he shop was located in a back alley in Rotten Row, the toughest and most poorest neighborhood in Port Charles. The neighborhood was Port Charles' version of skid row. If you were looking for any type of illegal activity, this is the place you would find it. All the denizens immediately noticed the arrival of someone they knew didn't belong amongst them, because that meant fresh prey for them to feed on. So when the sleek white limo pulled up the drunks laying in the gutter with only a bottle of cheap liquor for comfort and the ladies of the night hanging out in doorways plying their trade, paused from their regular activities and anxiously waited to see who would climb out of the limo, and plotted and planned on how they could take advantage of this new opportunity that had been presented to them. At the same times the drug dealers fingered their switchblades, in case the stranger meant trouble to them, and the pickpockets began to loosen up their fingers for a chance to pick the newcomer's pocket.

Jax climbed out of the back of the limo and looked disdainfully around at the riff-raff littering the streets. His nostrils flared at the stench in the air that he had to breathe. If he wasn't so desperate, he would never have come here. In fact, one could say his desperation was leaning toward madness. Only a madman would contemplate doing what he was doing. Only a madman would even think what he wanted to be done was even possible.

Yes, there was no doubt about it. Jasper Jacks' obsessive hatred for Sonny Corinthos had finally driven him over the edge. When Jax had told Brenda that he had never really loved her, he had been telling her the truth. It had been the realization that the reason he'd wanted Brenda so badly was more because of Sonny Corinthos than her that had finally made something snap inside of him. He just couldn't accept or live with the fact that Brenda would always love Sonny more than she would ever love him.

That was when his grasp on sanity began to loosen. He just could not accept that any woman could or would prefer Sonny Corinthos over him that he began to think Sonny wasn't human. That he had some kind of supernatural power over women. That was the only logical explanation for why Brenda always picked Sonny over him. Once his mind started going down that road, Jax became convinced that the only way to deal with a supernatural being like Sonny was by supernatural means.

Which began Jax's journey into the world of black magic and the strange and unusual. Since then he explored every aspect of the black arts looking for a way to finally dispose of Sonny for good. The closest supernatural creature he could find that he felt Sonny's nature fit was a satyr, but Sonny hardly had the hindquarters of a goat, so that seemed to rule that out. Still, Jax couldn't let go of the idea that Sonny was indeed a satyr that cast an evil spell on whatever women came in his vicinity. That somehow he had managed to hide and disguise what he is. After that, he began to look for someone who could tell him how he could get rid of Sonny for good.

In Rotten Row, right here in Port Charles, he learned a most powerful witch named Magda, resided. Jax became convinced that if anyone could help him rid the world of Sonny for good, it was her. And that was what he was doing in Rotten Row, this night.

Magda Betoffi ran a magic shop in Rotten Row called Madame Magda's House of Tricks & Treats. In the window was advertised things like eye of newt and bat wings. She also told people's fortunes. Or so the poster in the window claimed. Jax walked purposefully towards the front door of her shop.

The bell hanging above the door tinkled as Jax entered. He looked around the shop and it seemed to be vacant. "Hello." Jax called out. "Madame Betoffi? It's me, Jasper Jacks." He added. "I believe you're expecting me."

Magda pulled open a thick pair of black drapes that concealed a backroom and came out to greet Jax. She was dressed as one would expect a gypsy fortune teller to dress. "Ah, Mr. Jacks." She smiled benignly at him. "I've been expecting you." Then she began to pull the drapes closed on all the shop windows so they were concealed in a darkness only relieved by the dim candlelight lighting the room.

"Is that really necessary?" Jax asked, suddenly beginning to fill ill at ease.

"I highly doubt you want witnesses of what you and I will be doing in this room, tonight." She replied, as she took a seat at the big round table that sat in the middle of the room.

"Just what do you think we'll be doing, tonight." Jax tried to play it cool as he took a seat at the table across from her.

"You wish me to help rid you of someone by supernatural means." She replied. "That's something you hardly want witnesses to, is it, Mr. Jasper Jacks."

"Sonny Corinthos is evil." Jax exploded. "He's a satyr who destroys women and makes them his slave."

"Mr. Corinthos is no more a satyr than you." Magda chuckled. "But if it'll help you to sleep at night thinking that he is, and that you are saving all of womankind from his evil sexual prowess, continue to believe as you wish."

"How do you plan to get rid of him?" Jax wanted to know.

"It's very simple." Magda told him. "Their are many realms in the time and space continuim. You look up at a star in the sky and you are seeing how it appeared many moons ago, but not who it appears at present." She added. "I will simply send Mr. Corinthos to a different realm where you will no longer have to endure his presence."

"How?" Jax demanded. "I'm not paying you a cent until you tell me how you're going to do it."

Magda raised her eyebrows at that, not liking his tone of voice one little bit. "We have all lead past lives." She told him. "I will simply send him back to a previous existence and he will never trouble you again."

"Will he know what's happened to him." Jax asked eagerly. "Will he suffer?"

"He will have no knowledge of who or what he was." Magda replied. "He will also have no knowledge of who and what he's supposed to be in the time he's now in, but he'll know without knowing why that he doesn't belong there." She added. "That will have to satisfy you."

"When will you do it?" Jax wanted to know.

"As soon as you get me the things I need." Magda replied. "And once you give them to me, Sonny Corinthos will cease to exist in this time realm of existence."