Chapter Fourteen

SONNY HAD BEEN back home for two weeks and he was still haunted by his dream. After he and Jason had left the police precinct, Jason had driven Sonny home. Sonny dreaded go inside and facing whatever he had to face. He still had no clue what he was going to do about his marriage.

When he entered the penthouse, Carly threw her arms around him and began to shower him with kisses. "Thank god you're all right, baby. I was so worried about you."

Sonny pulled away from her. "I may not be able to remember how I had my accident." He told her coldly. "But I still remember why I stormed out of this apartment."

"You almost died." She reminded him. "After that I would think you could put all that behind you and give us a fresh start."

"I already did that." He reminded her. "When you almost died. I was so happy you were alive I overlooked everything, and what did I get in return? Lie after lie after lie. I told you we could get through anything if we told each other the truth and I held nothing back from you, but all you did was lie."

"Is this your way of telling me our marriage is over." She grabbed his hand and waved it in his face. "Is that why you took off your wedding ring?"

Until this moment, Sonny hadn't realized it was gone. He flashed back on he and Brenda standing naked in her bedroom and they removed each other's wedding rings and let them drop to the floor. Stop it, he yelled at himself, it was just a dream. Than never happened. But if it didn't, what happened to his weddng ring.

"I didn't take it off." He told her as he grabbed his hand out of his grasp and walked over to the bar to pour himself a drink. "The hospital must have taken it off me when I was admitted, or maybe the paramedics pulled it off me when they were rescuing me from my car."

"Fine." Carly replied, as she grabbed up her purse. "I'll just go over to Mercy Hospital and find it. Then you can put it back on your finger." She slammed the door behind her as she left.

But she hadn't been able to find it. Carly had gone to the hospital and checked with them, and it wasn't there. Then she went to the police impound and checked his car, and it wasn't there, either. She was still trying to find it two weeks later. She'd become obsessed with finding it. But Sonny knew she never would.

Even though all the evidence backed up the fact that Sonny had never been abducted, deep down he knew that it hadn't been a dream. It had really happened. Of course, just when he was convinced it had really happened, he'd begin to doubt the truth again because there was just so much evidence to prove otherwise. All he had to prove that it wasn't a dream was his missing wedding ring and the way his body continued to feel two weeks later.

His body knew he had been made love to by Brenda. Even two weeks later his body was still feeling the effects of their love making. No woman had ever been able to have that kind of lasting effect on his body that Brenda had. It was because of the way he was still feeling that he had insisted he and Carly sleep in separate bedrooms. He just couldn't bring himself to share a bed with Carly after he had shared one with Brenda.

Still, there were times he almost hoped it had all been a dream. If it was, it would mean that he hadn't betrayed his marriage vows, after all. Things would be so much easier and cleaner if it had all been just a dream. If it had just been a dream, maybe he and Carly could get past this and actually make their marriage work. But if it hadn't been a dream big trouble was coming his way. Brenda would be coming for him and she wouldn't give up until she had him. Then there was Alcazar.

The man knew he had slept with his wife. If it hadn't been a dream, and he hadn't killed him for that, that meant he had something bigger planned for him. If he had set up this whole scam to convince him that what happened was all a dream to mess with his head, just what did he have in store for him next. Whatever it was it wasn't going to be pretty.

If everything that he dreamed had happened to him really did happen it didn't bode well for what Alcazar had in store for him next. So far, he'd kidnapped Elizabeth Webber and lured his sister into becoming a stripper, just to get at him. Then he'd kidnapped him and threw him in some medieval dungeon, planning on ultimately killing him if what Brenda had said was true. Now he'd setup this elaborate scam to convince him he'd dreamed the entire thing. What the man had in store for him next would be anyone's guess.

So, he waited. One minute believing everything hadn't been a dream and the other minute believing that it had, and not really knowing what he wanted to be true. He waited, not knowing for what. He just knew something was coming. Something wicked this way comes...

He turned from the window when Jason entered. "So," He asked. "What did you find out."

"Alcazar Santiago exists." Jason told him. "Here's a picture of him." He handed the photo to Sonny. "Do you recognize him?"

"Yes." Sonny glared down at the photo. "This is the man who kidnapped me. The man who Brenda is married to."

"From the description of the place you gave me that you were held." Jason continued. "It could be Santiago's ancestral home in Spain. It's located in the countryside near Madrid."

"Then let's go." Sonny grabbed up his coat. "Gas up the jet. We've going to Madrid."

Sonny was done waiting for disaster to come knocking on his doorstep. He was going to confront it head-on. He was finally going to find out one way or another if what happened to him really happened or if it was all just a dream like everyone was trying to tell him it was.