renda pulled Marco out of the path of the oncoming car in the nick of time. At the same time the driver of the white limo slammed on his brakes to avoid hitting him. "What in the name of all that's holy and good in this world was that." Marco asked, extremely shaken up from his close call.

"Be quiet." Brenda hissed, as she recognized the limo and waited for Jax to climb out the back. "Just let me do all the talking and then I'll take you somewhere and explain everything to you."

Marco sensed the urgency in Brenda's words and decided to do as she'd bidded him. He felt like a fish out of water floundering around on a strange shore. He didn't know where he was, but he knew this woman was his only life preserver to prevent him from drowning in a sea of strangeness.

"What the hell is going on here?" Jax demanded as he climbed out of the back of the car. Then his eyes landed on Sonny. "You! No, it can't be! You're gone! I got rid of you!"

Brenda didn't realize Jax was talking to Sonny. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, Jax." Brenda replied. "But I never left town." She grabbed Marco by the arm. "Now if you'll excuse me, Sonny and I will be going."

"Who is that man?" Marco asked as Brenda dragged him away. He looked over his shoulder at him. "I don't like him and I get the impression he doesn't like me, either."

"I'll explain everything to you once we get where we're going." She promised him as she dragged him away.

Jax looked at their departing backs. Magda had lied to him. She told him she had gotten rid of Sonny Corinthos for him. And what happens? Ten minutes after leaving her shop, he almost runs over Corinthos.

He got back in the back of his limo and ordered his driver to drive him back to Rotten Row. Nobody made a fool of Jasper Jacks and got away with it.

When they arrived, Jax stormed back into Magda's shop. "You lied to me." He spat. "You told me you got rid of Corinthos, and who do I see just a couple of minutes ago." He bellowed. "Sonny bloody Corinthos."

Magda remained where she was calmly laying out her tarot cards on the table. "Are you sure it was him?"

"I think I would know what he looks like by now." Jax snarled. "He's been a thorn in my side since the moment I met him."

"Tell me, Mr. Jacks?" Magda asked. "How was he dressed when you saw him?" She added. "Was he dressed like he normally dresses or was his clothing strange. When you spoke to him, did he seem the same as always or did he seem different."

"Who cares?" Jax spat. "What does any of that matter."

"Because." She tried to not lose her temper. "Whom you obviously saw wasn't Sonny Corinthos."

"If I didn't see Sonny Corinthos." Jax yelled in her face. "Then who did I see."

"You saw the person he was in a previous existence." Magda explained. "When I sent Sonny Corinthos away to a previous existence he lived in a different time realm, that existence came to this time realm. I mean, there could hardly be two Sonny Corinthos' in the same time realm. It just isn't done." She added. "I thought you understood that."

"No, I didn't understand that." Spittle shot from his mouth as he pronounced each word precisely. "So what you're telling me is you got rid of one Sonny Corinthos for me, and brought me another to take his place."

"In a manner of speaking." She shrugged. "But he isn't really the Sonny Corinthos you knew. If you engage him in conversation you'll quickly come to see that." She sighed. "You wanted your Sonny Corinthos gone, and I got rid of him for you. If you don't like the end result, that isn't my problem." She pointed up to a sign hanging on the wall.

No Returns or Refunds
All Sales Are Final
Satisfaction Not Guaranteed

"What about my Sonny Corinthos." Jax took a seat at the table. "Is he suffering in his new existence. If I can be sure of that, I can deal with having a new Sonny Corinthos to contend with." He added. "Is there some way you can show me what's happening to Sonny at this moment in time?"

"It's possible." Magda replied non-commitably. "But it'll cost."

Jax dug his wallet out and threw a wad of cash on the table. "Show me!" He demanded.

Magda got up and went to her backroom. When she returned, she was carrying a very old looking huge crystal ball in her arms. "A crystal ball?" Jax scorned.

"This belonged to my great grandmother." She glared at him. "It has the ability to see things." She added. "It will allow you to see what is happening with Sonny Corinthos in his new existence in his new time realm."

She sat the crystal ball down in the middle of the table and retook her seat, then she began to chant over it as she waved her hands above it in a motion like she was cleaning it. "We have all live before in previous existences in different time realms. One such as that has gone back to a previous existence and to a time realm not his own. Lift the veil that separates past from present and show us what is transpiring in the new existence and time realm Sonny Corinthos now resides in."

As Magda spoke and made her hand gestures above the ball, Jax saw that inside it a dense fog began to build that began to swirl around. Then it began to dissipate and clear and once it did a scene began to form inside the ball. Jax could see a stable, then he noticed someone mucking out the stalls. When the man turned around it was Sonny. "Corinthos is a stableboy?" He chortled. "The big powerful mobster is having to shovel horse manure for a living?"

"Does that please you?" Magda asked in a deadpan voice.

"You bet it does." He answered. "Show me more."

Jax saw Jocelyn Jerrold enter the stable and order Sonny to saddle him a horse. "That's me!" Jax gasped in shock.

"I told you." She reminded him. "We have all lead previous existences in past time realms." She added. "Even you."

"Corinthos works for me?" Jax laughed. "Oh, this is more perfect than I could have ever dreamed." He ordered. "Show me more!"

After Jerrold left, his wife Belinda entered, dressed in a riding habit and approached Sonny. "Brenda!" Jax gasped. "She's there, too."

"As you can see." Magda motioned to the ball.

Jax eyes turned hard with hatred as he watched Sonny and Belinda in the ball. "She wants him!" He spat. It was obvious from the way she was eating him up with her eyes. "He's just a lowly servant, and she wants him. I'm rich and powerful and he's poor with hands smelling of horse manure, and she still wants him."

"Some things change." Magda said referring to Sonny being at the mercy of Jax in a past life. "Some things stay the same."

"Why!" Jax exclaimed. "Why when she has me and all I can give her, does she still want him!"

"That's not the way it works." Magda told him, knowing he would never understand. "It doesn't matter if you have manicured fingernails while he has dirt beneath his. "The heart doesn't care about things like that. It feels the way it feels without any rhyme or reason and it can't be changed."

"Oh, I'll change it." Jax jumped to his feet and stormed out of the shop. "You just wait and see."