Chapter Twenty-One

SONNY WAS WAITING for Brenda when she arrived on the docks. He was pacing back and forth like an expectant father, which was just what he might be. Sonny wasn't really sure how he felt about Brenda being pregnant with his child. It had been his dream for Brenda to be the mother of his children, but he'd let that dream go the day he decided not to go through with marrying her. If it had finally happened, it couldn't have happened at a worse time. They were both married to other people.

Brenda looked her fill of Sonny before she approached him. He was such a magnificent creature. No one was as alive and vital as Sonny was. He was so full of life he always had to be moving or doing something. He was so full of passion he had to always keep himself under tight control. And on those occasions he did lose control, it was like being swept in the eye of a tornado.

Her dreamy expression disappeared from her face as she prepared to make her presence known. If she made him miss this mob meeting he was going to hate her forever. But if she didn't do this Sonny would die. It was better to have him be alive and hate her, then be dead. There was no choice. She had to do this.

"Hey, baby." She said as she stepped forward. "Have you been waiting for me long."

"So is it true?" He asked anxiously. "Are you pregnant?"

"I'm not sure." She admitted. "But I definitely could be. We went at it enough times for me to be pregnant ten times over."

"So." Sonny snapped. "This is another one of your games. I should have known it." He started to walk away.

Brenda grabbed him by the arm. "This is not a game." She told him. "I haven't take a pregnancy test or anything, but I haven't had my period, either. So I could be pregnant."

"Even if you are." Sonny retorted. "There's every chance it could be your husband's child." He added as a thought occurred to him. "Is this another one of your mind games that you and your husband dreamed up together. Do you already know you're pregnant with his child and did he send you here to con me into thinking it's my baby?"

"No, that's not true." Brenda exclaimed. "There is no way I could be pregnant by Alcazar. I'm very careful to make sure I don't get pregnant by him. The only man's baby I want growing in my body is yours." She added. "Alcazar doesn't even know I could be pregnant. If he knew, he'd kill us both."

"Fine." He told her grabbing her by the arm. "We're going to the hospital and having a pregnancy test run on you."

"No!" She pulled away from him. "If we do that Alcazar could find out." She added. "We'll stop by the drug store and pick up one of those home pregnancy tests, then we'll return to my room at the Port Charles Hotel, and I can take the test."

~ ~ ~

JASON LOOKED AT his watch wondering where Sonny could be. He knew this meeting was to take place today. He should have been here by now. Well, he still had fifteen minutes to show up. Maybe he'd make it on time before Jason would have to start stalling for time.

Jason had a feeling Brenda was somehow behind this. Why couldn't she leave Sonny alone and stop messing around with his head. When he was around that woman he forgot about everything but her.

Apparently his threats to her hadn't had any effect upon her. Well talk was cheap. People didn't take you seriously until you started putting some actions behind yours words. Maybe it was time he did just that.

~ ~ ~

"I CAN'T BELIEVE you made me do that in front of you." Brenda glared at him. "It was embarrassing having you watch me pee on that stick, and I'll never get over it for as long as I live."

They were sitting in Brenda's bedroom waiting to see if the stick changed color. The box claimed it changed blue if you were pregnant.

"Would it make you feel better if I let you watch while I take a leak?" He retorted. "Look, Brenda, I don't trust you. I'm not going to let you take that test out of my sight so you can rig it to say you're pregnant when you're not."

"I can't believe you'd think I'd do something like that." She said offended by the depth of his distrust.

"The Brenda I used to know wouldn't." Sonny replied. "But I think there isn't anything you're not capable of now."

"Well." She said looking at her watch. "It's time to see if I'm pregnant or not." As she walked to wear the stick sat, she prayed it would say she was pregnant. Even if Sonny would have doubts the baby was his, she wanted so bad to feel his child growing within her.

"Well." Sonny asked as she picked it up and looked at it. "Are you pregnant or not?"

"Congratulations, Sonny." She threw the stick at him in anger. "You win. I'm not pregnant." She rushed towards the bathroom wanting to be alone. He grabbed her by the arm to stop her and she cried out in pain.

"What's the matter?" Sonny asked in concern. "What is it." Then he pulled the sleeve of Brenda's blouse up her arm to see why she'd cried out in pain. He felt like he'd just been kicked in the stomach when he saw her arm was all black-and-blue. He could see the marks had been made by someone gripping her arm very hard. "Did he do that to you?" Sonny spat. "Did Santiago do that to you."

Brenda went and sat down on the bed. "Sonny." She tried to make it out to be nothing. "You know how easily I bruise."

He sat down on the bed with her and held her face in his hands. "Is this the first time he's caused you bruises like that." He held her face in his hands and stared deeply into her eyes willing her to tell him the truth. "Tell me."

"And what if he has?" She asked. "What will you do about it?"

"I'll kill him with my bare hands." Sonny spat, as he declared possessively. "No one does that to you and gets away with it as long as I have a breath left in my body."

"There's only one thing I want you to do for me, Sonny." She told him as she slipped her hand between his thighs and cupped him. "Give me your baby."

"Brenda." He closed his eyes and swallowed deeply. "Don't."

"I want to feel your child growing inside me." She began to caress him through the seat of his pants, "And I know you want the same." She stood up and pulled him up with her, then she unzipped his pants and slipped her hand inside so she could touch him. "Give me your baby, baby."

He couldn't stifle the groan of pleasure that escape him from what she was doing to him. "We're both married." He found the strength to protest, even though he didn't try to stop her from doing what she was doing.

She stepped back from him and pulled her dress off over her head. He gazed at her hungrily as she stood before him in only a minuscule black lace bra and matching bikini briefs. Then she stepped back to him and deftly unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulders. She watched it billow to the floor. Sonny's pants were gaping open just waiting for the force of gravity to send them slipping off his hips to join his shirt on the floor.

She stepped back from him again and reached behind her back to undo her bra. Then she slid her lace panties down her thighs and laid back on the bed waiting for him to come to her.

She opened her thighs wide as she ran her index finger up and down over her flat stomach. "All those women who tried to give you a baby." She gazed up at him with half-closed eyelids. "There was a reason they couldn't do it."

"Because I'm cursed." Sonny replied. "I'm not meant to have a child."

"You weren't meant to have a child with any of them." She smiled. "You're only meant to have one with me." Sonny was almost becoming hypnotized watched her lightly run her index finger up and down her belly where she wanted his child to be growing inside of her. "You'll be there with your hands outstretched between my thighs as I push the child we made together out of my body and into your hands. Then you'll place our child in my arms and we'll name him Stone, and we'll be so happy. Deep in your heart and soul that's what you want, isn't it?" She added. "That dream can be a reality. All you have to do is slide your pants off your hips and come to me. Come on, baby." She urged. "Come and make a baby with me."

He closed his eyes in surrender as he reached down to the waistband of his pants and slid them off his hips. Then he stepped out of them. "What are you doing to me?" He asked forlornly as he came down on top of her and slid inside of her.

She held his face in her hands. "I'm saving you." She told him, and it was the truth. She glanced over the clock sitting on her night stand as he began to make love to her. Sonny wouldn't be making that meeting today. He'd be safe with her. And maybe when they were finished his child really would be growing inside of her.