Chapter Seventeen

SONNY AND JASON parted company outside of the Harborview Towers. "I'll see what else I can dig up on this Alcazar character." Jason promised. "As soon as I find out anything, I'll let you."

"Thanks." Sonny entered the building and stepped into the elevator. He wasn't looking forward to going another round with Carly. He really need to make a decision about their marriage. Since he now knew he hadn't dreamed he'd slept with Brenda, he was going to have to tell her about it. He could hardly wait to see how she reacted to that.

Sonny stepped off the elevator and headed to his apartment. The minute he stepped inside he saw a vase coming his way and ducked just in time before it hit him right in the vase. "What the hell is going on?"

"You bastard!" Carly snarled as picked up a lamp and sent it flying his way.

Sonny dived behind the couch and it smashed against the wall. "What is your problem?" He yelled as he peeked his head over the edge of the sofa.

"You are." She screamed back. "You're slut was just here. She came to return your wedding ring to you."

Sonny stood up. "Brenda was here?"

"Yes." She snarled "She was." She threw his wedding ring at him and it hit him in the chest. "She told me how she licked your scar and washed your dick. She took great pleasure in telling me that." She added. "You slept with her, didn't you?" When he didn't answer, she shrieked. "Didn't you!"

"Yeah," Sonny admitted. "I slept with her." He added. "You're a liar and I'm a cheat. We're the perfect match." He added, as he picked his wedding ring off the floor and slipped it back on his finger. "Did she say where she was staying or how I could find her?"

"You don't think you're going to her, do you?" Carly was incredulous. "You'll see her again over my dead boy."

"You're not in any position to give me ultimatums." He retorted. "I'll see whomever I damn well please and you won't tell me otherwise."

"Just what kind of marriage is this?" She exploded.

"You tell me." He exploded right back at her. "You're the one who started this mess by all your lies." He added. "I would have never slept with Brenda if you had told me the truth."

That was a lie, and Sonny knew it. Regardless if Carly had been honest with him or not, he would have slept with Brenda. He was still in love with Brenda and he wouldn't have been able to stop himself if his and Carly's marriage had been perfect. After Brenda died, he had managed to move on and fall in love with Carly, but he had never gotten over Brenda. He doubted he ever would.

Carly watched in impotent fury as Sonny walked back out the door. She knew he was going to that bitch and she wouldn't have it. She grabbed up her purse and followed him.

~ ~ ~

THE FIRST STOP Brenda made in her search for Sonny was Luke's Club. Some guy named Roy DeLucca said Sonny hadn't been a partner in the club for a long time. She really hadn't liked his attitude towards Sonny. She got enough of that crap from Jax, she sure didn't need to hear it from someone she'd never met before. And when she asked him if he knew where she could find Sonny, he told her he wouldn't tell her because Sonny was nothing but bad news.

After leaving there, she went and sat on their spot on the docks, trying to think of where she could look for Sonny next. She really needed to see him to make sure he was all right. She wouldn't put it past Alcazar to have hurt him in some way and she needed to make sure he hadn't.

Staring out at the water, she wondered how their lives had come to his. How had they ended up being married to these two horrible people who would do anything in their power to keep them apart. And just how were they going to get rid of them so they could finally be together again.

Well, she sighed, sitting here feeling sorry for herself wasn't going to find Sonny for her. So who could she go to to find Sonny? She could go to Ned, but she's probably get the same crap from him that that DeLucca joker had treated her to. She could always go to Jax. She was sure he'd tell her. Yeah, right. He knew Sonny was in Port Charles and hadn't said one word to her when he'd seen her. If he had, she would have returned home instead of marrying Alcazar. Wait a minute! She knew exactly who she could ask. Mike. If anyone would know where Sonny was, it would have to be his father.

Feeling a renewal of spirits Brenda went off to find Mike. She headed to the Recovery Room, figuring he'd be at his bar tending bar. Unfortunately, it lead to another dead end. When she got there she was told Mike had sold the bar a long time ago. Now not only did she need to find Sonny, she needed to find Mike, as well.

Suddenly there was a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to find herself face-to-face with Alcazar's driver. "Senor Santiago requests you return to him, at once."

"I'm busy." She told him. "Tell him I'll come back when I'm done with my business."

"He told me to take no for an answer, Senora Santiago." He grabbed her arm and muscled her into the back of the awaiting limo.

~ ~ ~

SONNY MET UP with Jason on the docks. "Carly told me while we were gone Brenda showed up and paid her a visit." Sonny told him.

"She's here in Port Charles?" He asked.

"Apparently." Sonny answered. "But the question is where. If I go to Jax and Ned and ask them if they've seen Brenda, they sure won't tell me."

"They probably wouldn't know anyway." Jason told him. "Sonny, I think more is going on here then this Alcazar guy helping Brenda get revenge on you."

"What are you talking about?" God, what now.

"I got more information on Santiago." Jason revealed. "The guy is a bigwig in the Spanish Mafia." He added. "Is it possible this guy is after your territory and he's using Brenda to get it?"