around and stared at the crate Brenda was hiding behind. "You know I could always feel you." Sonny smiled. "When you were near."

Brenda stepped out from behind the crate. "How long have you known?" She demanded to know.

"For quite awhile." He sauntered over to her. "At first, I thought I was just imagining it, and then I knew it was really you."

"Why didn't you let me know you knew?" She wanted to know.

"Because if I did." He told her. "The game would have to end, and I didn't want it to. I'd have to make myself send you away and tell you I was committed to Carly. And I didn't want to do that."

"But now you do?" She asked.

"No." He said in a husky whisper as he took her face into his hands. "I don't want it to ever end, even though I know it should."

"What about Carly?" Brenda held her breath as she waited to see what he would say.

"That's what I want to end, only I don't know if I have the strength to do it." He told her. "Carly gave me the one thing I always wanted...a family. But she has no loyalty and she's a liar and betrayer. To keep the family she gave me, I have to put up with her constant lies and betrayals. And by doing that, I'm becoming somebody I don't even know, much less like." He added. "But how do I leave her and do to Michael what Mike did to me? I'm the only father he really knows. I made a commitment to him when I adopted him. And walking out on Carly is walking out on him."

"What about us?" Their faces and bodies moved closer to each other. "And what we feel for each other."

"I don't know." He leaned his forehead against hers. "Nothing's changed. I'm still terrified that if we're together, you're going to die because of me." He added. "But I don't know if I can live without you, either. Each time I see you it gets harder and harder for me to let you go." He put some space between them. "The night before your wedding when I kissed you, I lied about why I did it. I didn't do it because of Carly. I did it hoping if I kissed you you wouldn't be able to go through with marrying Jax. I knew it was wrong and selfish and I couldn't have you myself, but I did it anyway. I couldn't help myself from doing it."

"Well it worked." She smiled. "Just not in the way you hoped it would." She added. "I would have gone through with marrying Jax, and it would have been the worst mistake of my life. I was settling for Jax because I didn't think I could have you and I didn't want to be alone."

"The same reason I settled for Carly." Sonny replied.

"Sonny." Brenda laid her head against his chest. "What are we going to do? You're afraid that if we're together I'll end up dying and it doesn't work when we're apart. None of the relationships we've had with other people have worked. So what are we going to do."

"I don't know." Sonny answered raggedly. "All I know is if I don't kiss you right this instant, I think I'm going to die."

It was hard to tell which one of them moved first. All they knew was one moment they were staring deeply into each other's eyes and the next their bodies were melded against one another and they were kissing each other like they never intended to stop. But they did and sooner then they had planned to.

They suddenly jumped apart when the ground beneath them began to shake and a lightning bolt streaked against the sky. "Did we do that?" Sonny asked with a laugh.

"I don't know." Brenda laughed. "But there's one way to find out." She pulled him back to her and they began kissing each other hungrily again.

agda and Jax sat at the round table as Magda began to chant. "Earth, wind, fire and water." She shouted to the ceiling. "These are the elements of life." The table sat in the middle of a pentagram that Magda had drawn on the floor. A silver pan sat in the middle of the table. Magda had placed several different herbs and items of unknown origins inside the pan and had set them afire. The flames from the pan were the only light in the room. Beneath their feet they could feel the ground begin to shake and through the thick curtains that concealed from the rest of Rotten Row what they were doing, they could see a flash of lightning.

"Is it working?" Jax hissed as he looked anxiously around the room.

Magda ignored his question. "And these are the essence of the man, himself." She uncorked a vial of Sonny's blood that Jax had stolen from the hospital. "This is the life's blood that flows through his veins." She poured the blood over the flames and they leapt to life. Then she took the envelope that contained a lock of Sonny's hair. "This is the hair that grows from his body." She tossed them into the flames, then added the fingernail and toenail clippings to the fire. "And these are the clippings that come from his nails. These are the essence that make up his physical existence on this plain of the time realm."

he rain began to pour down over Sonny and Brenda. Sonny looked up at the dark sky overhead. "What is it about us and the rain?"

"Maybe someone's trying to tell us something." She replied. "Like maybe we should take this somewhere a little more private."

"Where?" He asked. "We sure can't go back to my place."

"My place isn't far from here." She took him by the hand and began to drag him away. "Let's go."

Sonny smiled at her, happy for the first time in a long time, anxiously anticipating making love to her when they arrived back at her place. He even began to imagine how it would be. The two of them pulling off their wet clothes until there was nothing keeping them apart. Skin to skin, their hearts beating against each other, as their bodies were once again joined together the way they were meant to be.

"Just show me the way." Sonny laughed. "And I'll follow."

"That won't be the only thing I'll be showing you." She promised wickedly. "When we get to where we're going."

They were both laughing and happy when Sonny's knees suddenly buckled and he collapsed to the ground. Brenda fell to the ground with him. "Baby, what happened?"

"I don't know." Sonny rubbed his thighs trying to get the feeling to come back into them. "I can't feel my legs."

"Let me help you stand." Brenda tried to keep her terror at bay. "Maybe if you get back on your feet the feeling will come back."

As hard as Sonny tried, he just couldn't get his legs to work. Then he felt too weak to even remain sitting up and laid his head down in Brenda's lap. "Brenda." His voice was filled with fear. "I can feel the numbness spreading all through my body. I'm having to fight to just keep my eyes open and to stop myself from just giving into it."

"Sonny, what's wrong with you!" Brenda shrieked as the hysteria threatened to overcome her. "You were fine just a minute ago. What's happening to you!"

agda continued her chant. "As the rain falls from the heavens, let it wash away this man's existence on this time realm. Let the winds of discontentment transport him back to a previous existence in a time realm far far away from the present one. Let the fire of life burn away his memories of what once was and what is. And let Mother Earth keep him bound to his new time realm." Her voice raised into a shriek as an unearthly wind began to blow through the shop and the flames in the bowl seemed to rise up out of the silver pan and touch the ceiling. "So it shall be, so let it be done!"

The wind gust that had been blowing through the shop suddenly stopped. The fire in the silver pan snuffed itself out. The random bolts of lightning stopped flashing outside the window. The rain stopped falling down from the heavens. And the earth beneath their feet finally stopped shaking. It was replaced by an unearthly quiet that washed over the shop.

Physically spent, Magda looked at Jax. "It is done."

renda blinked the rain out of her eyes thinking she must be seeing things. As she looked down at Sonny he seemed to be dissolving before her eyes. His skin became transparent and she could see the blood flowing through his veins beneath his skin, his heart pumping and all his vital organs working to sustain his existence. Then they too began to grow faint until there was nothing left of Sonny. With his last gasp of breath before he vanished completely Sonny managed to say, "I love you, Brenda." The words seemed to echo on the very air around Brenda as he completely disappeared before her eyes.