Chapter Ten

SONNY CLOSED HIS eyes in despair as he continued to hold Brenda tightly in his arms. He looked up at the heavens as the silent battle between what he was raised to believe in did battle with what he wanted with every fiber of his being. If all he and Brenda had left was today, could he really deny them what they both wanted so badly to honor wedding vows that wouldn't mean a damn thing when he was dead.

He took her face in his hands and made her look up at him. "If today is all we have left." His voice cracked as tears began to well in his eyes. "Then let's don't waste another moment of it."

"Do you really mean that?" She was afraid to believe what she was hearing. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Yes." He nodded. "With all my heart." He took her by the hand and lead her back into the house.

They returned to her bedroom and slowly began to undress each other. Once they were free of all their clothing, they wrapped their arms around each other and just held each other close for a moment. They could feel their hearts beating in unison. The words we share the same heart echoed in their ears.

"You don't know how long I've dreamed of this." She sighed, as she reveled in the feel of his body pressed against her own. "I just wish we had longer together. I wish we had a lifetime together."

"We'll make the most of the time we've got left." He promised her. "We'll live a lifetime in the hours we've got left together. But first..." He held up his hand to her. His wedding band gleamed as a ray of sunshine hit it. "...take this off me. I want to be free of it. I don't want to belong to anyone else. I only want to belong to you."

She smiled as she slid the wedding band off his finger. "Now you remove mine." She held up her hand to him so he could slide her wedding band off of it. "I want to feel the same way. I want us to belong to no one but each other."

They each held the other's wedding band in the palm of their hands. Then they looked over at each other and let the wedding bands slide off their hands and drop to the floor in unison. "Now we're free and we belong only to each other." He pulled her back in his arms and kissed her.

"Just like it was always supposed to be." She smiled. "Just us and nobody else." She laid back on the bed and held out her arms to him. "Come to me, baby. Come to me and come inside me and make me yours again."

Without a moment of hesitation he went into her arms and came down on top of her. He brushed her hair out of her face as he stared down into her eyes with love in his eyes. "I love you, Brenda." He told her as his knee nudged her legs apart. "I've always loved you and I've never really stopped."

"I know." She sighed in pleasure. She arched her hips up to meet him as she felt him slide inside of her. "For awhile there I was afraid you'd stopped loving me, but now I know you never did." She ran her hands down his back and over his derriere. "I love you, too." She groaned in ecstasy as he began to pump in and out of her. "It's the only true thing I've ever known."

When he felt her muscles clenching around him, he stopped and rolled on his back taking her with him. "I want to stay like this for the rest of our lives." He reached up and kissed her hungrily. "I never want to leave you again. I want to make this last forever."

A sheen of sweat coated both their bodies as their unsatisfied hunger for each other begin to eat away at them. "Somehow we'll be together, baby." She promised him as she trailed kisses down his chest. "If not in this world, then in the next."

They wanted to make their love making last for as long as they could, so they were purposely denying themselves the pleasure they sought. He laid there on his back moaning as her mouth came down over one of his nipples as he felt her sink her teeth into the hardened crest.

"I can't wait any longer." He declared as he flung her back on her back and began pumping furiously in and out of her. "I want you too badly."

"Neither can I." She arched her entire body off thebed. "And I've been waiting for this longer than you. I've been waiting years for this."

They hung on to each other tightly as they climaxed simultaneously. Brenda screamed like a wild woman as she felt him spilling his seed inside of her body and felt him convulsing inside of her. She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist so she could take even more of him inside of her. "Yes, baby, yes!" She shrieked. "Don't ever stop."

But, of course, he eventually did. They continued to hold each other tightly as they continued to touch each other and kiss each other, not wanting it to be over. As soon as their hearts stopped racing and their breathing returned to normal, Sonny rolled back on top of her. "That wasn't enough for me." He told her. "It'll never be enough for me." And the whole thing started all over again.

They fell into an exhausted sleep afterwards and awoke just as the sun was going down with the feeling of impending doom hanging over their head. "So." Sonny sighed. "How do you want to spend our last night together."

She draped herself across his chest and settled herself so she could hear his heart beating in her ear. "How about we get dressed to the nines." She suggested. "And you can cook dinner for us like you used to when we lived in the apartment above the club together."

"And afterwards." He added. "We can dance in the moonlight. Our bodies pressed so close together it'll be like we ceased being two separate beings and we melded into one."

She reached up and kissed him. "And when we get tired of dancing we'll shed all our clothes and go skinny-dipping in the pool and make love under the stars."

"The perfect end to the perfect day." He rolled on top of her and began to make love to her again.