Chapter Sixteen

BRENDA STEPPED OFF the elevator and walked over to door of the penthouse. She couldn't help chuckling over the mission Alcazar had sent her on. It was one she would do with pleasure. If he hadn't sent her on this mission, she would have done it all by herself. And she knew the perfect way to drive Carly Roberts nuts. It meant giving up the one thing she had that belonged to Sonny, but... She suddenly placed her hand against her stomach. Maybe she already have something else that belonged to Sonny. As many times as they had made love without using any protection, she could very well be pregnant with his child.

She knocked on the door and waited someone for to answer. The woman she sought came to the door. They had only really met once, but she still remembered her. Carly Roberts hadn't changed a bit. Only difference now is she had something that belonged to Brenda and Brenda had every intention of getting it back.

"You!" Carly spat in shock. "No, it can't be! You're dead!"

"You shouldn't believe everything you hear." Brenda pushed Carly aside and walked into the penthouse. "Is Sonny here?"

"What do you want with my husband?" Carly was clearly marking her territory and that territory was Sonny Corinthos.

"Yes." Made a moue of distaste. "I had heard Sonny had married you. What did you do to accomplish that? Get him drunk."

"That may be the only way you could get Sonny to marry you." She tossed back at Brenda. "But Sonny married me of his own freewill." She added with great emphasis. "Three times to be exact."

"Well, you know what they say?" Brenda laughed. "Three strikes and you're out."

"The only one who is out, is you." Carly snarled. "Get the hell out of my house and stay the hell away from my husband."

"I'm not going anywhere." Brenda told her, as she took a seat on the couch. "Until I finish what I came here to do."

"You're not seeing Sonny." Carly declared. "I won't permit it."

"If you honestly think Sonny will let you tell him what he can do and who he can see." Brenda retorted. "Then you're far more clueless than I ever thought." She added. "Sonny can't stand to be controlled. He's like a wild stallion when you try and put a saddle on him and tame him. He'll throw you off his back and dump you in the dirt."

"You don't know Sonny as well as you think you do." Carly replied. "If I tell him I don't want him seeing you, he won't because he loves me."

"You're even more delusional than I thought." Brenda laughed. "No one tells Sonny what to do. If you try, then you'll regret it."

"I'm not going to stand here debating you about my husband." Carly stomped to the door and held it open. "Get out, or I'll throw you out?"

"Do you really think you can?" Brenda asked. "If you try, I'll kick your bony butt into next week."

"Get out!" Carly stomped her foot and shrieked at the top of her lungs.

"All right." Brenda got up slowly and sauntered over to the door. "I can catch up with Sonny later, since I'll be staying in town for some time." Then she dropped her little bombshell. "By the way, would you mind returning this to him when you get the chance." She held up his wedding ring between her thumb and forefinger.

Carly grabbed the ring out of Brenda's hand. "Where did you get this?" She spat.

"He left it with me when we were together." Brenda smirked like a cat who'd been in the cream.

"When were you with him?" Carly demanded to know.

"When he had his car accident." Brenda's smirk grew. "Or at least that's what he said he was going to tell you to explain why he was gone from home and hearth for so long."

"That's a lie." Carly shook her in denial. "He wasn't with you."

Then Brenda moved in for the kill. "I have to tell you." Brenda leaned closer to her and spoke in a confiding tone. "The scar really turned me on. And I turned Sonny on by running my tongue over it." She added. "You should have heard him moan."

"Get out!" She shrieked again. "Get out!"

"But that was nothing compared to the way he groaned when I gave him a bath." Brenda went on relentlessly. "I really enjoyed washing him between his thighs, and he really enjoyed it too." She added. "I was glad to give that part of Sonny so much pleasure, when it gives me so much pleasure in return."

"You bitch!" Carly slapped Brenda across the face. "Get out of here now before I kill you."

Brenda held a hand to her stinging cheek. "I'm going." Brenda added as she walked out the door. "For now. But I'll be back. Enjoy being Mrs. Sonny Corinthos, because now that I'm back, you not going to be holding that title for very much longer."

Carly slammed the door behind Brenda and Brenda smiled. "Ooooooooh, Sonny." She laughed. "You're gonna be in trouble." She cringed when she heard glass being broken inside the apartment accompanied by Carly's screams of outrage. "Big trouble."

She punched the elevator button and waited for it to arrive. It was so much easier than she thought. And to think, she was only following Alcazar's orders. She didn't care what Alcazar said or if he was having her watched. She was going to see Sonny as soon as she could find him. He wasn't home, so just where could he be?