Chapter Two

"SO." BRENDA WALKED over to Sonny and sneered. "You do still remember my name. I'm shocked. I would have thought you had been too busy marrying that bitch, Carly Roberts, three times to have any memory of me left." She added bitterly. "You certainly forgot all about me the day we were supposed to get married."

Sonny opened his eyes and stared up at her. "You're alive?" He still couldn't believe it. "This isn't another dream? It's true. It's really you?"

"Does this feel like a dream?" She asked, as she slapped him across the face. "You miserable bastard."

"No." He rubbed his stinging jaw, still not sure he believed this was true. "It doesn't." He stood up so she wouldn't have him at a disadvantage and stared her down. "What's this all about?"

"It's about you finally paying for what you did to me." She spat. "You were supposed to marry me and you left me standing at the altar. But you could marry that bitch three times." She added. "You have to pay for that, Sonny, and believe me, you're going to."

"What?" He spat back, any joy he felt at her being alive fast disappearing. "By victimizing two women who have nothing to do with either of us to get at me." He put his face close to hers. "You want to punish me, you punish me. You don't do it through innocent people."

"Oh, believe me, I will." She promised him coldly. "That's what this is all about." She signalled to their surroundings. "This is about punishing you and making you pay."

"I don't understand this." He snapped in confusion. "You got past this a long time ago. You were glad I didn't marry you. You didn't even care if I had died in that warehouse fire. All you cared about was Jax. Now your obsessing over me leaving you at the altar." He added. "What am I missing here."

Alcazar didn't seem to notice that he had ceased to exist for Sonny and Brenda and it was like they were in the room alone together. "What you did to me can't be forgiven." She spat. "I will never get over what you did to me. I had a nervous breakdown because of what you did to me. I almost died because of what you did to me. If you had married me and taken me away like you'd promised, I would have never been in that car witih my mother. I would have been with you." She added. It's time for you to pay for that and everything else you did to me. And that's exactly what you're going to do." She turned to her husband suddenly remembering he was still there. "Alcazar, I've had enough of this at the moment. Let's go upstairs and leave him alone." She pressed her body up against her husband's while her eyes couldn't stop straying to Sonny, hoping it hurt him to see her with another man. "He can't stand to be locked up. It makes him go crazy to be confined. His big ole mean stepdaddy used to lock him in a closet as a child, and poor wittle Sonny still hasn't been able to get over it, yet."

"The poor thing." Alcazar chuckled.

"I want to make love you as I listen to him screaming at the door begging to be let out." She smiled as she could see Sonny couldn't stand the thought of Alcazar having what once used to belong to him. "I want to feel you deep inside of me as we listen to him beg and plead with us to let him out. And I want him to know while he starts to lose his grip on sanity that we're up above him giving each other incredible pleasure."

"Your wish is my command, ma petite." He kissed her hand again, and lead her out of the dungeon. "Yes, let's leave him to contemplate finally paying for the sins of the past, while we enjoy the joys of the present together."

Sonny watched them both leave, still unable to wrap his mind around the fact that Brenda was really alive. The bang of the cell door echoed in his mind and he tried to fight the clawing feeling of claustrophobia that was just waiting to take hold of him. He glanced at the four walls that surrounded him and already began to fell them beginning to close in on him. Brenda knews all his worst weaknesses and fears. No one could know just how to torture him the way she did. And she couldn't have devised a more perfect torture then the one he was currently in. What she said had been no callous boast. If they left him locked up in here long enough he would lose his mind.

He tried to distract himself by trying to answer all the questions he had no answers for, as he began to pace the dirt floor like a caged animal. Where had she been for all these years and why had she allowed everyone to believe she was dead. The last time he had seen her alive she'd been happy with Jax. Why hadn't she contacted him and told him she was alive? When Jax was off searching for her did he find her? And just how had she hooked up with this Alcazar clown.

The only one who could answer those questions was Brenda, and she seemed to be in no mood to oblige. If she knew all the questions he had, she'd probably relish in it and use them as another way to torture and torment him. And didn't she have a right to do it, too?

He was sure he had done the right thing when he left her standing at the altar and set her free of him. He was convinced if he married Brenda and took her with him when he left Port Charles, he would end up getting her killed. So he hadn't shown up at the church and had left Port Charles without her. And because of that she had had a mental breakdown. But he had comforted himself with the knowledge that she was happy with Jax, so everything had worked out for the best and he had done the right thing. Then Jason arrived one day and told him Brenda was dead, and he knew deep in his soul if he hadn't made the choice he had, Brenda would be alive. Her death was his fault. And now there was this. The consequences for the choice he made never stopped. They just kept getting worse and worse. He had made the wrong choice that day. If he had went through with marrying Brenda and taken her away with him, none of this would have happened. Whatever she had become was all his fault.

But even though he felt he deserved whatever she dished out to him, he couldn't stay trapped in this dungeon. He had to find some way to escape. If he didn't, he would lose his mind. He glanced down at the dirt floor and recalled telling Alcazar he would escape from here even if he had to claw his way out. It might just come down to that. He looked around the room searchingly. There had to be some way out of here. And if there was, he'd find it, he vowed, as he began to search the room for some avenue of escape.