elinda made it back to her room without anyone being none-the-wiser about where she spent the night. When her maid came up to awaken her and help her dress, she pretended like she'd been asleep and had just waken up. Then when she was dressed in just the perfect little frock for the day and not a hair was out of place, she went down to join Jocelyn for breakfast.

If she had worried that her husband would notice the difference in her because she had experienced true passion for the first time in her life, she worried for nothing. He barely looked up from the papers he was going over. Being freed from Jocelyn's scrutiny allowed Belinda's mind to drift back to Marco. What if he didn't come to her, tonight? He was just stubborn enough not to come to spite her for ordering him to come to her. How could she make sure he didn't refuse her and also how could she find a way that would allow her to spend more time with him without arousing her husband's suspicions. Then it came to her.

"Darling." She said to get his attention. Once he looked up at her, she launched into her plan. "Do you know our stables our amongst the most disreputable of all our friends."

"What do you mean." Jocelyn asked. "I have the finest stock around."

"True." She agreed. "But you also have the most scruffy raggamuffin employees working for you." She added. "Most of our friends stablehands are finely dressed in the livery of their stable." She made a moue of disappointment. "Why do you realize we don't even have an official uniform for the people who work in our stables?"

"I never really thought of that." Jocelyn replied thoughtfully. "It doesn't say much for us if our friends servants have an official uniform but our servants don't."

"Why don't you let me handle it." Belinda offered. "You know how good I am with clothing and picking just the right thing to wear. I'll pick out the perfect uniform to represent our stable. You just wait and see." She added. "I was also thinking I should have an official groom to ride with me. Most of my friends do. I wasn't aware of that until we got to talking at our weekly ladies meeting. I know how you want me to have anything and everything the other men's wives have. So I'm sure you want me to have my own personal groom, as well, who can ride with me when I go out riding."

"Of course I do, darling." He assured her. "Do you have anyone in mind?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." Belinda quickly responded. "I was thinking that Marco Consuelos would be the perfect person to be my official groom."

"The new slave?" He asked in disapproval. "I really didn't care for him when I met him. He doesn't know his place."

"It's true he is quite mouthy." Belinda agreed. "But didn't you tell me his family was spanish nobility? Can any of the other stablehands say that?"

"You have a point." Jocelyn admitted reluctantly. "We don't want someone common being your official groom."

Belinda decided to drive home her point. "I bet none of my other friends can say they have a groom whose family was spanish nobility."

"You're quite right." Jocelyn smiled. "Then that settles it. Marco Consuelos will be your personal groom. I'll have him summoned up to the house and inform him of his good fortune."

When Sonny got the summons to come up to the mainhouse to see the master, Angus hissed in his ear. "Well, I hope you enjoyed letting the master's wife take a ride on you." Angus taunted him. "Because that was likely the last ride you'll ever be giving anyone, again." He added. "That is if you even leave the place alive."

Sonny ignored him as he followed the servant out of the stable and up to the mainhouse. When he arrived in Jocelyn Jerrold's study, Belinda was standing there with a satisfied smirk on her face. Good lord, what had the woman done now. Well, he knew what he was asking for by screwing the wife of the man who owned him. So he'd face whatever was awaiting him like a man and take whatever consequences that awaited him the same way.

"You wished to see me, sir." Sonny didn't know why he hated to be subservient to this man. He knew his animosity for Jocelyn Jerrold went way beyond that fact that for all intents and purposes this man owned him. Part of the reason he had enjoyed screwing Belinda Jerrold in that stall so much was because he was making a cuckold out of him. It was almost like he knew the man and they were bitter enemies.

"Consuelos." Jerrold replied to him in a condescending manner. "Good fortune has smiled down on you courtesy of my beautiful bride, here."

Sonny looked at her out of the corner of his eye not wanting to give anything away to Jerrold if he didn't know. "Really?" Sonny tried to speak in a subservient tone. "How so?"

"My wife has requested that you become her personal groom." Jocelyn announced. "What do you think of that?"

If he said what he really thought of that it would probably get the skin flailed off his back. "I haven't been here long." Sonny replied. "Shouldn't that honor go to someone who has been employed here longer."

"My wife seems to have taken a fancy to you." Jocelyn replied. "And everyone knows what an indulgent husband I am. I like to give her everything she desires." He added. "You will, of course, be moving into a room in the house so Belinda will be able to easily summon you when she wishes your services."

What an imbecile, Sonny couldn't help thinking. Belinda Jerrold didn't want a personal groom, she wanted an in-house stud. No wonder Belinda was smirking. This fool had just made it easy for her to cuckold him. He obviously had no clue that the only services she wanted from her new personal groom was to take a ride on his cock whenever and wherever the mood struck her. If he was her, he'd be smirking, too,

"Darling." Belinda suddenly spoke up. "I think should call my couture, at once." She motioned disdainfully at the rags Sonny was clothes in. "Those are hardly the clothes of a personal groom. I think he should be the first one outfitted with Jerrold family's official new uniform." She added. "Not to mention a bath."

"Of course, Belinda." Jerrold smiled adoringly at her, which made Sonny want to roll his eyes in disgust. He turned to Sonny. "Accompany my wife and do whatever she wishes of you."

Sonny nodded obediently as he followed Belinda out of the room. What an idiot. Did he even have a clue just what he'd ordered him to do? "What the hell do you think you're trying to do?" He hissed at her the moment they were alone. "Wave a red flag to alert your husband we're screwing each other?"

"On the contrary." She declared, as she lead him up the stairs, pausing a moment to order a hot bath be brought to her room. "I've just arranged the perfect cover for us and made it that easier for you to come to my room each night after Jocelyn has been to see me."

"I highly doubt your husband had in mind for me to take a bath in your room." Sonny said as he entered her room. "Or for you to personally oversee it."

"How else are you to know which room is mine." She replied. "Besides, Jocelyn will never know."

"What if one of the servants runs to your husband and tells him?" Sonny asked.

"They won't." She assured him. "They know Jocelyn doesn't want to know the truth about me. That if any of them tattle on me, they'll be the ones to get the worst of it, not me." She grabbed the bottom of Sonny's cheap burlap shirt and pulled it over his head. "Do you know I've never seen a man's body before." She slid her hands slowly down over his pectoral muscles.

"What about all the other men you've been with." His breath caught in his throat with the pleasure he felt from her touch.

"Jocelyn comes to me in the dark." She slid her hands under his arms then ran them up and down his bare back. "And the other men were fully clothed as they slipped their cocks inside of me." She began to untie the rope belt at his waist. "But none of them were as beautiful as yours."

A maid entered carrying to steaming buckets of hot water. Sonny was shocked that she didn't stop what she was doing and step away from him. Instead, she brazenly slid his pants down his thighs as if they were alone in the room. "Place the water in the tub." She ordered as she ran her hands down over his bare butt cheeks. "And then leave us. We don't wish to be disturbed."

Sonny was amazed as the maid kept his eyes focused on the floor as she filled the tub, then left as she came as if nothing was amiss.

"You have a beautiful body." She was on her knees in front of him slowly running her hands up between his thighs. He couldn't help thinking she was in the perfect position to take him into her mouth like she promised she would if he came to her room. "Do you know I used to stand before the looking glass without any clothes examining my body and wondering how different it was from a man's?" Her lips were a few scant inches from the head of his cock as she ran her hands up the back of his thighs. "Now I no longer have to wonder." Instead of taking him into her mouth as he craved, she got to her feet. "Now undress me. We won't be able to have the candles lit when you come to me, tonight, so this will be our only chance to look our fill at each other's body."

Sonny clumsily began to remove her clothes. It wasn't because he was so overcome by passion he couldn't concentrate on the task. He just had no clue how to unfasten the clothes she was wearing. While sex had been the only thing that had seemed familiar to Sonny since he'd woken up in the stable, removing these clothes from her felt foreign to him. Sonny couldn't help feeling that this task should feel as familiar to him as having sex with her, so why didn't it.

He finally got her out of her clothes and she was standing before him as naked as he was, but the mood had been killed for him. It had been replaced by that uneasy feeling that he didn't belong here. That he didn't belong anywhere.

Belinda seemed to sense the change in his mood. "Yes." She pressed her body intimately to his. "Our bodies are the same, yet so different." Then she began to catalogue the differences. "Take our nipples for instance." She flicked her nail over his. "Yours are flat, while mine grow and thrust outwards so you want to take them into your mouth and taste them." Then ran her hand down between their bodies and took his cock into her hand. "Just like this grows and thrusts out so I want to take it into my mouth." She took his hand and placed it between her thighs. "And we both have a black nest of curls between our legs. But while mine conceals what I have here." She took one of his fingers and dipped it inside of her so he could feel her wetness. "Yours puts on display what you've got."

She could see by the hot look suddenly back in his eyes that she'd managed to recapture the mood that was lost. She took him by the hand and lead him over to the tub. "Let's get into the tub."

"I don't need a bath." Sonny protested as he climbed inside and sat down. Since the tub was so small he had to bend his legs at the knees and spread his legs apart to make room for her. "My clothes may be filthy, but I keep my body clean."

"I know that." She settled at the other end of the tub in a similar position. "But I figured by saying that to Jocelyn he would believe I hold you in disdain and have no suspicions about what I really want from you." She added. "I also wanted to take a bath with you."

He noticed her staring down at the surface of the water with a fascinated gaze. He looked down and felt himself turning red. The head of his cock was thrusting above the waterline. "Don't be embarassed." She smiled at him with a hunger in her gaze. "I love looking at it." That made him grow even larger and caused more of him to rise above the water.

"If I recall." She ran her tongue slowly around her lips. "I promised to do something if you came to my room." She looked around. "You're in my room." She began to lower her mouth towards the tip of his cock. "So I guess it's time I fulfilled my promise."

He jutted his hips up so even more of him would rise out of the water. It was incredible. It drove all thoughts out of his mind. All that existed was her mouth and the pleasure she was giving him. He gave himself up so completely to the moment, he wasn't even aware what he was saying as she drove him over the edge of pleasure.

"Oh, god, Brenda." He gasped in pleasure as he writhed in the water. "Don't ever stop. I love you so much, Brenda. Don't ever let me leave you, again."

It took Sonny a few moments to notice the absence of her mouth on him, then he opened his eyes and found her glaring hatefully at him. "What's the matter?"

"Who's Brenda?" She spat.

"What?" He had no idea what she was talking about.

"When I had you in my mouth." She shoved him in the chest. "You called out for someone named Brenda. You thought I was her. So who is she?"

"I don't know." That uneasy feeling of strangeness was back.

"What do you mean you don't know." She spat. "You called out her name. You said you loved her. You told her not to stop, so what I was doing to you was something she obviously did to you in the past." She added. "So who is she? Are you still in love with her? Are you just using me because you can't have her?"

"I don't know." He yelled as he climbed out of the tub and padded over to the window to look out. "I don't know anything."

She climbed out of the tub and followed him. "What do you mean?" She asked. "You don't know anything?"

He turned around to her. "I mean what I said." He told her. "I don't know anything. Until a few days ago I didn't even know my own name until I heard someone call me by that name." He turned back to the window. "I don't belong here. I don't belong with you. My own name doesn't even feel like it belongs to me." He made a sudden decision. "I've got to leave her. I don't know what your husband will do to me if I try to leave. Legally he owns me. But I can't stay here any longer."

"No!" Belinda shrieked. "I won't let you go! I'll never let you go!" She tugged him over to her bed and pushed him down on it. "You say you don't feel you belong anywhere. Well, I'll show you where you belong." She took him inside her body. "This is where you belong and I know you can feel it, too." She added. "I've lost count with how many men I've taken inside my body, but none of them has fit inside me like they were made just for me like you do. And I know you feel the same way about me."

She began to ride him roughly sending pleasure through his body. But even as his blood turned to liquid fire in his veins, he could feel a ghostly specter in the room with them watching them. Belinda could feel it too. "Forget about her." She ordered as she rode him even harder, like she was trying to outrun the same phantom Sonny felt was in the room with them. "There's just you and I and this. That's all that matters. That's all that will ever matter."

Even as Sonny totally surrendered to Belinda and the passion they shared together he could hear a taunting voice whispering in his head. Brenda. Brenda. Brenda. He forced himself to close his ears and mind to that voice and to think of only Belinda.