Chapter Nineteen

BRENDA WAS STILL in a foul mood when she entered the lobby of the Port Charles Hotel. As she headed towards the elevator, someone suddenly stepped in her path. '"Jason." She sneered. "I should have known you'd show up sooner or later. Let me guess. You've come to warn me to stay away from Sonny."

"You leave Sonny alone." He spat. "You've messed with his head enough, I won't let you mess with it anymore."

"Really?" She smirked. "And just what will you do if I don't stop?" She added in a hushed whisper. "Kill me?"

"Don't tempt me." He glared at her. "Sonny was a lot better off when he thought you were dead. Too bad you didn't stay that way." He sighed. "But at least Sonny knows the truth about you now."

"And what truth is that?" She asked in a bored tone.

"While you and your husband were arriving in Port Charles." Jason snarled. "Sonny and I were in Spain at the place you held him prisoner in. I saw that hell hole you put him in and Sonny remembered that you drugged him. It didn't take him long to realize how you'd played him."

"Played him how?" She asked anxiously. Brenda suddenly had a feeling this would explain what she just saw at Sonny's penthouse.

"Drop the innocent act." Jason snapped. "It doesn't fit you." Then he went on to explain exactly what he meant. "Sonny knows everything between you two was all a lie. It was just a plan you and your hubby cooked up together to play with his head. Or should I refer to him as your pimp." He looked her up and down disdainfully. "You know, I always thought you were a tramp. But you're an even bigger one then I ever thought you were."

"So Sonny thinks everything we shared was just a lie." She needed clarification. If he really believed that it would explain so much.

"Sonny knows everything the two of you shared was a lie." Jason corrected her. "He knows it was all a setup. That your husband left the two of you alone so you could seduce him. And that you lied when you claimed your husband was going to kill the both of you when he returned."

"Do you know the hell Sonny went through these last two weeks?" Jason went on relentlessly. "He hasn't known what was real and what he imagined. Do you know what it was like to watch the light go out of his eyes when he realized you'd played him."

"Yeah." She replied. "I know what that's like." She still remembered how the light went out of his eyes the night he caught her wearing a wire. But it wasn't like that, this time. She hadn't betrayed him, she had saved his life.

"I don't know what you and your husband have planned for Sonny next." He continued. "But it isn't going to work. He's on to you and he'll guard himself against you. So why don't you and your husband pack your bags and get out of town while the getting is good."

That's what Sonny was doing, she realized. He'd gone back to Carly and was going to use her to protect himself from giving into his feelings for her again. She knew what Sonny was like when he started erecting walls against her. It was hell to tear them back down and get close to him, again. Well, she just couldn't let him do it, this time. She'd just have to tear down the wall before he got a chance to build it up.

"Is that all you wanted to say?" She asked in a dismissive tone. Knowing what she was up against, she needed to stop wasting time talking to Jason and to get on to tearing that wall right back down. "If so, I have things I need to do. Do you mind getting out of my way."

"I was just putting you on warning." He stepped out of her way. "Next time I come there won't be a warning and you won't see my when I come. You'll just feel the bullet right before it kills you."

She looked a little scared as she watched him walk out of the lobby. "That's all I need." She muttered as she walk to the elevator. "Sonny's pet pit bull on the prowl." Where the hell was he when that viper he used to sleep with was sinking her claws into Sonny. Where was his protection of Sonny then?

She got into the elevator and pushed the button to take it up to her floor. He was probably in bed with Carly right this moment making love to her and erecting his wall against her. So how was she going to tear down that wall and get that bitch out of his bed for good. She suddenly smiled. She knew exactly how to do it. And there was no time like the present.

She took out her cell phone and dialed up Sonny's number. She still remembered it by heart after all these years. No sense in letting him enjoy himself with that floozy. "Come on, baby." She listened as the phone continued to ring, unanswered. "Stop screwing that slut and answer the phone."

"Ignore it." Carly panted, as Sonny continued to pump in and out of her. They were almost there. She could feel both they were both about to climax at any moment. It would just take a couple of more thrusts. But the ringing of the phone was an incessant buzzing in their ears and it was beginning to ruin the mood. "Don't answer it."

Sonny looked down at her as he thrusted into her again, then he glared over at the ringing phone. "I have to." He pulled himself out of her, then rolled over to his side of the bed and snatched up the phone. "It might be important."

"So is this." She complained.

"Hello." He sighed into the phone.

"Hey, baby." Brenda purred back.

Sonny's face suddenly became a cold hard mask. "What do you want?"

"I just thought I'd call and remind you of something."

Carly tugged on his arm. "Who is that?"

Sonny shook her arm off. "Remind me of what?" Sonny asked. "What a total fool you made of me?"

"Is that her?" Carly snarled. "Is that Brenda."

"No." Brenda moaned. "That all those times me made such incredible love in Spain, we didn't use any protection and we both know how incredibly fertile you are."

"What are you saying?" He yelled into the phone.

"What is she saying?" Tugged on his arm incessantly.

"What would the nuns say, Sonny?" Brenda tut-tutted him. "Good catholic boys don't get their wife and their lover pregnant at the same time."

"Are you pregnant?" He shouted in the phone. Then he heard her hang up. "Hello! Hello!"

"She's pregnant!" Carly spat. "We just get through that whole mess with Alexis, and now you've got another one pregnant."

"I don't know that she's pregnant." Sonny threw back the covers and got out of bed. Then he stepped in his pants and zipped them up. "Even if she is pregnant, there's just as much chance it's her husband's child as it's mine."

"Why couldn't you have worn a condom." She spat.

"I was kidnapped remember." He spat back. "I didn't exactly have condoms hanging around my neck at the time."

"The way you are." She sniped. "You should have one permanently grafted to your dick."

"And you should be permanently hooked up to a lie detector test." He sniped back. "To force you to tell the truth."

"Why can't you keep it in your pants." She snarled.

"Believe me, honey." He snarled. "That won't be a problem you'll have to worry about. Because that's exactly what I plan to do with you." With that, he stormed out of their bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

So much for the reunion...