elinda got up from Marco's bed and pulled her nightgown back over her head. "Come to my room, tomorrow night." She told him. "I'll light a candle in the window after Jocelyn has left me and it's safe for you to come to me."

"Why did you marry him?" Sonny suddenly asked her. "He obviously doesn't satisfy you sexually."

"People told me he was who I should want." She replied. "That I'd be crazy not to want him. And I listened to them." She added. "I'm just as much his slave as you are. He's bought and paid for us both. But I don't see why we can't have this for ourselves." She paused. "You will come to me, won't you? It's really too risky for me to come here to you like this again."

"I don't know." Sonny sighed. "I haven't decided, yet." He looked out the window. "You should go. It'll be getting light soon."

She knew he was right, but didn't want to leave until she had his promise that he would come to her. She didn't know what she'd do if he didn't come and they couldn't have this again. "Come to me, tonight." She practically ordered him in a sharp tone. "I'll be waiting for you. Don't disappoint me."

"Is that an order, your ladyship?" Sonny raised a brow at her demanding tone. "I don't respond well to orders."

"Don't be perverse." She told him coldly. "We're two of a kind cut from the same cloth. I know your cock is already craving to be inside me, just like I'm already craving to have it inside me again. Don't deprive us both of what we can give each other just to be difficult about the whole thing." She added as she headed for the door. "If you come on time and don't keep me waiting, I'll even take it in my mouth when you arrive." She looked over her shoulder at him in a challenging manner. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Does your husband have any idea how truly vulgar and common you really are?" Sonny asked, then added. "You speak like some common baud."

"No, he doesn't." She laughed. "He believes I'm some refined lady. He has no idea I was born to be a whore and it's a role I relish to perform." She added with a saucy grin. "But that will be our little secret. We'll leave Jocelyn's his delusions about me, while you can revel in what I am and what I can do to you." With that she finally departed

Sonny got up and washed their night of sex off of himself. This time he couldn't say he walked away unsatisfied, quite the contrary. There wasn't one unsatisfied bone in his body. But along with that sated feeling was a feeling of unease. The sex had been incredible between them. Their bodies had fit together like they were made for each other. They had known exactly how to pleasure each other as if they had been lovers for years. It had felt so right between them, but at the same time it had felt so wrong. He didn't understand it, but then he hadn't understood much since he'd woken up and been told he was somebody's slave. The closest he could come to putting it in words was that she felt like the right woman, but she also felt like the wrong woman.

When he had first set eyes on Belinda he felt he knew her in the way lovers know each other. That he was recognizing the other half of his soul. But now that he'd really been with her, he felt like he didn't really know her at all. That he had imagined feeling that connection with her. And the person he really knew was out there somewhere waiting for him to come to her.

Would he go to Belinda's room as she wanted him to? He just didn't know. His body was already anticipating the pleasure she would give him if he did, but his mind was very troubled, indeed.

ax had been racking his brain on how he could keep Sonny and that woman who looked so much like Brenda apart in the new time realm Sonny now resided in, but so far he could come up with nothing. He just couldn't tolerate the thought of Sonny having Brenda in any way or form. He wanted the two of them kept apart forever. Not for Sonny to find another version of Brenda to be with. The only thing he could come up with was getting Magda to send Sonny to yet another time realm. Sonny couldn't have been with Brenda in every past time realm he had lived in. He wouldn't even entertain such a thought, as it would say something about Sonny and Brenda and their love for each other that he'd been fighting to admit since the moment he'd met the both of them. So he trudged off to Rotten Row once more to see Magda with his new game plan.

"And what have you come for, this time?" Magda asked as he entered her shop. She was beginning to regret ever doing business with this man. Would he never cease coming to her shop whining about something.

"I want you to send Sonny Corinthos to another time realm." Jax announced. "One where he doesn't know Brenda in any way, shape or form."

"What do I look like?" Magda snapped. "The other realm travel agent?" She added. "I have no control over Sonny Corinthos. He is out of both our reach. He will be staying where he is and doing what he wants from any interference from either of us. He cannot return to this time realm and he can't be transported to another time realm."

"I don't want Sonny near Brenda." Jax said in a temper. "Why do you think I had him sent to another time realm."

"Mr. Jacks." Magda said with great patience. "Sonny Corinthos and Brenda Barrett shared a great love when you came into the picture and wanted to have what they shared. You threw around your money and tried to give Ms. Barrett everything she could want, and still you failed to touch what they share. They've obviously shared a similar love in the past. Perhaps they even shared a similar love in every past existence they've lived." She added. "You need to accept the truth of that and get over it. You've done all you can to keep them apart. You sent Sonny Corinthos to another time realm and Brenda Barrett will have to settle for the person who took his place in this time realm, just as Belinda Jerrold has settled for the man that has taken her lover's place. Be happy with what you've accomplished and just let it go."

"It's not good enough." Jax declared. "I won't be satisfied until they are separated in every time realm they knew each other and there must be something you can do to help me accomplish that."

"There is nothing." She told him. "All you can do is try to keep Marco and Brenda from becoming lovers in this time realm." She added. "It's already too late to prevent that from happening with Sonny and Belinda."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Jax wanted to know."

"Do you need for me to spell it out?" She asked in annoyance. "They have been together twice, already, and they will no doubt be together many more times in the future."

"No!" Jax spat. "It's intolerable. There must be some way I can keep Sonny from having her."

"Well." Magda looked at him with a malicious glint in her eyes. "There is a way."

"What?" Jax asked eagerly. "Tell me?"

"I could bring Jocelyn Jerrold to this time realm." She smiled. "And send you back to his time realm to tear Sonny and Belinda apart." She added. "Of course, if you do that, then you'll have no way to keep Marco and Brenda apart in this time realm." She paused as she let him stew over that a bit. "So what will it be, Mr. Jacks? Who do you want to keep apart more? Sonny and Belinda or Marco and Brenda?"

renda waited until she was sure Marco had fallen asleep before going on the Internet and beginning to search for some answers. She didn't really know where to begin her search. The only clue she had to Sonny's disappearance, was the appearance of Marco in his place. So she decided the first place to start looking would be to find out all she could about Marco Consuelos. At the very least it would tell her exactly where Sonny was at this moment in time and that was a lot more than she knew at the moment.

The last thing she expected to happen when she typed the name Marco Consuelos into an internet search engine, was for a picture of Jax to pop-up. Only the man wasn't Jax. He was someone named Jocelyn Jerrold. As Brenda began to read, she was horrified to learn that Jocelyn Jerrold had been tried and acquitted for the murders of his wife and Marco Consuelos. If Marco was murdered in the past, what did that mean for Sonny?

It took Brenda some time and a lot of searching to finally uncover the events that lead to the murders of Belinda Jerrold and Marco Consuelos, but she finally found the trial transcripts. Jerrold had told the jury about his wife's previous indiscretions, which she allowed him to believe had been coercion on the part of the men. But when he found her in bed with one of his indentured servants, Marco Consuelos, making love in his wife's bed, he realized the truth and shot them both to death.

Brenda tried to reassure herself that this wouldn't happen if Sonny stayed out of Belinda Jerrold's bed. After all, Sonny was completely different from Marco Consuelos, so didn't that mean he wouldn't be doing the same things that Marco had done in the past? Then she saw a picture of Belinda Jerrold and her blood froze in her veins.

Belinda looked exactly like her. If Sonny saw her he'd be drawn to Belinda because of his feelings for her. And if their own relationship was anything to go by, it wouldn't be long before Sonny was sharing Belinda's bed. And if he crawled in bed with Belinda Jerrold, Jocelyn Jerrold would catch them and would kill him just like he had Marco Consuelos.

How long did she have, whispered a frantic voice. How long did she have to get Sonny back before it was too late. She frantically scanned the articles to find the date that Jerrold had murdered Marco and his wife. When she finally saw the date, she gasped in horror.